Question for all of you major water drinkers...



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Thanks for all of your opinions...

    I see some very successful weight loss people on here talking about getting in their 16 cups of water and I just don't see how they do it. I think I'm doing pretty good but always feel like I'm not doing as well as these people who have 100 ounces in before noon.

    I appreciate the help...:drinker:

    Water is needed for a healthy body, but drinking a ton of it will not cause you to lose more weight than drinking a reasonable amount. I suspect that many of the people drinking that much are exercising a lot and that makes one thirsty.
  • mrsskinny629
    mrsskinny629 Posts: 96 Member
    My PT has always told me to drink at least half my body weight in oz, of water. If you're working out quite a bit, you'll want to do that, if not, 8 glasses should do you. If it's hot or humid outside you'll want to double that. But water alone will help you lose weight.
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    i drink like 5l water a day in 5 times just take a bottle of 1l and sip on it.
    Try out this website - I assumed I would only need 8 x 250ml glasses, but this site suggested I should have around 12. It is based on your weight combined with exercise.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I takes lots of meds, which leaves me with a dry mouth a lot.

    So I drink 16.9 oz from when I get up to around 10 am(with meds). Then I drink 16.9 oz for a snack(drink it all before my snack even goes in my mouth). Then I have 16.9 oz with my lunch(with meds). Then 169.9 oz for second snack of the day(drink it all before my snack even goes in my mouth). Then I have 16.9 oz with my dinner. Then I drink 16.9 oz right before bedtime(with meds). I have 2 - 8oz glasses of skim milk or some kind of dairy each day as well.

    84 oz of water for me daily, at the very least. I dont drink sodas anymore at all. Sometimes I might have tea or lemonade, or gatorade (which I dont count at all towards water, instead i count it as drinks with whatever calories each one has) I hope this helps!

    14 8 oz glasses is what I should be drinking. I only drink 10-12.
  • I usually drink at least 2 glasses in the morning. then my 32 oz water bottle i drink during my exercise ( insanity ). i also will drink about 2 glasses with my protein drink before exercise. ok thats 8 so far. i will also add 2 glasses to my recovery drink after exercise, 10 glasses now. mid afternoon protein drink another 2 glasses ( 12 ). then at dinner i will fill up again my water bottle and drink at least 2-4 more glasses before bed.
  • curlyslim
    curlyslim Posts: 64 Member
    I must say i have some concern over the advice given about drinking large volumes of water, i am no expert but i do remember during my degree days that there was an issue with drinking alot of water over a short ish period of time. This can cause major problems with swelling of cells etc.

    Personally I aim for about 8 glasses, and listen to your body.

    please dont force it.
  • i try to carry around a 44 oz cup with me and that is 5 servings i drink a bunch while i eat in between each bite. then i just make sure its always there even if i just watch tv and drink drink drink lol.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I drink 16 ozs of Green Tea in the morning... and count it. I then drink (3) 24 oz bottles of water during the day... one of them at the gym, At night I reward myself with 20 ozs of Zero Calorie Vitamin Water... it's "sweet".
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 238 Member
    A couple things to get in maybe 16 or so more ounces....

    Drink a cup first thing when you wake up....1 cup...more if you can...
    Drink a cup before any meal
    Drink a cup right before bed

    Keep a cup at the nightstand and if you wake at all during the night - take a quick chug....

    I usually drink about 150oz per day....but that's all I drink...I refill my 44oz cup 3x just at work...and I'm here 9 hours.

    Steph :)
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    First thing in the morning, I drink 3 cups of water with lemon/lime juice in it or 1 tbsp of Bragg's raw apple cider vinegar
    have some fruit, work out drink about 3 or 4 cups.
    After breakfast, I drink another 3 cups.
    Before lunch, 3 cups
    After, 3 cups
    Before dinner 1 or 2 cups
    after, maybe 1 cup... by then it doesn't really matter anymore lol
    I drink about 2-3 cups of tea throughout the day.

    Sounds like a lot but I the only time I chug it is first thing in the morning before working out, and after working out. I chug, drive to the gym, then sip on water throughout the workout, chug the rest when I'm done. I have water at my side, ALWAYS.

    I have a glass quart jar (used for canning)
    I fill it up to 24 oz with water at room temp (since it's cold out)
    in the summer I make sure it's chilled in the fridge. I don't put ice in it because it's so cold, but if you decide to use ice, fill your glass first then add the ice that way you know you're getting the right amount.
    When I'm not at home, I tote a gallon jug of water around.

    Here's a neat video on how to make Essence water if you need some flavor in order to stay hydrated.

    After all this I wake up in the middle of the night to go pee (once or twice), and I'm STILL thirsty lol
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I always have two 16oz bottles with me, I try to drink at least 1 every hour or hour and a half. As soon as they are empty I fill them up. Some days I will drink as much 26 glasses (8oz each), sometimes it's 12, it depends on how busy I am.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    I like to drink my water cool, but not ice cold. I can drink more that way....after a year of only drinking water plain, I got a little bored and decided to start having some Crystal Light Peach Tea. I love it. So I drink most of my water as plain water, and a few as the Tea. And I count that as water too.
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    I have a 24 oz stainless steel water bottle and have 3 of those at work, and then will drink another 2 bottles during my workout. That is 5, 24 oz bottles of water which equals 15 glasses. It's not that hard really. I am running to the bathroom all the time though which is a huge downside to the water but I'm still losing weight!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I, like others, have a 3 glass sized water container that I keep at my desk at work. I drink 3-4 of them a day, plus I usually have a bottle of water (2 cups) at lunch and then I'll drink more during my workouts (2-4 more cups). Yes, I run to the bathroom all day long and often I have to cut off my water drinking at 3pm because of my long drive home. I'm ok with going to the restroom all day though, the only one in my office is downstairs, so I have to make that trip and get a little incidental exercise :)
  • Drinking enough water was tough for me at first. I was only drink about 3-4 glasses a day along with coffee and tea. I have tried drinking about 8oz of water every 30-45 minutes while at work now for the past week and have been able to get 10-12 glasses a day easily. I also like to drink my water pretty much room temprature. I like to chug my water :)
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 380 Member
    I buy a bottle of water from the store preferably something that is a Liter... and I keep re-filling it usually I drink about 2 liters a day if not more. It helps because I don't wanna keep grabbing a glass of water
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    You seem to be doing ok.

    I usually average 7 to 10 glasses of water a day, usually 8. I used to be lucky to have 3-5 glasses a day pre logging

    I find drinking 2 glasses before and during each main meal gives me 6 and I try to have a glass before snacks too. When exercising it is easier to have lots more.

    In winter it's harder. Green and herbal teas are great substitutes as are some clear soups. Coffee doesn't count apparently.

    Remember that lots of fruit have water too though I don't count that.
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I ussually drink my water from 16.9 oz bottles and most of them have Sugar Free Crystal Light added to them. I can easily drink 8-10 glasses (not bottles) a day without even thinking and at most I drink 12. It's 2pm now and I am done with my 8 glasses already. So todfay would be a 12 day!
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    I always start the day with two glasses of tepid water that I basically slam. Makes it pretty easy to hit water goals from there.
