What's the worst xmas present you got this year



  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    i got dumped

    *Hugs* I'm sorry, I know how you feel, I got that for Christmas one year too.

    Also got dumped. Two days before my bithday...which is a week before Christmas. After 2.5 years, too. He told me that he "kind of knew" this was coming for a while, but didn't want to hurt my feelings, but thought that it would be best if he didn't confuse me over the holidays by getting me gifts.

    So...you get that, right? I got dumped right before my birthday and Christmas because he didn't want to buy any gifts. What a ___ing *kitten*.

    *Hugs* and lots of love to all the folks who got hurt around the holidays (physically or emotionally)! (And a big middle finger to those who did the hurting.)

    Let's show them all what we are really made of in 2012.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I am truly grateful for everything I received this Christmas because someone took the time to think about me but ..... lol I never really know what to expect from my boyfriend's dad and stepmom. My boyfriend's mom got me a Film Wizardry Harry Potter book and a memorial stone for my oldest fur child who passed away in October. A++ Ed's dad got me a candle that has a top on it to make it look like a lamp, a snowman candle holder and some small candles. All of these came from Wal Mart and they smell like pine. I went the day after Christmas and bought one of the candle lamps for Ed's grandma for her bday or next Christmas, so I know there were better smelling candles. The small candles don't fit the candle holder, so I'm afraid if I do put them in there it'll spill out. I also got a wrapped gift to me from: The Force. Inside was a Yoda mug and hot chocolate stuff. Totally cute .... if I liked Star Wars :P the only reason I know anything about those movies is because of the boyfriend. If the movies are on TV I don't go, "soooo Star Wars!" I normally watch something else. Ed told them I liked candles, next time I'm going to get Jim to tell them I like books and would love an Amazon gift card. At least they tried though. I wanted Ed's present though. Apparently he's a big Pirates of the Caribbean fan (he hates Johnny Depp with a passion because that's one of my husbands) and so they got him the new one of blue ray. Which I hadn't bought yet incase someone bought it for me. Lmao once again, at least they tried:laugh:
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Nothing, because that is what I received: nothing.

    Same here! I got nothing. Although, my 7 year old tried to give me his nerf gun because he was sad that mommy was the only one without a present to open.

    Aww, that's really sweet! It restores my faith in little children! I watched my 7 year old cousin throw a tantrum because he received three of the same Star Wars figurines for Christmas.

    I received great gifts... Starbucks gift cards and time spent with family and friends!
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    How about getting nothing from your husband? Third year in a row....way to go!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    After reading some of these posts, I will never again complain about the gifts I received. lol. I don't really. I did chuckle this year when I received a ton of chocolate. Everyone knows I am trying to lose this last bit of weight, but they bought me chocolate anyway...why? Because the know I LOVE it, and I share :smile:

    To the ones that received hurtful or mean spirited gifts - hugs to you. No one derserves that.
  • 66989i.jpg

    It is a beautiful and expensive jewel-encrusted, monkey brooch. My nana heard I liked monkeys when I was 12 and always tries to get me something, because she doesn't know what else I like. I am now 22 and terrified by it's emerald eyes. Always the thought that counts but I feel like I can't even regift it knowing how much she probably spent on it.
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    i got this lame night light that has different lamp shades for each season that are supposed to rotate? i dont know, i just tossed it when i got home.
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    Nothing, because that is what I received: nothing.

    Same here! I got nothing. Although, my 7 year old tried to give me his nerf gun because he was sad that mommy was the only one without a present to open.

    Aww, that's really sweet! It restores my faith in little children! I watched my 7 year old cousin throw a tantrum because he received three of the same Star Wars figurines for Christmas.

    *FACEPALM* Kids these days.
  • I got a pandigital super nova after I told my mom numerous times i rarely have time to read books, my phone does everything and more than the tablet, AND i don't like numerous devices for numerous things. I prefer one device for everything. It pains me to own two game systems! If my PS3 could play the Wii games....

    Anyway I am not ungrateful but i would have preferred the boxing thing I wanted or the $200 it cost to buy a treadmill. Maybe I can sell it...lol
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    My boyfriend emailed his parents a month before Christmas and specifically asked that they not give us candy, since we're both losing weight at the moment. We unwrapped a jar of chocolate coated coffee beans, a box of hot chocolate, the largest Toblerone I've ever seen and a giant box of turkish delight, along with two pedometers and a self-help book. What the hell I don't even.

    Incidentally, both my in-laws are significantly more overweight than me or my boyfriend.

    Oh, they also gave me a commemorative dishtowel from my boyfriend's high school. Yep.

    I'm not even sure how to comment on how rude this gift was! Especially since they were specifically asked not to give you candy! I'm thinking they are unhappy about their weight so they are trying to sabotage you!
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    How about getting nothing from your husband? Third year in a row....way to go!

    I'm so sorry. That makes me sad.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I got a snuggie. yeah. eh, could be worse i guess.

    I got the forever lazy!

    What do I need with a onesie that has a buttflap?!

    I sell those at work xD I wear it around the store.
    Maybe a comfy sick day? Someone took the time to think about you and got you that.
    (not to mention they're pricey.. xD)
  • I got a pair of footie pajamas..... I'm not five! :laugh:
  • akkimberly
    akkimberly Posts: 63 Member
  • souperficial
    souperficial Posts: 122 Member
    My boyfriend's mom got me a stocking full of a bunch of monogrammed stuff from the christmas tree shops. I got a paperweight with a K on it. When am I ever going to use that?

    Why's everyone so upset about footie pajamas? I picked out a pair for myself the other day. I've been living in them.
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    All my gifts this year were spot on! But coworkers? Eh... I work in a small office and while I usually do something creative and crafty (albeit homemade), my other coworkers will buy a cheap set of candles or a coffee mug, (I don't drink coffee), or a picture frame. Great! One more thing to add to the yard sale box!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    My sister-in law gave me Poo-Pourri. And yes it is a spray you put in the toliet before you Go. Supose to take away the smell.
  • pfeiferfit
    pfeiferfit Posts: 138 Member
    Some funny entries. I had a lot of thought from a lot of people, for my gifts. I hope that I put thought into mine, and that it shows. I didn't get any bad gifts, except a tshirt that is AWESOME but terribly unflattering. (Not her fault) But I did have to have a stern conversation bordering on aggressive about why I would NOT make buttertarts. All in all, pretty good.
  • pfeiferfit
    pfeiferfit Posts: 138 Member
    My boyfriend's mom got me a stocking full of a bunch of monogrammed stuff from the christmas tree shops. I got a paperweight with a K on it. When am I ever going to use that?

    Why's everyone so upset about footie pajamas? I picked out a pair for myself the other day. I've been living in them.

    Yeah, I'd be into the footies. :)
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    Mine was a GPS for the car, which may not sound like a bad gift unless you know that I don't drive! My husband certainly knows this so I have no idea why he bought it for me. I'm sure it wasn't cheap either.