Question: Over 300 lbs and loss with no surgery???



  • flicka82
    flicka82 Posts: 25 Member
    It is certainly possible. I was considering weight loss surgery as well, even went to the screening seminar but decided that I will try one more thing first. What have I got to lose right? I was already resigned to do the surgery, but I was scared...

    I was driving home from work one day and heard an ad for Medifast. I had heard of it before but thought it was only available through a doctor or an expensive store-front. I went online and found that I can do this for just the cost of their food. Hey, cheaper than eating out like I was doing all the time, and certainly cheaper than surgery. It even has free forums for all the support I need.

    I know some people will disagree because it is packaged food, but for me it has been a life-saver.
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    First, good job!!!! I was 302 in Jan. and dropped to 275 in May without a set in stone diet. I dropped to 185 a few weeks ago and I used MFP for the biggest part of that journey. I did a 1200 calories diet which is a very rough diet, but I researched foods I could eat and food that were hurting me with my wieght loss. I did have one day a week I ate out as a reward. I ate Mexican, but I researched low calorie, I should say not as high calories food I could eat. I had them bring me a bowl of salsa with a spoon so I could eat it as everyone else ate chips and salsa. I order the Chicken Fajita fixed with no oil, corn tortillas instead of flour. No sour cream or that green stuff, lol. I gave my refried beans and rice away and eat the peco(lettuce tomato stuff. This put me over my 1200 calories mark but it was something I look forward to still. The only thing I wish I had done different in all of this is I should have been going to a gym lifting weights sooner. I did walk on a treadmill at home 2 maybe 3 times a week.

    Good luck to you, you CAN do this
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Is this possible?
    I was wondering if anyone had any success stories using MFP that loss without surgery or diet pills that you wouldn't mind sharing?

    Believe me I'm not knocking anyones success no matter how you did it, you did it. I'm just too scared to do any of those things and am finding it real hard to do this on my own so I'm merely looking for inspiration.

    BTW I was 303lbs when I started Nov.1, 2011 and my weight this morning Dec.30,2011 was 288 lbs

    As of July 2011, my journey began at 303lbs.

    As of today 12/30/2011, my journey shows me at 235lbs.

    Ive been maintaining very well so far since Thanksgiving, and even had a 1lb loss in between!

    No diet pills, no surgery.... but, I had some food allergy-related tests done because of a metabolic disorder and a few other medical issues going on, and with the foods I eliminated, the weight has been coming off like 'budduh'.....

    My blood work just came back a few weeks ago - as a result of all the foods I eliminated, all of my blood work came back with HUGE successes - triglycerides alone went from 250 down to 112 in three months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It can be done!
    But its up to you to do it!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's totally doable without pills or surgery! I wasn't quite 300 but I was 260 when I started Weight Watchers almost 2 years ago. Quit WW mid 2010, joined MFP March of this year, have managed to lose 80 pounds and have just a little further to go to get to my primary goal of 158 (will put me within normal range per BMI).

    The thing with pills and surgery that most people don't realize is they're not the miracle cures that they seem to be - that is, they're not going to truly work if you don't make those lifestyle changes. I know at least 3 people who had gastric bypass or lapband surgery and they lost pretty well for 6 months or so and then stopped losing or even gained back their weight because they didn't make the necessary lifestyle changes. You still need to learn to eat proper portions of healthier foods and get your body moving and none of those folks made those improvements in their lives. The only miracle cure is your own sheer determination and will!

    Best of luck to you continuing to get healthy!!!
  • bostik
    bostik Posts: 68 Member
    You can do this without surgery! November 2010 I was over 308lbs. By May of this year I was 248lbs. That's when I started using MFP. I'm now down to 178lbs and am finally just 'overweight' when I used to be morbidly obese! You can do it :)
  • kazza135
    kazza135 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi- there is no easy way. I was 155.4 kg four years this march and was so ill I ended up in ITU. with a determined, positive outlook, a supportive doctor, who prescribed orlistat to help my initial weight loss I have now lost approx 55 kg. For the first year I walked and swam and took orlistat and weight fell off quite quickly. for the past year my weight loss has slowed down but my exercise and fitness levels have exceeded what I could wish for. Keep positive, work hard and don't give up. If you need help take it. the end result is to be happy healthy and have a quality of life you deserve.
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Here is the Link to my Story of my continueing weightloss Journey.. I started out last November at 312, I am down to 154lbs and this was all on my own.. Now weightloss surgery or diet Fad.. and you can look at my before and after pics.. Anything is Possible as long as you BELEIVE!!!! Believe in yourself Sweetie and You WILL and CAN Achieve... ((Big hugs))

  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I started out at 302 in May and lost 60 lbs the first 6 months. My loss has slowed since just before Thanksgiving, but I am gearing back up to hit (or even surpass) the 100 mark by May of this year. This is doable! Best of luck and congrats on your loss so far!!
  • shack1157
    shack1157 Posts: 97 Member
    Well my friend when I started this new life change I was 303 myself! I was on Blood Pressure Medicine, Cholestrol Medicine and my Dr. told me I needed to go on Blood Sugar Medicine. I told her no give me some time I will turn it around! Six months later I was still in the same boat. The Dr. said just take the medicine you will not be able to lose the weight! Something changed when I heard her say those words. When I went back I was down thrity-eight pounds. She said ok you are getting there. We talked, I set some goals, and she agreed. Six months later I was down to 236 she took me off the blood pressure meds and the cholestrol meds. At the last visit I was 202, and she said eat more, (LOL!) get more protein in your diet and start doing weight training! Today I lift weight 3 days a week and I do cardio a minimum of six days a week for at least an hour! I eat fruits and veggies, chicken and fish! I still treat myself to chicken wings every six to eight weeks along with my favorite fried chicken. I keep M & M's in the house to have something sweet to taste when I get the craving, but I eat no more than 30 and I count it in my calories!

    It can be done! Find that one thing in your life that you love more than anything and keep that in your focus at all times! Yes there are days when you will say I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS! Do it anyway! Once you start you will be happy you did! Take a day a week off if you want! You will add years to your life to be with the ones you love and they will thank you for thinking of them, more than that temporary high of eating out of pure habit! Goodluck and Please stick with it!
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Wow! Congratulations! It sounds like you are doing great! I am much like you...but just starting the journey and I'm feeling just like you. I waited a year for the first appt. for bariatric surgery.. and once I heard what was involved, I resolved to try to do what I could before taking such a drastic step.. it scares the heck out of me too! Like I said, I'm just starting at 295 lbs (5 ft.2"). I am going to keep going to the appointments though, as surgery would be at least a year and a half away, and I've decided to do what I can in the meantime, and hopefully, surgery won't be necessary. Maybe I'm blessed that the wait for surgery is so long that I can use it to my benefit??? I have found that mfp has really helped me tracking food and water and the boards are VERY encouraging!
    I wish you all the very best.. and it looks like there's some good stuff here! Hugs!
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    Started at 401lbs March of this year. As of this morning 329.8lbs. I'm going all the way down to 200lbs.

    No surgery, no pills, no starvation.

    The only thing that I'm doing that is "extreme" is following a plant based diet.

  • mjsamee
    mjsamee Posts: 215 Member
    yes girl! I have been on the weight loss roller coaster, mostly going up for 15 years, my highest weight being 315 and my lowest in the 15 years being 268...I had tried everything, I went to a biggest loser casting call back in August and something snapped in me, seeing all those people just like me with false hopes of getting on a tv show, some could barely walk! :( I knew I had to do something, I exercise atleast 3 times per week and stay around 1200 calories, I love this site, if you use it it will help you!! My starting weight was 293 on that biggest loser day and I am now 252... I was a size 24-26 and now vary between big18's and 22's....I am loving this, I am never hungry, I log everything I eat good or bad... I do not like being in the feel free to friend me and we can do this together, congradulations on your recent weight loss...we can do this!! :)
  • Vragis
    Vragis Posts: 19
    I was 350lbs at my heaviest in high school. When I met my wife, I was around 300lbs. With just diet and exercise, I've lost 70 lbs so far (some of it on Weight Watchers before jumping ship for MFP). I've found daily exercise and tracking food on here to be the best way since it sets me up for lifetime habit changes and, unlike with WW, I don't need to figure out the points value of stuff. I'm still losing weight and intend to be at my ideal weight by mid 2012.

    Surgery is a bad idea, in my opinion, for several reasons:

    1. It's surgery, there are always risks and potential complications.
    2. Rapid weight loss is unnatural and I think is way more likely to lead to things like saggy skin problems. I'm 32 and, as I've lost, my skin has sprung back with the lost weight. Your mileage may vary on this but I've heard a lot of people complain about those "skin flaps" as a result of surgery
    3. Shortcuts are mere laziness. Sure I'd love to be thin right this instant but I'm not going to do anything crazy and unsustainable. Drugs have side effects (freaking Alli tells you to bring extra pants with you due to anal leakage). Surgery is unnecessary for all but the most extreme cases and can be dangerous. Will power and a good support network are what is key.

    In the end, the "secret" to weight loss is to decrease caloric intake and increase calories burned. No fad diets or anything. In fact, I eschew all processed "health" foods and instead try to eat as naturally as possible. I even still eat things like red meat...grass fed, of course.

    You can do it. Just remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    There are a couple of folks on here who have dropped over 200 lbs by diet and exercise alone. It CAN be done, but it'll require a huge change on your part.

    Hang in there!
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I've lost 45 in a year with no surgery or diet pills. It is possible. Exercise and portion control work.
  • jhoney8
    jhoney8 Posts: 43 Member
    Everyone who sees that I've lost weight asks how I did it. When I tell them that I ate less, ate better and exercised, they almost always make a funny face and look very disappointed that there wasn't some sort of easy secret. I really believe (along with a lot of other people) that the only to make the loss sustainable it to make a total lifestyle change. You can't think of it as a diet, you have to approach it like this is how you are going to be from now on. And, so far, it's working. It's the only thing that has worked for me. It's slow (I've been doing it almost a year to lose 70 lbs), but it works.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I was exactly 300 when I started in February and as of today I am 206. I was hoping to be down to 200 by the end of the year but I am so proud of how far I have come. I didn't take one diet pill or even consider having surgery. Everyone asks me what I am doing, hoping I am going to say some magic formula. I count calories and work out 5 or 6 days a week. I allow myself a treat within my calories almost every day and I have had a few free meals, free days, and free weekends for special events throughout the year. I went to a bbq with a group of friends every friday night all summer and I have still made this progress. My philosophy is eat right and work hard 90% of the time and relax about the other 10%, I still have 55 pounds to go, but I know I will make it there. I am happier than I have been in a long time and can truly say I changed my life in 2011
  • I don't see why not. I was never quite 300 but does 283 sound close enough? That was in May and it was slow going. In October, I joined MFP and I was 270 at that time. Now I am 251! I suspected that I gain a pound or two, thank to Christmas goodies, but I aim to fix that "next year."

    I never used any diet pill or anything,, just change how I eat and thank to MFP, I can manage my clories intake better!

    If I can do it, I think you can do it too! :glasses: Good luck!
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I started at 337....and am down to the 240's.... it's taken me 2.5 years thus far...BUT it is worth it!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
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