Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Nichole I am beyond happy for you! At the end of the day all that matters is that mommy and baby are alive and healthy! You got the end result of a beautiful baby girl and that is truly the most important thing. We all have an idea and a plan of how we want things to go...but at the end of the day things will happen how they happen. Sounds like you gave it an amazing try and I applaud you for being so strong and to know what your body needed and what you needed to do for your baby!

    Can't wait to see you on the post pregnancy mommy board!

    Congrats again! SO happy for you! HUGS!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Wow Nichole, such an amazing story...thank you so much for sharing it. You are amazing my friend! And just like the others have said things may not have gone exactly according to plan but you gave it all you could and at least were able to make the choices you needed to in order to do what was best for you & your baby and that's all that matters :) you have a beautiful healthy little girl! And your story to me sounds like you had both a natural birth and a c-section in a way because you went through 18 hours of intense labour without any intervention - I'm so glad to hear you say that you are proud of yourself (as you should be!) and I'm so happy that you have such a great partner who was able to help you through and be the support you needed.

    I'm so happy for you and your new little family! Congratulations again :)

  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Nichole -- so happy for you! You really were a trooper, and your story is amazing! I am glad to hear that you and Hannah are both doing well :flowerforyou:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Nichole-Congrats!!! Welcome Hannah Marie! Thanks for sharing your story, you are brave and strong and amazing. Bringing the little ones to this world is truly an amazing experience. Well done! Be proud momma, you are both healthy and well.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Last night was awful I had a BHC episode on my left side that wasn't consistent and i didn't time it. It started midnight thru 4am, well i had my OB appt scheduled anyways today and they moved it earlier cause I was still feeling crappy and had this residual soreness from the pain.

    The Dr checked for infections, and preterm labor and ruled negative on both. He mentioned that my previous Ect Pregn had left scar tissue in my left fallop tube and considering that the baby is growing and stretching it is a possibility i will continue to experience pain :noway: , so he prescribed Loritab, said it is safe to use. Whoa, i hope i don't have to use it.

    I managed to drink like 3 glasses of water before I finally fell asleep and the pain started going away, this time around the baby remained active so I knew she was ok.

    hahaha can you say paranoic? Anyways, took the rest of the day off to relax & stay in bed & I get to return to work until the 3rd TG!

    Well everyone is doing great and hope you all have a safe & good New Years eve and may the new year bring you all health & happiness!

    ~Brenda~ 31wks 3dys
  • Happy I found this! We just found out on 12/28 that we are expecting baby # 2 :). I am due on September 2012. I started losing weight, and then found out I was expecting!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome Buxymommy! and Congrats!

    Nichole...Oh my you are amazing and Jeremy shounds great too...Congrats on bring little Hannah into the world and thanks for sharing your amazing birth story. I agree that is sounds like you did natural and c section because 18 hrs with no pain meds is amazin are a strong women. I am glad everything worked out in the end and that both you and Hannah are happy and healthy...At over 8lbs Hannah was a good size ( my son was 8lbs 1oz at birth) so I know it takes a lot of strength to go through what you went through....Hope you heal fast...

    Congrats again and have a great and Happy New Year's Eve with your little one.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    AFM: I am satisfied today...I woke up to go to bootcamp on time and then fell back asleep and was running late and almost decided to sleep in but didn't so glad I went although the work out was kicking my butt...but I felt so good afterward...Stepped on the scale today and only 2lbs in the last two weeks...which I think is due to bad eating and not enough water so trying to reverse the damage before my doctor's appt in the next two weeks...So I worked out 3 days this week...Yippy and two of them in a row...hopefully I will get a run in this weekend with my new heart rate monitor...fingers crossed.

    For New Years Eve I am headed to dad is getting remarried to his GF of over 10 yrs at like 3am on New Years day...I am happy for them but know I will be completely exhausted once the festivites are over...

    Other wise the weekend will be spent cleaning and resting...the next few months will be crazy since I am going to work 4 days a week going from 2day to 4 days during tax season to make some extra I am trying to get as much rest and relaxation this week as possible.

    I hope everyone has an amazing and safe New Year's eve...Here's to a excellent 2012 full of lots of babis!
  • moyafigura
    moyafigura Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I had my second appt. at the Dr's. Everything is going good. They did schedule my U/S, but would not schedule me before i am 20 weeks along, so i have to wait so long to find out what we are having. We already have two girls, and so we are hoping for a boy.

    Nicole: Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. My first one was breach, so even though i was ready for natural birth i ended up with a c-section. With my second, i was determined to have a natural birth, but ended up in a similar situation you were in and another c-section. You are so brave to go through all those hours of pain:flowerforyou: but in the end we forget all that when we look at the little bundle in our hands.:smile: Congrats again to both of you!!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Nicole- Amazing!!!! I love to hear birth stories, so thank you for sharing. What I have learned this pregnancy is that our bodies are incredible and will do what it needs to do to carry and birth baby no matter what wonderful plans we have. Healthy baby is number one priority. Awesome job girlfriend!

    AFM- had an appt today and of course was checked and the midwife who was on this weekend confirmed what I've been thinking. Cervix is soft due to prior pregnancy but closed. So I haven't started dialating which of course is a good thing. Still on bed rest but feel much better since I really thought I was at risk of Dallas coming too soon. She still didnt say those words and told me to still follow my instructions but I feel less worried. Although part of me like most am over the pains and aches and would like him a little earlier because I can't imagine 5 more weeks of discomfort but in due time.
    I have decided to finally see a chiro next week in hopes of some back pain relief.
    oh and an up 1 more pound, total of 24 so far.Not too bad I guess.
    goals: more water!!!!
    More veggies

    Elce 34 w 6 d (+24 lbs)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Afternoon ladies- I'm trying to make the best of working the last Saturday of the year. :frown:

    Hubby's is closing tonight, but we're not complaining he should be home by 1130 just in time to cheer a Happy 2012 New Year with me and the baby :wink:

    can't say I've done much working out, despite me getting my so much wanted hand weights for Xmas. But we have both decided that we've had enough family time and enough eating unhealthy and it's time to get back into our scheduled routine of walking/working out and eating healthy! You know it's really bad when the hubby is saying that....:laugh:

    Happy New Years to each of you, wishing your the best in 2012 :heart:

    Today's goal - More H2O!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Here's the link to the January board. See ya there!