Over 40?



  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Hi! I'm 47 and have reached my goal. Maintaining is a whole different ball game! I will add you and we can support each other!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm not exactly new but dropped out and back now. I'm looking for people over 40 (I'm 44) who are looking to exchange support...ok yep I'm looking for accountability (like a cattle prod heehee).

    44 years old here too!


    My Journey: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/bjohs/view/down-30-pounds-response-to-questions-114202
    My Breakfast: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/bjohs/view/my-large-breakfast-explained-160013
    Sex & Weight Loss: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/bjohs/view/sex-weight-loss-117390
    WOW - GREAT results - keep punching!
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    42 ! Feel free to friend me, I'm always open to expanding my MFP family !!!
  • revjames
    revjames Posts: 75 Member
    47 and been on MFP sincs April and lost 25lbs and hoping to shed another 15 by the spring. Anyone feel free to add me for accountability or mutual encouragement. I'm from North Wales in the UK.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I am 43 years old here and feel free to add me.
  • gargoyle999
    gargoyle999 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 41 and went from full time couch potato to best shape of my life this year! And that is not exaggerating. I was never athletic, even in high school, until this year. Over 40 is where it's at!! :D
  • I'm 45 and accomplished more fitness wise than in my twenties and thirties! Stay young
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    I am a 41 year old grandmother of 3 and mother of 7. I would love to have more friends that don't need their noses wiped. I log in every day for the past 6 weeks and usually manage to log my food.

    I am 43, grandmother to 1 and mom of 6! Add me as a friend....I log in everyday and try to exercise 6 days a week....
  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm not over 40 yet....is 39 close enough? hahaha, add me! Need more support!
  • Just turned 42 and not new here either but looking to be more accountable this year. What a better time to start back :) I would love to stay in touch with some other 40 somethings! Please add me! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE
  • wilberfamily
    wilberfamily Posts: 99 Member
    Hi. I did Weight Watchers years ago too and actually worked for them for a few years. I had multiple surgeries and gained back about half my weight. I would love to have friends on here to keep each other motivated and for support. I signed up on here a while back but didn't do anything with it until now. I would love to have friends here.
  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    Over forty ... stayed on for a couple months and lost 17 pounds ... dropped out a couple months, gained back 2 pounds... And here I am again, to pick up where I left off and get moving in the downward trend again. Feel free to add me ... I need someone to ask where the hell I am when I disappear too! And will do the same for you!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    I'm 41. Been on MFP for a few months, but haven't made much progress with weight loss yet. Too much losing and then gaining again :-( New Year's Resolution is get to serious about exercising and logging my food, so any additional friends who are willing to help me to that end are very welcome! Please add me.
  • simonsaysso
    simonsaysso Posts: 72 Member
    I restarted MFP this week - this is a great site for support and tracking. I am over 40 (49) and my goal is to reach my goal weight before I turn 50 on September 1, 2012. Feel free to add me!
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    I'm 41. Next week will be a year on MFP. Lost about 30 lbs and am hovering at my goal weight range now. Sticking with it to keep track of what I eat and the exercise I do.
  • Hi there...I am 41 and just started this MFP a few days ago. I love it. I was 185 LBS when I realized that I needed to change my habits. I am now at 165 and feel so much better. I'm glad to know that I am not the only one!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    43 soon to be 44, been at this 186 days!! Log in daily, exercise and follow your plan and you will do great!!!

    And you are awesome, my friend!

    Not nearly as awesome as you!! :wink:

    This lady here, is my inspiration. We are of the same age and height, only difference is my kids are older than hers. When I read here story and looked at her photos, I thought "Yes, I can do this!!!" She continues to inspire me along the way!! Thank you, Bjohs!!!!!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    still weird to think im "over 40" time does fly. would be nice to have more over 40 friends.
  • Please send a prod my way....45, started on here last year, wheels fell off, but joining back in full steam ahead....Welcome any and all support...lol

    Happy New Year!!!
  • candykay89
    candykay89 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi I am 41 and still have 12 more to lose. Will add you and we can support each other!