Do you run in the rain? Do you care if people are starring a



  • Helenelle
    Helenelle Posts: 26 Member
    I run in all weathers regardless - having lost over 3 stone since my heaviest weight 10 years ago - I need to run to keep my weight down! My black lab Jack runs with me and we are now training for the Snowdonia Marathon in October. the only thing that ticks me off is being forced to run thru a deep puddle because the crappy driver wont pull out and go round me even if there is nothing coming the other way. I dont dare if people stare at me - they probably think I am a nutty old lady! but hey I am fitter than most of them :laugh:
  • inatay7
    inatay7 Posts: 141
    I worry about running outside in general. People ALWAYS stare whether you are overweight or thin! I hate people looking at me ><

    This is kinda my problem........ which is why if I wanna go for a road run I usually go after the sun goes down and it's quite dark except for the street lights... today, however, I went for a run in the afternoon, sun shining, really hot........ Well I spose this is a NSV.

    Also, I would really love to be one of those people who will go for a run rain, hail or shine.

    Lets both stop caring what people think and do it :-)
  • rain shine or snow! the cool rain is just what i need when i start to warm up around 8 or 9 minutes in!
    i run in the center of paris.. NO ONE runs here and there is a fair share of staring but I just tell myself: hey they just wish they had the guts to get outside and run like me! then i have more motivation to get my full run in
    also when you see that ONE other chick running in the rain on the other side of the road, you get to share that eye contact that says, i know how you feel, keep it up!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I have the similar, yet very different problem at the moment... I'm trying to decide whether to get out for a run tomorrow morning, but the weather is against me.

    Rather than rain though, I have a forecast temperature of 42 degrees (108 F). If I go in the morning It will be in the low-mid 30's, but I still think I might have to stay inside on the bike instead :P
  • Helenelle
    Helenelle Posts: 26 Member
    Running Paris - how great is that!! I run round the hills of Wales and love that too :)
  • Did my first rain run recently- awesome!! Loved it!! I wear a cap so it doesn't get in my eyes & I don't notice people looking!! :smile:
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Rain, yes. Not in the snow though XD lol at least for me it's quite hard, since where I live I get a foot or more of snow when it does do that...and I live in the back roads where the roads aren't cleared for a while. You'd have to wear high boots and waterproof clothing...yuck.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I worry about running outside in general. People ALWAYS stare whether you are overweight or thin! I hate people looking at me ><

    ^^ I feel the same, I am too self conscious to go jogging, I have had people shout out of car windows nasty things about my weight in the past. I go to the gym instead, I don't have to worry about that or the weather :)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    running/walking in the rain is BRILLIANT! there are less people about and it is sooooo refreshing too it also brings the birds out :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    yes i do, i put a a hat/baseball hat so i can see as my glasses get all steamed up! its actually quite nice to run in the rain as i dont get so hot! plus no i dont care what people think! I used to be one of the peopel who used to laugh/pity anyone out running! Now im jsut jealous that its not me
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    Yessss I do!

    I have just started C25K and although it is summer here in NZ we have had a few rainy days. I do my running at my kids school field and do it barefoot so the rain is a really beautiful feeling!

  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    If I saw someone running in the rain I would notice them but only because I would be impressed by their dedication! :smile:
  • Andrew_OB
    Andrew_OB Posts: 1 Member
    Yes we often run in the rain but avoid lightening and heavy downpours if running more than 1 hour. Enjoy and good luck.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I would run in the rain if I didn't wear glasses,... they get soaked and I can't see anything :(
  • I admire anyone who run's or cycles in the rain. I must admit I do tend to stare but only because I wonder where they get their motivation from. Let's face it if you enjoy running and live in the UK you don't have much choice but to run in the rain most of the time, after all it's been raining since Christmas Day pretty much without a break. :(
  • yes.. and no.

    I run in the rain. Love it. No I dont care if anyone stares... I got over that one a long time back. People look at you whether its raining or not.
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    I live in a country where running is not so serious and its odd if you see any one running here on roads and despite of this and my shyness I run whether its raining or not! And I love to run in rain!
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Yes, I do frequently run/walk/jog in the rain, even if it is pretty darn cold. I do have my limits though. If it is cold, wet and very windy I'll find another way to get a workout.
    I have long since ceased to care if people think I am nuts!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I do run in the rain and as long as it's over 40 degrees I actually enjoy it. People might stare but hey, I'm out jogging and you're in your car. In my mind they aren't saying "wow, she's crazy" they're saying "wow, she's dedicated.":bigsmile:
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I would run in the rain if I didn't wear glasses,... they get soaked and I can't see anything :(

    This makes a huge difference! lol I always wear my contacts to work out, rain or shine, even if I go home to put my glasses on again afterward. :laugh: