The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • I went in to have a colonoscopy and the GI surgeon performing the procedure told me afterward I needed gastric bypass. It's like, excuse me, I can lose weight on my own!
  • caringforme
    caringforme Posts: 13 Member
    a tradesman who came to the house thought I was pregnant, but i wasnt:flowerforyou: :huh:
  • I can't even remember all the rude things said to me about my weight back when I was overweight. I was bullied all through high school so eventually insults tend to run together for me.

    Having lost close to 150 pounds my former employer asked me if I was on meth one day. Very strange.
  • IHeartNewMe
    IHeartNewMe Posts: 150 Member
    I went to a psychiatrist about some severe depression I was having, and I told her I wanted a weight neutral drug if she was going to prescribe one because a drug that made me gain weight would just depress me more. She told me, "Then go get bariatric surgery, and you won't be depressed anymore." Seriously? >.<

    That was so RUDE! And she is there to help you??? How does a statement like that help? IMHO (In my humble opinion) that was no help at all. For me, surgery was not the option. I have received an invaluable education in this journey. Yes, I have taken an appetite suppressant off and on as prescribed by my Medi doctor. It has been a tremendous tool, is non-addicting and has been under close doctor supervision. I've still had to do the work.

    As far as rude people I've encountered, I've been called "fat girl" and "thunder thighs". Perhaps the rudest thing that happened to me was a statement by my OBGYN. In July of this year, I had taken off almost 60 lbs.. I went for my yearly exam and told her how much weight I'd lost. She said, "I see that, but you have 100 lbs. more to lose.". I won't be going back to her. I thought about it, but she is very rude and obnoxious and I don't think she deserves the satisfaction of seeing me get to my goal weight. I'd rather save that for a doctor that really cares.
  • My friend told me I looked dead once. :indifferent:
  • DrTerri
    DrTerri Posts: 12
    You would be such a knockout if you would lose the weight..
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    You mean I have to pick just one?
  • RhondaRowsell
    RhondaRowsell Posts: 33 Member
    My ex husband, now, taught our daughter to call me " Mommy Cow" . She was only 1 at the time so she didn't know any better. After we divorced, he discovered that he actually prefers obese women and everyone he has dated since I left him has actually been far larger than I am.

    A neighbor once asked if I was pregnant. I cheerfully answered No, just fat. Then, as preparation for surgery that afternoon, took a pregnancy test and came up positive. I apologized to her the next day and we had a good laugh.
  • SugarNtheRaw
    SugarNtheRaw Posts: 191 Member
    Before moving from Wilmington this year, I was fueling up our car at the gas station and this skinny hipster tool threw a milkshake at me and yelled from his car "Pump that gas, You fat-*kitten* c*nt!!". The attendant called the cops & they were pulled over a few miles down the road. After I left the gas station I pulled over in a parking lot and cried for over an hour.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I've had countless. Can't even remember them all but I thought it was pretty rude when I was planning a vacation with a friend to the Grand Canyon and she says last time she went she rode the donkey tour and it's a good thing 'cause we can't do that on this trip. You have to be under 250lbs to ride the donkeys (I was around 200, but still, thanks)
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    My Ex. He said I would never do any better then him because I was so fat and ugly. He said it so much I really started to believe him.

    Needless to say I finally got the guts to dump his behind....met Geo, who did not mind about the weight and loved me for who I am.

    Happily married now for 6 wonderful years.
  • One time I went to the doctor's office because of a bad flu, I was probably 14 at the time. It was over a weekend so my regular doctor wasn't on call. Anyways this little tiny Asian, woman doctor who probably never weighed more than 100lbs in her entire life went on and on about my weight when I came in there for antibiotics. I just said "yes I know I'm fat, and you probably have never gone through that, now how about you help me with this more pressing matter of being sick as a dog because fat or not I still have the flu."
  • iv had alot of was i was walking down the road to my moms,and a friend of mine(i thought)said damn barbie you should go back to using dope,because you are so f#*#*king fat!!!!and iv also been called a whale and,what happened to you?so iv had my share of rude people!!!thank God they are just words!!!!
  • "Are you sure a lg is going to fit you?" Recently from my mom. I have been in exlg and even 2x so being in a lg is huge for me but it makes me feel like I'm not losing enough weight!
  • Jyster
    Jyster Posts: 74 Member
    I was the best man at my friend's wedding, looked pretty good in my tux mind you. The maid of honor, the bride's sister (with an eating disorder.. just sayin) Told her sister that she would not come to the wedding if I was best man because i was too fat and ugly for her to have her pictures taken with or be seen with me. She picked out another groomsmen and claimed that he would be a much better match for the photographs and suggested since I already ordered the tux maybe they make me an usher so people wouldn't see me in front of the church.

    That one was a little hard to swallow. Being the jolly fellow I am, at the reception I spent all night hitting on her in the worst possible was I could with every crappy pick up line I could think of. Her words don't motivate me to lose weight but do make me sad for her.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member

    That reminds me of two women who were in a class I used to take at my former gym. They came up to me after class once and said "could you please stay in the back row during class. You block to much of the mirror and none of us want to look at you". I quit going to that gym. The one I am at now is so much nicer, the people more encouraging and it is not filled with a bunch of women who mostly want to strut around in their work out clothes and talking to guys.

    That's the most awful thing that anyone could do to someone at the gym - what a couple of cows. That is so rude and mean spirited, I would have been mortified.

    Just one more reason you won't see me at the gym - I'd get in a fight & wind up in jail, get sued ...
  • fitnfancy80
    fitnfancy80 Posts: 251 Member
    The lady at the DMV ask me how many months I was.

    I replied, "0".

    That was a painful eye opener.
  • I came back to school after summer vacation and my best friend Paige asked " Have you gained weight, a lot of weight?" I almost cried it was so embarrassing; I decided to skip lunch that day. :frown: :cry: :sad:
  • I thought of another example. I have always been overweight or at least I was told I was overweight. Even when I was 4 or 5 years old I would hear my parents and grandparents talking about it. Anyways around that time my dad started making me go bike riding with him every day starting at 5am. We ended up riding close to 10 miles up and down hills everyday for years, til I was about 13 when my parents got divorced. I'll say that for the most part I enjoyed the bike rides but I think the distance and that it was everyday is too much to put on a little kid.

    Also my parents would buy sweets but I was never allowed to have any. I remember one time we got back from one of these bike rides, my dad got out a box of Keebler chocolate chip cookies and ate a whole stack of them. I asked for just one and he started yelling at me. Later that night was the start of when I used to sneak food, but eventually my mother caught me and I was punished.

    Now as an adult I look back on it and I think to myself that I am never ever going to treat my child that way. I'm going to set good examples by eating healthy foods and getting at least 30minutes of exercise a day. But if my children are fat or thin it's not going to matter to me. I'm going to treat all of them the same. And I swear to God that if I start to hear my parents complaining about my child's weight I'm going to prevent them from seeing their grandchildren until they can get their irrational bigotry of heavy people under control.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Here's one I'd forgotten: After losing most of my pregnancy weight I hooked back up with a guy I dated before I had my son. Upon our first re-encounter of the naked kind, he said, "You look like a teenager in the face and a fifty year old woman below the neck."

    I was already well on my way to an eating disorder when he said this, and it certainly helped the process along. A few months later, I weighed just a little over 100 pounds and I was so starved I had to fight not to pass out in the gym changing room after my workouts.

    The guy was messed up in the head anyway. He only wanted me when I didn't want him. Being pretty messed up in the head at the time myself, and possessing the boundless and foolish energy of youth, I soon figured it out and would start fights and pseudo break up with him on a regular basis to keep him around.

    Exhausting! Now I understand what it means to say that youth is wasted on the young!