

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy 2012, Dear Ladies!

    I have just returned from dropping off our son, DIL and DGD. Sad to see them go, but after more than 2 weeks of family, feasts and fun, I am excited to get back on track!

    Welcome to all of the new faces! You have found a great spot for support and friendship! I look forward to getting to know you!

    Off for now, but wanted to mark my spot!

    All the best, Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • DaleNick
    Hi all ~ My healthy lifestyle begins today!
  • gianninarosa
    I am over 50! maybe little older ? LOL I lost 20 pounds, thanks to mfp. may I please join you?
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I am over 50! maybe little older ? LOL I lost 20 pounds, thanks to mfp. may I please join you?

    welcome...you have already joined by posting here....this is a great group very supportive...good luck:flowerforyou:
  • BeverleyDunn
    BeverleyDunn Posts: 9 Member
    Wow what a long list of postings for this group.

    Briefly December went well and up until my last weigh in I was still losing albeit slowly. Food and exercise were less of a problem than the alcohol consumed over the festive period!! :drinker:

    January I am off to the US A- Sanibel ( Florida) for just over two weeks and intend to visit the local gym and cycle everywhere, so hopefully I will stay on track and reach my first target weight goal of 65Kg and set my next one :bigsmile:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Happy New Year!!

    So happy to see all the newcomers…Welcome!

    Spending some time to regroup tonight and I am really looking forward to getting back to my routine. I haven’t been to the gym much since Thanksgiving so tomorrow will be a good day. I plan to go do some cardio early and then I will come home to work on planning for our winter yoga session. I will start Cycle 1 of the 17 Day Diet and I am also looking forward to that. I’ve done all the grocery shopping and planning so it will feel good to get into it. I did one round that ended Dec.26th (my last cycle was very sloppy). I had my physical on Dec 30 and my doctor (who is wonderful) had printed out my blood work because it was so good!! I love seeing and feeling these positive changes.

    I love checking in with this group. I also joined a challenge…I really found that helped me before the holidays.

    Looking forward to visiting this board and sharing with you often!

    To a great 2012~
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Hi Ladies. This is a new forum for me. Actually, I got on MFP a year ago to log my calories only and quickly lost interest. This time I've actually been getting more involved in the support of the various groups and it's soooo encouraging. I've gained about 70 lbs or so over the past few years after going from being active and getting fit to being a junk food junkie couch potato (life sucked for a while). So there I was at 315 lbs, my knees hurt, my hips are tight, I hobble until the joints start working, and a flight of stairs makes me break out into a sweat just looking at it... I needed to take action.

    So for Christmas I gave myself a membership to a gym and hired a personal trainer. I've been logging my food daily and working out every day, either at the gym or going for walks. I even overcame my fear of my bathing suit and swam laps at the gym... AROUND OTHER PEOPLE!!! I only started the week before Christmas, which actually was a good thing because I was careful about what I consumed over Christmas, and much to my surprise and dismay, I didn't go out drinking last night either and was proud of myself for that! I took a 3-mile walk, a long hot bubble bath, had a glass of champagne and went to bed just after midnight. Instead of being bleary eyed this morning, I was ready to burn some calories.

    Suprisingly in just these couple of short weeks, I can already feel a HUGE difference. It doesn't show on the scale yet, but I can't be worried about that. The best thing is that I'm not hobbling now.. I'm actually getting my stride back and today even did a little light jogging just to rev up my heart rate. I'm beginning to feel like my "young" self again!

    Anyway, sorry for the book... just thought I'd share. Hope someone can take inspiration from my story! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Hi,This sounds like a great group. I am 57. I started MFP in April and have lost 32 pounds. I would like to lose another 9 pounds. I have started exercising and try to do some everyday. I always take my dog Cocoa for a walk. My kids got me an xbox kinnect for Christmas along with the game your shape evolved. I do like to workout at home, I already had a Wii, but they thought I needed the kinnect. I have done a lot of wii Zumba and Wii active. I need to make sure I stay active this year and keep up with my healthier lifestyle.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy New year!Thanks Barbie for the New year`s start.Welcome all newbies.
    For the 1st time in I don`t know when I ended the new year on a good note.The past use to be the pig out day to eat anything and everything before the new year`s resolution to loose wt.last night I did well,stayed within my calories.I spent the night with family and spent the night with my grand daughter who`s 3 1/2.It wasn`t about the food I was gonna eat before midnight.Instead I had a few tea parties and just enjoyed the night.Tired today,don`t have the energy to stay up and keep up with her sometimes,but it was a nice way to end the year.
    I`m gonna continue to eat from my food plan and do the exercise I can.
    I`m so glad to be part of this group.Listening to others,the info I gain,and just the friendships I`ve made on this website,has made loosing wt alot better.
    Looking forward to 2012.
  • mimi7grands
    Happy New Year everyone!

    Viv, hugs to you and your mom. Very tender hugs to her. I’ve heard Shingles can be miserable.

    SuzyQ and others…I hear you about purging the cupboards. Do you think my mom would mind if I purged hers? Hmm. Probably won’t do that. I really need to purge my mind. I haven’t figured out how to do that yet.

    My New Year’s resolution will have to wait until I get back home. I need to minimize the damage while I’m here but I have conceded that I don’t do so well when I’m away from home. I had planned to STAY there for awhile to get back on top of things. Then my dad needed surgery and now I’m in the same place I was in before.

    I hate saying that. Aargh. It sounds so weak. I don’t like it. I’m frustrated with myself right now.

    Enough grousing. First thing I need to remember is to count my blessings and they are many, including family and friends. You are a big part of the friends part and I’m grateful.

    Pam, you think your post was long? Just wait. You have lots of company (from me!) I love that we can choose to read or choose to skim or just skip over whatever we like and/or have time for. That’s a good thing about having so many of us on this thread.

    I’ve been reading the posts and exercise is a recurrent thing. That is one of the areas I want to focus on this month.

    kazisindahous and everyone else who’s new, welcome. Kaz, you’re smart to get started now. I’ve been complaining about not doing so well with my eating lately but, the fact is, I’m down from 324 at my highest so I started about where you are. (That was pre-MFP). I’m not loving that I’m struggling lately but I am loving having made progress and I need to remember that. It’s an exciting thing to do for yourself.

    Barbara, you are amazing with all you’re doing. You’re carving a path worth following. And thanks for the advice about taking little steps. You’re right. Thanks for the inspiration!

    I know what you mean about that feeling of having to respond to everyone every time. I just want you all to know that I’m thinking of you even when I’m not responding directly. LOL.

    Barbie, as always, thank you for your support and encouragement. You are one of the faithful ones. I appreciate you a lot.

    Kackie, love your new pic.

    Thinking about my goal for this month…It’s going to be logging rather than exercising or a particular weight loss. Staying conscious and aware make a huge difference for me. Along with what Barbie said, some of that logging will be ahead of time even if just a meal at a time.


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I just got this in the mail from my daughter. I can't believe I will be a grandmere next month.
    so here is my daughter, her husband and my soon to be grandchild. (33 weeks)


    so this is me years ago but you can see the resemblance to my daughter some.
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Well - I'm here....I lost 42lbs two years ago on Weight Watchers and going to the gym 6 to 7 times a week....did all kinds of fitness classes - boot camps etc because my knees and back were getting really sore and riddled with arthritis and the doctor told me to lose weight and everything else will fall into place. Well I lost the weight and all the 'boot camp' and impact type of exercises made my knees even worse! I've now been told that continuous use of stairs will make my knees even worse than they are now. Had to make adjustments at work since we don't have an elevator... they had to move me to the main floor. Some days it's even painful just to walk BUT I'm NOT giving up. I liked the way I felt when I was working out constantly and after I lost the weight I was amazed at my confidence level. I really want to feel that again WITHOUT getting so obsessed and going overboard this time. One day at a time - one step at a time. I've never been a part of a BLOG or site like this before and thought maybe I could benefit from online support since most of my family and friends are skinny and just don't understand what it is that we feel and or go through being overweight!

    I wish us luck - one and all! 2012 IS going to be my year! :flowerforyou:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It's only the first day of the new year and already I'm behind on the posts!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    genalace - to have to go for 4 days without eating! Boy, I guess after a time you get to the point where it really didn't bother you. Did it?

    Yea for me! Well, a little anyway. Vince bought me some dark chocolate M&M's for Christmas. Really, I would have preferred if he'd bought me some fruit. Anyway, I finished them today. Now they aren't staring me in the face. He bought a couple bags of these cherry cordial M&M's, I took those downstairs so he can munch on them while he's watching TV. At least they aren't staring me in the face! So I consider that a pretty good accomplishment for me.

    I'm thinking about going to get my bangs trimmed tomorrow. I usually take them something so I'll take a small plate of these ginger cookies that I have in the freezer. Really, they're probably cookied-out, too so that's why I'll take a small plate. Oh, and our neighbor gave us some candies, I'm just going to give them to the hairdresser. We don't need candies, that's for sure. Last thing I need is to have them staring me in the face!

    Welcome everyone who is new! I know you'll love it here. Honestly, I feel so much more comfortable here than looking at the other threads where 20-somethings post. Life is just different when you're no longer 20 -- or 30 -- or even 40. It's almost like they just don't know.

    jb - I love to cook, too. But I really find it a challenge to make something that is healthy and tastes good, too. Oh, speaking of which, I made this chocolate mousse. Basically, it's silken tofu, a bag of chocolate chips melted, a bit of vanilla. I didn't tell Vince about the tofu because if I had, he wouldn't have eaten it. It was quite good, and not bad in the calorie department. Anyway, Alton Brown was on Dr. Oz. He'd lost something like 50 lbs and he showed a chocolate pie which is basically the exact same thing only in a graham cracker pie shell. Never thought of putting it into a pie shell. I'll try that next time for Vince. Then even I can have a piece of pie. I've usually made a chocolate pudding and put that into the graham cracker pie shell. So I'll try the tofu. Bet he doesn't know the difference....lol
    Thanks for sharing your pics with us. You look fantastic!

    Rita - it's supposed to be cold so thanks for the suggestion. I'll ask Vince about taking the tree down. That's something we can do in the house.

    Harmony - I wish Vince would go thru the papers and get rid of things that need to be shredded. We have a box of papers from my father (who passed away in 2004) that he STILL needs to go thru. Not to mention all of his tax returns. See, I'm not a CPA, Vince is. So he'll know better what needs to be kept and what can be gotten rid of. Me? At this point, I'd just get rid of it all. But there may be some things that you need to keep for all time and I'm not sure exactly what they are.
    I get the shiratake noodles in the local supermarket. Actually, one supermarket had them and I requested them at another and they are now carrying them!

    Clyde was humping Bonnie again today. Oh, we're sure she's going to have to go back to the vet for a "super spay". The good thing is that she can't get pg, I would never want that. I see too many unwanted kittens at the humane society that unless I was prepared to take care of all the kittens myself, I wouldn't want them brought into the world.

    2011 has been the same for me -- some losses, some gains. On the whole, I feel like I've maintained, which is my goal.

    Harmony - I'm with you on your goals for 2011, your gains and losses. Sounds great to me! Thanks for your inspiring post

    Vince is on this systhesizer music forum. The others on that forum are really into cats. Someone posted that they'd had a horrible new year because they had to put their cat down due to cancer. Vince said "you should see the posts about it!. I responded saying that I still tear up whenever I think about the three cats we had to put down and those three terrible days."

    Nancy - shiratake noodles are tofu noodles. A lot like spaghetti (long). There are some people who don't like the somewhat rubbery texture. But on the plus side, they are only 20 calories for 4 oz of the noodles. It comes in an 8oz pkg, so for an entire pkg it's only 40 calories. Two pkgs and you're still under 100 calories and they are ever filling!

    You know, I don't know if I can go vegan. I probably could do vegetarian. But I don't know about vegan. For me, that might be just a bit too radical.

    Took a yoga class yesterday (Sat) and I really feel so much "looser". Now to just get myself to do it at least once/week more. Well, that's going to be my lenten sacrific. Well, it's not really a sacrifice. I'm thinking about it, getting my mind prepared.

    Bea - so sorry about your dog. What's the problem? It might help to share with us. So many of us are dog/cat lovers so we can certainly empathize.

    cathy - big big congrats on keeping the weight off. Boy! that sure is a lot of weight you lost. Good for you! I see you said that you've managed to get the weight off. At our age (oh, those horrible words!) it's so hard. Not impossible, just hard. Do you have any tips? Enjoy, your son, DIL and granddaughter!

    Lisa - congrats on getting your running time up!

    kissy - We love to hear success stories!

    Robin - I love that pic of you and your daughter looks so beautiful!

    shmogo - have you thought of water aerobics or stationary bicycle? They are practically no impact. The elliptical is little impact, too. You poor dear!

    MacMadame - LOL I hear ya about being behind on the posts. If I don't hurry up and post this, then I'll get behind, too. But I lo love when the board is busy.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • mimi7grands
    Robin, your daughter does look a lot like you. She's beautiful.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :heart: Lovely to hear from all the newcomers and all your successes and failures. It puts everything into perspective doesn't it.

    :huh: I think I've found out what I've done to my groin. In the early hours of this morning I sat up and turned to look at the clock and felt the same pain!! I'm sure that's the problem. Think I might have to move the clock over to my side seeing as I wake every few hours :bigsmile: Still hurts though so not sure what I can do in the meantime.

    :flowerforyou: Congrats Robin, Mimi is right, your daughter is beautiful (gets her looks from her mum!)

    :ohwell: I went over on my calories yesterday, I did try to plan beforehand, but I think I need more practice in the logging part!!! The trouble is we still have a lot of sweets/crisps/Christmas Cake left over. I did forgo the Christms Cake, but ate the crisps etc. I tried to make up for it by eating some grapes, but by that time it was too late:grumble: :noway: :embarassed:

    But that was yesterday, today I will try harder to stick within my calories and to make better choices. Exercise is a bit difficult at the moment, it's taking me all my time to walk - but the doggies don't care, they just like to get out regardless :laugh: I need to keep moving though, I've noticed that even before my "injury" that I'd slowed way down and was spending far too much time on the computer or watching TV. I find it hard to get motivated, especially this time of year when it's dark for most of the day. It's 8am and pitch black outside, we've normally walked the dogs by now, but DD wanted a lie in for a change.

    :flowerforyou: Michele I should be more like you and give the goodies away to others. Maybe when I go back to work tomorrow I'll take a few biscuits with me - not sure what DD and DH would say about that though :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Time to take the dogs out - better log my porridge for breakfast before I go.

    :flowerforyou: Jane meant to say well done to you for finishing the year on a good note and keeping within your calories, keeping up with a toddler is hard work, but so rewarding.

    Must dash

    Viv xx
  • kathiemcn
    Wow, so many posts! It took me almost an hour to read them :smile: Like others, I can't respond to everyone (lukcy if I can even remember everyone's names with my memory) but I do enjoy reading the posts and hearing what everyone has been up to. It feels like such a community.

    Funny to think most of you are in winter while I am sitting here in my loungs room with the fans on high, and still feeling like I'm in a sauna. :laugh:

    Just checking in to say that I am so grateful for MFP and all the support, and that I know (!!!!) that this year will be the year I achieve my weight loss goal. It's been 18 months since I started but everything has picked up since I signed up here and I know I will make it now...whatever it takes. This is such a good feeling!

    Happy week to everyone...and love and support to those who are struggling :heart:

    Kathie :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my friends.

    My daughter and I were going to spend the morning at the gym, but she's not feeling too well, so I'm making do with my home gym. As some of you know, it's fully equipped and just as good as going to a pro gym. I've actually got a new rowing machine, but haven't set it up yet.

    DH has gone hiking for the day so I'm going to spend the afternoon decluttering my wardrobes ... again. My plan this year is to not buy so many clothes! Now that my weight has stabilised I have no intention of buying clothes in other sizes. I'm a UK 8 (US 4 / 6) - sometimes smaller. It still amazes me that I was a UK 32 less than two years ago.

    It's good to see so many posts so early in the year. Keep it up ladies! We can all benefit from shared wisdom and advice.

    Time to move.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • debteel
    debteel Posts: 10 Member
    Hi All,

    I am 50, turned 50 on 9/11. I want to stay motivated to lose weight and keep it off. Its like I lose 10 pounds and then gain it. I sometimes feel like I am on a constant roller coaster. I have noticed that when I get upset or stressed I eat. I did not realize I was doing that all these years. But I do. I also will come out guns blazing, then they will fizzle when I do not hit my goal after a couple of days. So for this year, I am striving to keep the weight off I lose and to get back on if I fall off. I am setting smaller goals to reach it. 5 lb goals each ech goal. I think that is more realistic, than trying to do it all at one time. Happy New Years to everyone and now I am off to the gym.
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Hi Ladies
    I'd love to join you all. I'm just dashing out now so will have to catch up on all your posts later, but wanted to 'sign up'! I'm 49, have two daughters aged 16 and 13 (who have just gone off to a football (soccer) match in London on their own for the first time!), and live in Kent, England.
    I need to get as fit and healthy as poss for medical reasons and for my own self esteem. I'm down to my pre-Christmas weight, but still have a bit to go to get to my November weight!
    I've quit alcohol - my last drink was on Boxing Day, so sticking to that is my goal for 2012!
    Please feel free to add me as a friend any of you - I need accountability!
    Until later,