January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for January 1:

    1.Get my son back to college.
    2. Make the healthiest choices even though I know it will be a binge day.
    3. Find peace in taking him back.

    I am headed to the beach and will hopefully get a walk in the sand today or tomorrow..
  • Aloha, my name is Chari, 51 years old no children but my husband of 24 years has a daughter with 4 children and 2 grandkids, so essentially I am a step-grandma and great grandma. Moved to Hawaii 4 years ago from California. I have stayed pretty active until a little over 2 years ago when I decided to go back to school to finish my bachelor's degree. Working full time and going to school, although it's online left me sedentary and hardly any time for anything else. Thank goodness for a supportive husband. Finally finished my classes in November 2011 and now I can focus on me. I have been walking at least 2X/wk, taking zumba classes almost every Saturday and occasional weight training/aerobic exercise. This year I am committed to take care of my body and get more involved with my community. Thank you for this forum, great way to start the new year.

    January 1 goals:

    1) Clean off my desk at home (1/2 way done)
    2) Clean off my bathroom counters (yes)
    3) Eat within my allotted calories (yes)

    January 2 goals:

    1) Finish cleaning cleaning my desk
    2) Either walk or do weight training exercise
    3) Start filling out application for real estate broker license
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    Great challenge! I started a 90 day challenge with myself to lose 1 pound a week and to do TurboFire for the full 12 weeks. However, I would love to join in on this one becauase day-by-day seems to be the only way I can stick to this. We all mess up and it is nice to know that it is okay and that it happens. Just get back in the saddle asap.

    About me: I just turned 30 a few days ago and I love it! I was never one to be scared of the dreaded 30! I am a stay at home mom of 3 amazing children (no bias,lol) 2 boys and 1 girl! I am married to their wonderful father (again, no bias) who is a combat medic in the Army! I am also a full time student and have a year and a half left (if I take no breaks).

    Today's goals:
    Do TurboFire: DONE!
    Drink 8 glasses of water
    Stick to calorie goal
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    Just saw this tread, and think it's a great idea. I joined my first challenge recently that starts today and think this is a great way to keep me motivated.

    My goals for Jan. 2 are:

    1. Drink my 8 glasses of water
    2. Take my measurements - so I have another way to track success, not just by the number on the scale
    3. Go to bed by 10pm so I can get up early and a get a quick workout in before heading to work.
  • Hi everyone..excited to start new year with goals for healthier future!
    I have gained 40 nasty pounds since diagnosed with MS. I need to move but still have issues with mobility. I have to get this under control. So here we go...

    Goals for today

    Water X10
    No snacking
    Make food plan for week
    Grocery store
    30 minutes exercise

    Have a great day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for January 1:

    1. Take down the outside lights!--Yes.
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!--Yes.
    3. More liquids--water and tea.--Yes.

    I would also like to get in a walk but I make no promises for that today. We'll see how the day goes.--Got a mile in, somehow!

    Welcome to everyone! Glad you are here!

    I have decided to follow the walking workout calendar at Leslie Sansone's website for the month as a way to get back to regular exercise. Day 2 is done!

    Goals for January 2:
    1. Day 2 of walking workout calendar.--Done!
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!
    3. More liquids--water and tea.
  • My goals for today!!

    1. Get a bit of rest ( in a lot of pain and overly pushing myself, my body can't take it)
    2. Stay with in my calorie goals
    3. Not stress out!

    A bit about me. I have some medical issues which make the working out hard, so I don't want to push myself! :) I am a mother of one beautiful daughter. She is from my first marriage. I am 26 years old, remarried in 2010. My husband and I would like to have another child, but it hasn't happened, so I would like to get my body in shape before stressing too hard about it. I am a stay at home mom (mostly because of my medical issues) and I love every minute of it.
  • Biglovelovesme
    Biglovelovesme Posts: 133 Member
    I would love to join. Will there be a renewed thread daily or weekly? Just want to figure out how to find everyone.

    1) do what I say I am going to do
    2) don't commit to doing things I know I can't do
    3) increase h2o and decrease white wine intake
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I would love to join. Will there be a renewed thread daily or weekly? Just want to figure out how to find everyone.

    Hi! Usually we continue the thread for the month. You can find it in the My Topics list on the Community page. IF the thread reaches 500 posts--hey, it could happen!--the thread is automatically locked and a link to part 2 is listed after the 500th post.
  • trdy77
    trdy77 Posts: 82 Member
    What a great idea! My name is Trudi, I'm a 34 y/o massage therapist and last month I was asked when I was due aboout 5 times (I'm not pregnant) My Goals for Jan 2 are:
    1. Don't listen to the chocolate truffles calling to me from the corner.
    2. Lots of water and no Diet cola today
    3. Take some fruit or nuts for my drive to work and DON"T stop on my way home for Sheetz fried things.
  • tb_lawkid13
    tb_lawkid13 Posts: 29 Member
    This is a great idea!

    I'm Tamorra B. 29 year old law student.

    My 1st set of goals are:
    To track my food more effectively...I'm good for forgetting to put beverages and snacks down. So today, write down EVERYTHING!!
    Make sure I do at least 30 minutes of SOMETHING activity wise
    Drink 3 tumblers of water
  • tb_lawkid13
    tb_lawkid13 Posts: 29 Member
    This is a great idea!

    I'm Tamorra B. 29 year old law student.

    My 1st set of goals are:
    To track my food more effectively...I'm good for forgetting to put beverages and snacks down. So today, write down EVERYTHING!!
    Make sure I do at least 30 minutes of SOMETHING activity wise
    Drink 3 tumblers of water
  • kellweston
    kellweston Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Kelly and I am a 34 year old mom of two very active boys, ages 5 & 8. I am a chemistry teacher and find it a lot easier to stick to a program when I am working. My goals are:
    1. Clean off my desk (and keep it clean!) - Can almost see the wood!
    2. Drink more water.- yes
    3. Keep an accurate food log! - well sort of...

    Progress Jan 1 goals posted above

    Jan 2 goals (last day before back to work!)
    1. Wash, dry and fold clothes
    2. Accurate food log under goal
    3. Clean off treadmill so if the mood strikes, it's ready to go!
  • Happy New Year!! I'm starting over again after a long and unsuccessful hiatus. Starting with a clean slate today. Goals for today.

    1) Accurate food journal of healthy choices all day.
    2) Drink more water (and less diet soda)
    3)Get the dogs out for a nice walk

    Well, day one (Jan 1) was a sucess!! Always a good start. Ilike the daily thing, it gives me a chance to focus in the morning and remind myself what to focus on, then I usually feel like I can do anything for just 1 day. Okay Jan 2, might look a lot like Jan 1.

    1) Accurate food journal of healthy choices all day
    2) 3 mile walk with dogs
    3) Practice dance for at least 30 minutes
  • kazisindahouse
    kazisindahouse Posts: 16 Member
    1st January Goals :smile:

    To keep a TRUE record of everything that passes my lips

    To do one form of exercise a day, even if its getting off the bus a stop earlier on my way to and from work.

    Drink more water.

    Promise not to beat myself up everytime I dont keep to what I set as my goal. I think that's why I've never suceeded with my weight loss in the past.

    A TRUE record - I did honestly!
    One form of exercise - I took the dog for a walk
    Drink more water - I tried honest I did

    2nd January Goals

    A TRUE record of everything that passes my lips
    One form of exercise - I've done my 25 Jumping Jacks
    Drink more water - Will try again but finding this one difficult
    Sort my paperwork out for my first day back in the office
    Sort of the washing/ironing pile

    I do try to drink more water but it makes me feel bloated. Plus I have a problem with my lymphatic system so already retain water and so drinking more is a nightmare! I wish there was a solution to this one but I'm persevering!
  • sallenspach
    sallenspach Posts: 19 Member
    Count me in too please!

    My name is Shannon. I am 32 years old and have a wonderful 21 mos old son. I am a 6th grade teacher and I love my job. I need to get back on track, so I am hoping that this challenge will be a big motivation, not to mention, all of the people in it with me!

    1. Worry less, sleep more!
    2. workout at least 5 days a week
    3. Log everything! and drink more water
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Hi, I am single 41year old and mother of one grown son, he is 25. We rent a house together with his wife and our animals. My son recently lost his job after 3 years in December and it has kinda effected everything.

    I have lost and gained the same 10 lbs for the latter part of last year. It is never the working out, I work out enough and can now can do 5 man push ups, then continue on my knees, I want to do 10 n great form. I hope to meet my goal and maintain it this year. By hope, I mean do it finally!

    1. Not go over calorie goal.
    2. drink more water
    3. get my running plan figured out; I need a running partner.

  • pbear1
    pbear1 Posts: 42
    Hi, I am Paula and a mum of 2 - a 2 year old boy and a 9 month old little girl. I am going back to work next week after my maternity leave and need to lose a stone (14lbs) to get back to pre-pregnancy weight and feel better about myself. I was 7lbs away from goal before Xmas but have been pretty bad for the last 2 weeks, so here I go again.

    Goal to lose 7lbs in January

    Todays Goals
    1. To drink more water
    2. To stay under calorie goal

    Tomorrows Goals
    1. To drink 2 litres of water
    2. To stay under calorie goal
    3. To go for a walk/jog!
  • lisajuliette
    lisajuliette Posts: 123 Member
    Hi! My name is Lisa and I'm a 20 year old design and film student in Cape Town, South Africa. I want to get to 70 kg's and I currently weigh 83.2kgs! This is the most I've ever weighed and it seriously depresses me because my boyfriends family are all extremely weight conscious! All my boyfriends brothers and sisters excel in sport! His brother (17) is 21st in the world for downhill speed boarding. His sister is (12) is the currently 1st in South Africa for tennis in the under 14 category. They are all so good looking and skinny and I feel so inadequate and disgusting around them. They've never told me I need to lose weight but I know they think I should!

    My goals for Jan 3rd are:

    1) Do a minimum of 60min intense exercise at the gym and burn at least 500 cal
    2) Eat as healthy as possible
    3) Take my dog for a run on the beach
  • Hi my name is Alicia, I am 20 and trying to maintain healthy habits. I would like to get down to 130 again but in a much more healthy way. I have tried to stay on track with things so this might be the motivation I need! Just take things day by day! I would like to get down to 130 by the time that I go on spring break. :)

    So my goals for Jan 3rd are-
    1. keep adding all my food in for the day and stop when I have no more calories to eat
    2. Do my new Jillian workout cardio video today!
    3. DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! I am very very dehydrated today because of my lack of drinking water lately.