

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    WoW~so many new people.Love the posts.
    Robin,you`re daughter is so pretty.How exciting to be a grand mother.
    Did good with my food choices and holding off with too much exercise til I see the dr on fri.
    I think 2012 will be a good year for all of us.Trying to make better choices and getting healthier and loosing wt also.
    Have a great day!!
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Last night my son wanted Chinese for his birthday. So I ate a little of everything. So I thought. Weight went up.:noway:
    Should not be weighing everyday.
    Going back to all my meals plan and ready for the day, And a couple of serving size of almonds in the car so I don't impulse eat, seems to help me stay focused.
    Welcome to all the newcomers. You will get such great support here.
  • phyllis5
    phyllis5 Posts: 16 Member
    Happy New Year Ladies!!! I really didn't have any goals for December.....that's probably why my choices, weight and motivation took a hit. With this new year I feel a fresh start.......MOTIVATION to exercise is my #1 goal for January. Like some of the replys I have read, I too start strong and then find myself fizzling out. I have found that my food choices are usually "ok" but I feel that I could do much better. Would like to also become better at the supportive side to MFP....love hearing about how the life style change and weight lost have changed peoples lives....this helps to motivate me to see those goals that I am working towards and that they are within my reach. Here's to fresh starts and new beginnings...ROCK ON LADIES AND KEEP THE FAITH!!!!
  • scompton54
    Hi....I will be 58 next week. I have been really good about exercise for the last three years but I have a very stubborn 20 pounds which all sits on my waist which I know, heart-wise, is the worst place for it to sit. I'm hoping that by actually participating on this site will help me keep my motivation up.
  • jallen0347
    Let's make 2012 a memorable year....
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Well back as promised! I've had a quick whizz through the posts and am really looking forward to being part of the group.
    Lovely to see so many dog owners! I have two fantastic dogs, both collie crosses, who are an absolute delight. Bea, I hope your dog soon shows signs of improvement. I've heard that vestibular disease can often be treated with motion sickness medication?

    Genealace - Herne Bay is quite close to us! I go to Whitstable a lot (I love shopping!) and one of my favourite dog walks is the seafront between Whitstable and Herne Bay - Tankerton Slopes. When I win the lottery I will buy a house there!

    A few more details about me. As I said, I have two girls (who have made it to the match and are currently watching their team lose). I'm married, and a freelance journalist. Most of my work is from home, but at the end of Feb I start an office-based job which will come as a bit of a shock to the system. Fortunately the office is in a beautiful village, with a village green, and I am looking forward to lunchtime walks.

    I have chronic kidney disease and was told just before Christmas that a kidney transplant is inevitable in the next 2-5 years. My best chance is a live donor, and the way I see it, if anyone is going to give me their kidney it is my job to make sure it's going to a good home! For that reason, I want to reach my goal weight and be fit. Strength exercises on the cards!

    Been a funny day food-wise. Havent really found time to eat until this evening. Just had a great prawn and edamame stir-fry but still have 1200 cals to use up! As I've given up drinking it will have to be cheese!

  • kazisindahouse
    kazisindahouse Posts: 16 Member
    How's this for willpower

    Have just taken the hubby's leftover home made pizza out of the microwave to put in my celery soup to warm ... and I didnt even take a sniff!!!!!!!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Just thought I'd add something before getting on with my day.

    I weigh daily just because that's what works for me, but with the holidays and all, my scale has been stubborn and I've been wondering if possibly it was set on the Slow setting. Now that I think about it, I believe the instruction booklet contained this warning therein:

    "Regular usage may cause this equipment to move slowly or creep, crawl, lag, linger, loiter, stroll, saunter, plod, trudge, lumber, drag, dawdle, toddle, waddle, slouch, shuffle, halt (!), hobble, limp, falter, totter, stagger or hang fire."

    Now to find the "Plummet" setting.

    : )
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    LindsayRob: The vet tried the motion sickness pills right away after boxing day and she still got worse. The thought now is that her disease is likely caused by a tumour. I've been reading about vestibular disease and have seen that some dogs do recover on their own if the root cause is an inner ear malfuntion of some kind. We'll just wait and see I guess - I'm not going the MRI/CT Scan route - too much $$$$.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Exercise room is clean and ready to use now. Really excited about my new-to-me elliptical!:happy: Its nice to finally have a place for it and my treadmill IN the house instead of the garage. Hoping hubby may even start exercising WITH me some...

    Had a nutritious lunch of turkey sausage, steamed cabbage and raw carrots. This afternoon I am tackling reorganization of my laundry room chemical closet.
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    Thanks for this thread. I've been on MFP since September and would love to be friends with more 50+ folks. This is an amazing place for all the newcomers. Lots of good ideas. I especially like the receipe feature when calculates the micro and macro nutrition elements per serving - it's great AND you can share with MFP easily if friends ask.
  • ehunte
    ehunte Posts: 125 Member
    Happy New Year to all! I'm 50 and I also have hypothriodism. I joined MFP when I got tired of yo-yoing and decided to get serious about losing the excess fat once and for all. I have been every happy with the support I see here.

    I would love to join this challenge!
  • kew1952
    kew1952 Posts: 52 Member
    While I've been on the board for awhile, I haven't made the time to get involved in the community, so to speak. I'll be 60 in 6 weeks, so this weight loss thing is such a challenge! A loss of 25 pounds would be a good thing for me. My broad goals for the year:

    Love bigger
    Live fuller
    Pray harder

    As far as weight loss. portion control is the key for me, so I need to get back to regular journaling. Hopefully, this will be a slimmer year for all of us! Looking forward to getting to know you all thru the year. I don't post daily so will see you when I can.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I love your goals, kew!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so frustrated with the vet. We went and picked up Kiera today and she was supposed to be in a little cedar box to match my other dog but they made a mistake and put her in an urn.:grumble: Now we have to go back so they can fix the problem but we aren't sure when we will have time. I am also getting sick. the sinus and chest thing is storming my body. :explode:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy New Year to all.....I have loved reading the posts and welcome all of you who are new to this thread.......keep coming back.....there is something very motivating about reading the posts from other women walking the same path.....do not be discouraged if you can't reply to all or you have moments or hours or falling off the path.......consistency beats intensity and strategy beats willpower :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: we are starting off the new year with an Isagenix cleanse day....we use this day of lower calories as a day of rest and relaxation (naps, yoga, simple chores, reading, movies, etc). Tomorrow we'll renew our good strategies of healthy eating, more exercise, and continuing to learn more about staying healthy.

    :bigsmile: I am almost finished reading "Younger Next Year for Women" and I highly recommend it.......while some of the suggestions are radical and challenging, there is so much good information that has inspired me to continue to improve my diet and exercise. Last year, I fell into a pattern of reading books that were more inspirational and balancing them with the murder mysteries that I love. The other book I recommend is "The Thin Commandments Diet" which was recommended to me by a woman on this thread.
    :heart: long walks. i walk them first thing in the morning before my brain and body have a chance to consider doing anything different. What started as a 20 minute walk in April has grown into a two hour walk and there is frequently another 20-40 minute walk in the afternoon.

    :sad: this morning I got phone calls from three friends---one is working on a plan to get her kids back from her mother-in-law, another just lost her job and is working on a plan to look for a new job, and the third is trying to sell her house in Minnesota and just found out this morning that the offer she accepted fell through because the buyer couldn't get a loan.......it made me very grateful for my life

    Barbie from NW Washington

    January goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    hello again - yea,....day two lol....I did 15 minutes on my Health Rider (cardio) then 3 x 10 sets lat pull down, 3 x 10 sets chest press and maybe 8 minutes on my treadmill on an incline - then while I was walking on the treadmill - started to see all the stuff that needed cleaning up down there and spent almost 2 hours moving the washer and dryer and cleaning up around the basement....that's the most exercise I've done in almost a year! :happy: I'm sure I'll pay for it tomorrow but at the time - I felt pretty good - my knees will beg to differ right now but all is good

    BUT now because I tracked the exercise and and hour as light house work I still have too many calories to eat today and it's already 7pm :frown: I don't want to eat just because this system is telling me I have to eat especially when I'm not hungry.

    what do you do at times like this? I've never really been a big eater - I just eat really fast and all the wrong things .... :embarassed:

    I've been eating really well for the last two days and have already planned my breakfast and lunches at work for the rest of the week so hopefully the 'habits' will come back sooner rather than later. AND I'm also trying to eat slower and give my brain and stomach a chance to catch up to what I'm eating so I don't get 'over stuffed':explode:

    anyway - I'm just glad I'm here and don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon.... :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • kathiemcn
    Ignorant again...der. Can someone please tell me what quinoa is, and what you do with it?
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    I just realized that even tho barbie is so great about putting the year on the thread's name, someone just posted to the old thread!

    Got a call from the vet today. Just as we expected, Bonnie has ovarian tissue. He wants to get it out asap, so she goes to his office tomorrow.

    Did an hour of extreme pump today. Tomorrow I'll do a downloadable workout for the spin bike. Then, in the afternoon, play mahjongg.

    After taking the weight class, I got the bangs on my hair cut, stopped at one food store to see if they carried my pancake mix (they don't) and found out that they discontinued Vince's yogurt so I had to go to another store to get his yogurt and buttermilk. I portion it out into one cup measurements and then freeze that since there is no way I could use up a whole container before its expiration date. Came home, then went practice bowling then stopped at some stores. Actually, I wanted to go to one store since they advertised that they had Christmas items on sale. Really, they didn't have much (and this is an expensive store) but I did get a few tops for Vince to give me. They were REALLY discounted. Probably because they were out of season....lol

    Amanda - how wonderful of you to be down so many sizes in your shirts! That's awesome!

    Welcome everyone new. You've joined a fantastic group of ladies so plan on staying a long long time

    Pam - I really like quinoa, too.

    Suz - why no white potatoes?

    Barb - I don't know anything about a stationary recumbant bike. We have a recumbant bike, but Vince mainly uses it for therapy for his knee. I use the upright spinning bike at the Y.

    genalace - the fact that you tracked your food is great! Even the great mimi was over the other day. It's just important to track and not go over all the days, but let that be an exception, which I know you will do.

    Nancy - have you ever put cucumber slices in your water??? The first time I heard of that, I thought "yuk", but it's really quite good and refreshing.

    I think Vince is going to get me one of those 52oz Bubba kegs. I figure I'll be able to take that bowling and then bring it home to finish. The bad thing is that it's just too big to put into a cup holder. But if he's driving, that shouldn't be a problem for me. Fortunately, the bowling alley doesn't mind my bringing my own tea.

    Lindsay - so sorry to hear about your kidney. Do you have to monitor your protein intake? What about potassium? I remember FIL was on dialysis and after each meal he'd take a TUMS, seems the calcium would bind with something, I don't remember what, so that it could be excreted.

    Tomorrow night we are going to play Mexican Train dominoes with the Newcomers. I'll take some shrimp bites that I have frozen. I'll just bake them and then take them with me. Wed. should be an interesting day. The Newcomers are having their board meeting. I don't agree at all how this one lady has run the nominating committee for next year, neither does the other gal on the committee. I intend to say something because I really feel she's wrong, that she just wants what is good for her, not for the organization. I won't say that in so many words, but I intend to tell everyone the timetable. OK, now that I've totally confused you, a few weeks ago we met. At that time she said that she'd run for vp if no one else wanted it. A week or so later I was talking to one guy who said that he'd run for vp or any other position. Honestly, I think he'd make a good vp and so does the other member of the committee. To me, there's a distinct possibility that he'll be pres. the next yr. so to me it would be to his (and the organization's) advantagae to have him work closely with the pres. The lady who is vp now doesn't want to be pres. Another lady said she wants to go because she wants to have some sort of game night, but I don't think this whole thing was thought out. So it'll take time to ask things like "who'll collect the money, who'll insure that the room is reserved, etc. etc". Then another lady just told me that she'd like to go to tell them if we're disbanding one group. And I have to be at bowling at 1!

    shmogo - I hear ya about the added calories from exercise. That's why I don't add in my exercise calories. If I go over a bit one day, I figure I have that as a thing I can fall back on. I used to add in my exercise calories, and I found that I was eating junk just to get my calories up. What good did that do??? So now I don't add them in.
    Hope you're not too sore tomorrow.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    welcome srdrum, zee1957, reneecomperma, susanpv, jesuslover59, russia1513, fatbuster205, scompton54, jallen57, blueimp, and ehunte!

    AHealthierSuz (good to see ya'), Phylis5 ("fresh start", amen!), Lindsay (kidney "going to a good home" great attitude!), Kaz (Well done!), kew1952 (great goals), macmadame ;)
    Jeannie Good luck, punctuality is real challenge for me:noway:
    Beth "suddenly its 2 hrs later" amen!:tongue:
    Nancy I'm back to work tomorrow too. If I'm to keep my mat minutes commitment, I may have to postpone reading/responding til the weekend. :cry:
    genealace good tracking! 4 days wait for surgery? Horrible!:noway:
    :brokenheart: Bea sending you and your dog warm thoughts of comfort. Our Robby (also 16+, a rescue, and totally blind) has been hanging in pretty well, but this morning he couldn't keep anything down, had a bad bout of the runs and is pretty unsteady on his pins. Here's hoping tomorrow is better for both our beloveds.
    smwert I can easily gain 3 lbs in a day, and sometimes lose 2 the next. Why is it never the other way around?:laugh:
    jane hope all goes well at the Dr.:flowerforyou:
    Joyce "almonds in the car" thanks for the tip!:wink:
    jb congrats on not feeling cheated by smaller portions, a real milestone. My scale seems not to have the "plummet" setting only "escalate".:bigsmile:
    robin :cry:
    barbie I'll have to try alternating inspiring with the cozies that can keep me off my feet for a whole day.:ohwell:
    shmogo good job! and for goodness sake, don't eat if you're not hungry :noway:
    Kathie believe another name for quinoa is grain amaranth. Its a little seed that bursts when cooked, can be substituted for rice, barley or other whole grains, but is higher in protein and lower in carbs... I think.. anyone know for sure?:huh:
    Michele, Vince bicycles outside on recumbent as knee therapy? What's with his knee? Think I may be exploring knee therapies soon too.:frown:

    That's it for awhile. Will read all but probably post little 'til the weekend.

    Hugs to ALL,

    Barbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    January: mat work and let go a little every day.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!