is there an exercise you wish you could do?



  • I want to be able to do one pull-up, but I have a lot of work to do to reach that, I have absolutely pathetic upper arm strength.

    -Julia :)
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    A pullup. I've been doing NROLFW for four months and am at 140lbs on my lat pulldowns. I use 35lbs dumbbells when doing an incline press. I can bust out 50-75 back extensions like it's nobody's business. I do full on knuckle pushups with no knee assistance........ BUT I CANNOT for the life of me do a damn pullup! I'm not even close to accomplishing a pullup. I'm strong as hell and cannot do a f*cking pullup! lmao

    For this reason, anyone who posts a video of them doing pullups has my respect forever. A video with full on body shot showing no assistance and you have my mad, mad respect. I don't believe people can do pullups until I see video proof, lol. Only a small part of that is jealousy and most of it is just a call out to see people do what they say they can do, lmao.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    I wish I could run but due to having three children under 6 I just don't have the free time to do it at the moment. I see others running and really wish I could. So for now I have to stick to walking and dvds.

    So is there anything you wish you could do and why can't you?
    I have a 2,3,& 8 year old...i exercise with them around..they just know its moms time to exercise and play while I work out. Try c25 doing it now and was able to run for 25 minutes straight...ive never been a runner and was known as the teacher who did not run, not anymore! I wish i could plank.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    dont let not being able to run in the outdoors discourage you. get a treadmill and start that way. if you have stairs then go up and down the stairs.. if you have a yard then run around the yard while the kids are outside with you. at the very minimum jog in place at home to a show on tv or some music..when the time comes that you can have time to yourself to run outside or at a gym then you will at least have a start
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Right now everything seems so hard for me!! Just trying to go for walks, feet, ankles, knees all hurt so much. But I will persevere, trusting that as the weight comes off and my body gets used to moving again, I will not hurt so much and will gain strength, stamina and flexibility. (I used to power walk 4-6 miles a day, 5-7 days a week, without a care... 15 years younger then... :ohwell: )

    I see the contestants on the Biggest Loser jumping up on the steps, and that seems so beyond me, I am amazed they can do that! So that would be a goal for me, to one day be able to jump up on a step or box like that.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    I wish I could run but due to having three children under 6 I just don't have the free time to do it at the moment. I see others running and really wish I could. So for now I have to stick to walking and dvds.

    One woman I knew would take her kids to a middle/high school track and let the kids play in the long jump sand while she ran around the track. I thought that was a great idea.
  • KES519
    KES519 Posts: 21 Member
    Push-ups, pull-ups and Zumba. Went to a Zumba class a while back, thought I was going to pass out after 15 minutes, lol!!
  • HansTied
    HansTied Posts: 81 Member
    I wish that I could Stand or walk for more than 5 minutes at a time. Even when cooking or light cleaning I have to sit every few minutes. Both knees are out and arthritic, along with lower disc injuries and gout in feet and one ankle. My weight loss so far is just calorie counting, but I have recently started a few leg lifts while in bed and light hand weights while in my chair. I had gotten off using the walker during the summer, but this cold weather has me using it again.
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    Pull ups, more than one full push up, head stand, hand stand, crazy yoga poses. But it is early in the year... there is plenty of opportunity for improvement.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Pull-ups, aerial silks, lyra (aerial hoop), and contortion. Also, for pole dancing, shoulder mount, deadlift head and hand stands.

    Pull-ups, deadlift head and hand stands, and shoulder mount I'm working on. I would love to take contortion classes again, but no place near me offers them. :( Aerial silks and lyra I don't really have time/money for classes.

    It's also my goal to try running this year, I'm hoping it doesn't cause issues with my feet (I have orthopedic issues, the doctor said I could try running, but that I might encounter problems.
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Clarecbear82 with 3 kids under the age of 6 - trust me, you're running. :laugh:
  • tanyacc
    tanyacc Posts: 15
    i wish I could swim, but I never learnt how. I can float and wave my arms around a little, but thats about it :(
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I have always wished I could (physically) run. All through school I dreaded gym class to the point I would get nauseous thinking about it because I couldnt run far or fast. I remember the day I ran one whole block and I was really proud. To be honest, I would be impressed if I could run a block now. So to think of people running miles, that blows my mind. If I were to run even a block, my legs would be burning and my knees buckling, and I would be breathing so hard that my throat would hurt. I have dreams sometimes where I am running for a long time and I dont feel tired at all. Those are wonderful.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    A pullup. I've been doing NROLFW for four months and am at 140lbs on my lat pulldowns. I use 35lbs dumbbells when doing an incline press. I can bust out 50-75 back extensions like it's nobody's business. I do full on knuckle pushups with no knee assistance........ BUT I CANNOT for the life of me do a damn pullup! I'm not even close to accomplishing a pullup. I'm strong as hell and cannot do a f*cking pullup! lmao

    For this reason, anyone who posts a video of them doing pullups has my respect forever. A video with full on body shot showing no assistance and you have my mad, mad respect. I don't believe people can do pullups until I see video proof, lol. Only a small part of that is jealousy and most of it is just a call out to see people do what they say they can do, lmao.

    I totally feel you. I'm in a similar position, I lift weights regularly, can do things (like a lat pull-down) that should help me do a pull-up, but I still bloody can't. My husband taunts me by doing pull-ups and kissing his biceps. About 18 months ago, I could do a pull-up, I started doing negative pull-ups, until I got strong enough to do a real pull-up, then I let myself go for a while, now every time I try, I want to smack myself.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Pull ups, awsome
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 349 Member
    I bought the 30DS a few years ago, and have never been able to do anymore than 3 days :(
    It really affects my knees, and I end up in excruciating pain!

    Oh and I would love to run, but my boobs would give me black eyes :laugh:

  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I totally feel you. I'm in a similar position, I lift weights regularly, can do things (like a lat pull-down) that should help me do a pull-up, but I still bloody can't. My husband taunts me by doing pull-ups and kissing his biceps. About 18 months ago, I could do a pull-up, I started doing negative pull-ups, until I got strong enough to do a real pull-up, then I let myself go for a while, now every time I try, I want to smack myself.

    Yeah, I hear ya girl. I have ripped friends who can't even do them. It just makes me wonder what there really is to it. My back and shoulders are the strongest parts of my body. Unless people are ripped or light weight, I don't see it being possible by average body weight types. I'm gonna have to see the video proof from these people to believe it, lmao.
  • I wish I could run, too! Every time I've tried, I only lasted a few minutes... but the pain in my joints lasted for days. I'm 23 and in reasonably good shape but it feels like I'm the Tin Man sometimes! I could never get past a week of 30 Day Shred for the same reason - it kills my knees.

    I also wish I could do a decent pushup but despite weeks of trying I can barely do them at an "easy" angle.

    I'm doing NROLfW so you could ask me in a month or two or three what exercise I wish I could do and I'm sure I'll have more answers! :laugh:
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    dang i',m feeling much better on the above posts :smile:

    My goal: a pull-up. Even just one. I took a stab at it yesterday (11 months working out, granted starting at zero). Flung myself on the main pull-up bar at the gym.....and just hung there. Literally- i could not pull myself up by a stinking centimeter. Not one. The oddest part is i felt like i could hang there for hours though...just no upward motion. I finally dropped after 10 minutes or so out of pure shame and people staring.

    soon though.....:angry: