chronic constipation--please help!



  • If miralax didn't work, and it should......go to the doctor. You might have something else going on.
    Miralax is wonderful because it isn't a stimulant. It reduces the amount of water your colon absorbs making the rabbit turds turn magically into nice ribbons of poop. :)
    Good luck.
  • Try Metamucil. It is not a laxative. Make sure you drink lots of water.

    I have had an issue of "going" for a long time, upwards a few years of battling this problem. I tried everything. yogurt, coffee, probios, fiber, pumpkin, cleansers you name it, I tried it.

    I went to the doctors and she suggested Meamucil. I was doubtful, and won't you know it, worked! Its the physilum (sp) not the fiber that helps things move.

    isn't psyllium fiber though? I thought that what makes it work is the fact that it is fiber...maybe I misunderstood. I should get some then!
  • Try cutting out animal products for a few days - meat, cheese, eggs, yogurt, etc. Replace those with beans, lentils, veggies, etc. Cut out any and all refined grains. Drink plenty of water with your meals so it latches on to the fiber you are eating.

    And...I don't know about your caffeine habits, and this is probably unhealthy advice...but a cup of strong coffee always makes me go. I don't get constipated, but I do notice that within half hour of drinking coffee, I have to poop.

    ETA: I average about 50-60 grams of fiber per day. I think the RDA for fiber is way too low.

    Thanks! I drink coffee every morning. I get at least 50 grams of fiber a day effortlessly. I think I'll do the animal product thing and cut out dairy--I don't eat meat so that's not an issue. I worry about the beans--they make me so gassy and it causes pain.

    Your symptoms sound a LOT like what my friend who has IBS was going through until she was diagnosed. If changing your diet around and using several different products to help you have regular bowel movements isn't working--or your having to resort to using them all the time--I would suggest going to your doctor and asking them about it. There is medication you can take to help relieve symptoms of IBS and make your tummy behave. Hopefully, you don't have irritable bowel syndrome, but it would be worth your while to get a doctor to at least rule it out. Then you might have more success with eliminating things from your diet--one at a time, I might add--to see what specifically is causing you this problem.

    Thanks--I'm thinking it might be IBS or some sort of food sensitivity that I'm not aware of. I am making a doctor's appointment when they open tomorrow--hopefully they can see me soon so that I don't randomly eliminate things unnecessarily.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    I had this a while ago and I now take senna every night before bed. Its gentle and works I also take fibergel in the mornings x
  • benefiber or metemusal. they're basically the same thing....i mean, they keep you regular, so it works haha. my husband uses benefiber and it helps. or you could eat a couple prunes everyday.
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    Try cutting out animal products for a few days - meat, cheese, eggs, yogurt, etc. Replace those with beans, lentils, veggies, etc. Cut out any and all refined grains. Drink plenty of water with your meals so it latches on to the fiber you are eating.

    And...I don't know about your caffeine habits, and this is probably unhealthy advice...but a cup of strong coffee always makes me go. I don't get constipated, but I do notice that within half hour of drinking coffee, I have to poop.

    ETA: I average about 50-60 grams of fiber per day. I think the RDA for fiber is way too low.

    Thanks! I drink coffee every morning. I get at least 50 grams of fiber a day effortlessly. I think I'll do the animal product thing and cut out dairy--I don't eat meat so that's not an issue. I worry about the beans--they make me so gassy and it causes pain.

    Your symptoms sound a LOT like what my friend who has IBS was going through until she was diagnosed. If changing your diet around and using several different products to help you have regular bowel movements isn't working--or your having to resort to using them all the time--I would suggest going to your doctor and asking them about it. There is medication you can take to help relieve symptoms of IBS and make your tummy behave. Hopefully, you don't have irritable bowel syndrome, but it would be worth your while to get a doctor to at least rule it out. Then you might have more success with eliminating things from your diet--one at a time, I might add--to see what specifically is causing you this problem.

    Thanks--I'm thinking it might be IBS or some sort of food sensitivity that I'm not aware of. I am making a doctor's appointment when they open tomorrow--hopefully they can see me soon so that I don't randomly eliminate things unnecessarily.

    I would encourage you to NOT change your regular diet before you see the doctor - it might alter any labs or testing they may want to do.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Black bean soup or just black beans. Or sweet potatoes. They always seem to help, even if you're eating other fiber-rich food.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Take a stool softener to get things moving, and drink a glass of Metamucil (or similar) every day. My daughter has the same problem if she doesn't have a daily fiber drink no matter how much dietary fiber she's getting.
  • lazybis
    lazybis Posts: 26 Member
    I think seeing a doctor would be best! Best of luck
  • revjames
    revjames Posts: 75 Member
    I lost some colon and a few feet of small intestine some years ago and was badly constipated having no movement in 3 weeks. It needed to be gentle as I hadnt long had the op. I was given Senokot - which is basically Senna pods which are natural and I was very relieved when it worked after a day or two.
  • Try a product called Mag07. You can get it at vitamin shoppe. It's a magnesium supplement and will clean you right out.
  • NancySDA
    NancySDA Posts: 73 Member
    Miralax on a twice daily basis for 10 days. that's what I have to do...until things start flowing again. also, and this may sound awful...or taste awful..but a tablespoon of olive oil each day is also helpful.
  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    Sounds to me like you are already doing all the right things, therefore, if something doesn't give: I, also, would suggest consulting a doctor. My girlfriend had similar symptoms for a while, then BAM, she ended up in the hospital with a total blockage. Better to catch it early BEFORE it turns into something serious.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Bananas are usually recommended for the opposite problem, since they're binding.
  • I would say see a dr just to be safe-I was having similar problems-turned out my thyroid had stopped-causing a whole host of issues. If you want to try some at home stuff first-I will say if you get the baby food prunes that are mixed with applesauce they are mild and dont taste bad...and they seem to work pretty quickly!
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    buy a bottle of magnesium citrate at the store ..its about 2 bucks..i call it the liquid plummer for human intestines

  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Before you try any over the counter stuff (and they can work so don't get me wrong!) Please consider that the theory that Fiber is a bit over done in our culture today. It has been taught to us that an abundance of fiber and water will cure constipation.

    Consider also that our digestive systems were never designed to handle it......what keeps us healthier than huge amounts of fiber is FAT.

    I know I've lived on a low fat, high fiber eating for my entire life....and been constipated for all of it too!! I switched to a higher fat as well as high protein and moderate carbohydrate diet (fruits and veggies - nothing processed) and more constipation.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I have IBS with constipation and Mirilax doesn't do anything for me. Neither do any of the other OTC or prescription products. Yeah, even the Prep before my colonoscopy didn't move anything. It took 4 enemas at the hospital before they could do it. I have to keep 3 specific foods in my eating plan or I have issues, Bananas, Oatmeal, and Protein Shakes. If I eat them regularly, then I can just mix a normal protein shake but if I get backed up, I have to do one with 30+ grams of protein to get things moving. My body just can't handle that much protein at once so it moves it on out. LOL I don't know if those will help you or not, but it is worth trying. My number 1 go to when I get constipated is an RTD NitroTech shake.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Sometimes When you don't eat enough carbs for a few days the bowel movements slow down. You could go from regular daily bowel movements to every other day or two. Try Eating a big bowl of beans and wash it down with a couple cups of coffee. You may not want to try this bu,t eat a banana with the peel on it. I swear it works wonders. It just makes your mouth dry so drink something with it.
  • Two words: Brussel sprouts