chronic constipation--please help!



  • Dawn22s
    Dawn22s Posts: 6 Member
    I didn't read all the replies but I have two options for you (maybe repeats)

    Physullim husks - mix with water and chug it down is the only way I can do it

    Black bean soup - I like it a bit spicy and pureed.

    If you are in pain though, you may need to make sure there is no other issue than constipation due to diet/exercise.

    Good Luck!

    PS... also check your supplements for too much calcium or iron - too much of either or both can cause constipation.
  • sheresamae
    sheresamae Posts: 71 Member
    i take flax seed daily
  • margiemommy
    margiemommy Posts: 76 Member
    if it is really bad then take some casteroil like 2tbs and with in 24hrs u will be going to the bathroom alot
  • I know you've probably heard this already..... but if you're eating a lot of cheese, maybe reduce it? I was actually just talking to my husband about this about an hour ago. I was telling him how much better I have felt the past few days. I usually have a ton of stomachaches throughout the day, constipation, etc. The past few days, I've been not only reducing how much I eat, but cutting back on cheese. I've been upping the protein and fiber, too. I still eat dairy in the form of greek yogurt and hard-boiled eggs, but I used to have processed cheese at every meal, so now it's only once in awhile. It looks like you're eating healthy and getting plenty of water, so if you don't get better in a week or so, I'd see a doctor. Possibly a nutritionist or someone who is knowledgeable with digestive issues. It could be something serious, and you don't want to put it off! Good luck & best wishes for quick healing!
  • I have a plan for what I'll eat for the next week--same thing every single day. It isn't incredibly balanced but I think it will do the trick! It includes plum juice, kefir, blueberries, oatmeal, flaxseed, eggs, and asparagus/tomato/eggplant (depends on cost of these veggies).
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    I eat a lot of red seedless grapes and that works for me
  • moxette
    moxette Posts: 104 Member
    coffee in the morning, veggie burger on toast for lunch (I call these my fitness metamucil) and occasionally Nature's Calm magnesium at night. Stay away from the high protein diets.
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Sometimes too much fibre in your diet can also block you up, so you may be getting too much.
    Doc told me either too much fiber or too much iron. She told me to cut back on fiber and stop taking iron pills.

    Believe it or not, Cheerios really helped me a great deal. Tried a laxative once...never again.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I used to be regular until I started eating better go figure. I've noticed that if I don't include carrots in my daily diet I get constipated. Once I start eating carrots on a daily basis again, I get regular. :/
  • Runnermadre
    Runnermadre Posts: 267 Member
    I have a plan for what I'll eat for the next week--same thing every single day. It isn't incredibly balanced but I think it will do the trick! It includes plum juice, kefir, blueberries, oatmeal, flaxseed, eggs, and asparagus/tomato/eggplant (depends on cost of these veggies).

    Lol, if you're not going after all of that, you really should see a doctor, but my guess is you'll be spending a lot of time in the bathroom. :-)
  • sniven3
    sniven3 Posts: 3 Member
    As a new "post-er" and a RN, I agree with the advice of seeing your MD. There are many things besides IBS that cause constipation (and frequently IBS causes diarrhea) and symptoms like you're having. Many females don't know that feeling "full" after only eating a tiny bit and bloatedness is a sign of ovarian cancer. Many doctors don't take it seriously, either. I've had friends insist on vaginal ultrasounds to rule it out. If you have a good GYN, they may be the one to start with. The MD is at least a good place to start so they can tell you it's nothing and suggest increasing your fat intake (it is necessary for proper function), or taking a stool softener daily (miralax is a good one but takes a few days to actually work and then must be taken regularly for it to work. It's not like a laxative that you take just when you need it.); evaluate the foods you're taking in (i.e. dairy as we age can be a problem); evaluate your thyroid and hormone levels, etc., rule out a bowel obstruction. There's so much to consider but a good eval is where to start! Keep us posted!
  • ami814
    ami814 Posts: 2
    There is a good chance that you are not eating enough, or not having enough of certain things...

    1) If your caloric intake is low, there is very little "waste product" in your body. So, if you are eating a low calorie (12-1500 cal) diet, you may not be "making" enough waste to produce a BM.
    2) Fat is the body's natural lubricant. If you aren't eating enough healthy fats, you may not be able to facilitate a proper BM. This may be why you still feel the need to go, but are not producing a BM.

    I hope this helps!

  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    So, I have been so severely backed up and I cannot make sense of it. I'm going crazy and getting depressed because of this.

    Here's some background...

    Stopped running 60-75 minutes daily b/c gym closed, so instead did road running for 20-35 minutes a day (too hard on my shins)

    I eat enough fiber---over enough, always have

    I drink at least 60-100oz of water (I'm only 4'11 and ~100 pounds)

    My weight has gone up 5 pounds despite being at a deficit

    When I do poop it feels incomplete

    I've tried an enema and i "pooped" out the water but barely any poop.

    I am strongly against laxatives but I'm desperate so I tried smooth move tea--got it today and had a cup. I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll get relief.

    Does anyone have this problem? What works for you? Eating is incredibly uncomfortable in this state and my stomach is ALWAYS bloated lately. I go to sleep and in the middle of the night it's like it gets worse NOT better. I am at wit's end and soooo down about this. Please help!
    OK, we're all adults here right?
    If at first you don't succeed, try, try

    I just had a surgery that backed me up, and it was HELL!
    If this won't work, see your Doc and suck it up and take the medication.

  • There is a good chance that you are not eating enough, or not having enough of certain things...

    1) If your caloric intake is low, there is very little "waste product" in your body. So, if you are eating a low calorie (12-1500 cal) diet, you may not be "making" enough waste to produce a BM.
    2) Fat is the body's natural lubricant. If you aren't eating enough healthy fats, you may not be able to facilitate a proper BM. This may be why you still feel the need to go, but are not producing a BM.

    I hope this helps!


    Not eating a low calorie diet. I could use some more fat but I probably get as much as MOST people who do follow low calorie diets. I eat no less than 2000 USUALLY...lately I've been eating 1600, still not "low" by any measure.
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    When you are constipated, what you need is soft SOLID waste behind the blockage to push it out, not water. The water will simply flow around it and do nothing to push on the mass. The soft solid waste will add that extra leverage to push through.

    Chronic constipation requires trying things for more than a day or two. This is not an instant fix, and could be due to a number of things including slow motility, encopresis, incorrect diet. It could be vitamins or supplements that you are taking (Calcium supplements do this to me, especially if I do not have enough fat in my diet. Iron supplements are another common cause)

    When you *do* go, what comes out - is it just voluminous, or is it very very hard, like a rock? Do you alternate between diarrhea and constipation? When you eat something recognizable, how long does it take to pass through your system? Normal motility would be within 24 hours, probably less. If you have slow motility, you may find it takes several days to pass through.
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    I wonder if you have a food allergy. Have you been eating something new on a regular schedule since before you started getting backed up? You may try a 24-hour fast to see if that helps the discomfort clear up.
  • I *STRONGLY* urge you to see your doctor about this- It's not anything to let go for long- Lost BOTH my parents due to bowel obstructions ( no kidding...I don't play games anymore myself)

    I have a lazy colon- and I've tried just about everything everyone else has suggested....
    however, I also was diagnosed with diverticulitis...and all the seeds/fiber just irritate it worse...
    *IF* by chance this *could* be an issue, you will only worsen it by some of these suggestions.

    Here's a suggestion- take 2-3 days and follow a colon-prep "diet" consisting of clear broths and liquids-
    then, afterwards try something like Miralax's gentle on your system, and nothing that will have any harmful side effects.

    I wish you well........and hope things turn around for you.......
    all the crud backed-up in your system really does make you feel like crap (ha-sorry for the pun)

    On a side note: Believe it or not, my doctor also increased my thyroid medication- a low thyroid can affect bowel function....who knew?
  • When you are constipated, what you need is soft SOLID waste behind the blockage to push it out, not water. The water will simply flow around it and do nothing to push on the mass. The soft solid waste will add that extra leverage to push through.

    Chronic constipation requires trying things for more than a day or two. This is not an instant fix, and could be due to a number of things including slow motility, encopresis, incorrect diet. It could be vitamins or supplements that you are taking (Calcium supplements do this to me, especially if I do not have enough fat in my diet. Iron supplements are another common cause)

    When you *do* go, what comes out - is it just voluminous, or is it very very hard, like a rock? Do you alternate between diarrhea and constipation? When you eat something recognizable, how long does it take to pass through your system? Normal motility would be within 24 hours, probably less. If you have slow motility, you may find it takes several days to pass through.

    i don't really eat anything recognizable--most of my foods are the same on a day to day basis so I wouldn't be able to time the transit so to speak. I don't take calcium supplements.

    what sorts of things are "soft solids?"

    When I do go it's just not a lot. It's like normal poop but 1 piece instead of all of it.
  • old64mb
    old64mb Posts: 2 Member
    Glad to see you're taking the advice to see your physician, since while it sounds a lot like IBS-C, when you've been ok and then suddenly develop an acute condition that's when you want to see an MD and get screened to rule other, more serious things out.

    Three other points.

    1. I'd advise internal/family medicine/whatever your PCP is versus OBGYN, since primary care sees a lot more of this than the typical specialist (outside of gastroenterologists, where IBS is the #1 reason they get visited, and where you'll get referred if the primary care type isn't comfortable diagnosing you.).

    2. Don't change your diet or "detoxify" or take any of the other suggestions here until you do visit them. Laxatives are probably ok for now, but when you schedule the appointment ask the assistant to describe your symptoms to the doctor to make sure.

    3. One thing you can do in the meantime: start looking at your food logs to see what fiber intake you have been averaging (which is available as a display option in my fitness, just not a default one.). If it does turn out to be IBS, changes in fiber level can sometimes cause an IBS flareup. You'll also want to get very familiar with the difference between insoluble and soluble fiber, the former of which will help you more than the latter if you're IBS-C. After you finish your poop talk with them (gastros quite literally have a 'poop chart'), fiber and water are usually the first two things to be discussed with a gastro if they determine it's IBS. But clear things up to make sure it's nothing more serious first.