January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    OK cool. I’m on board. I find that I fail when I try to take on too much at once so a daily goal sounds do-able. For today, Jan2:

    1. Step Class - DONE
    2. Finish two work projects - uh oh. Only finished about 1/2 of one. Too many distractions.
    3. No meat today - DONE
    4. Only fresh fruit and raw veggies for lunch (no bread!) - DONE
    BONUS: 1.75 of 2012 1000 mile challenge, only 998.25 to go!

    Plan for Jan 3:
    1. Kick *kitten* in high intensity pool workout AND pick up two miles
    2. STAY FOCUSED and PRODUCTIVE at work all day
    3. No meat, Low Sugar
    4. Survive the low temps
    5. Play Zelda (I love it but never make time for it. The reader post insipired this one)
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    January 2nd daily goals

    1) drink plenty of fluids today...... NO
    2) Stay away from sugar & carbs (No white carbs)........YES Did Great!
    3) rest.............................Not as much as I'd like
    4) iron clothes tonight..................definietly NO!
    5) stay in my calorie limit............. So far so Good YES!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    My Goal for tomorrow

    January 3rd

    1) walk before coming on computer
    2) No white carbs (Brown rice pasta & sweet potato is okay)
    3) get side salad for part of my dinner
    4) Make side dish for birthday party/ or buy one :wink:
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Hi everyone... I am Rose. Feel free to add me. I was doing well health, mentally and spiritually until August when my mom went into a full time nursing home care. Mom passed away on November 22nd. I was on a major foof binge since August, trying to stuff my feelings down and went from 180 up to 206 lbs. When I don't make healthy choices or exercise, I disappear. I have recommited myself to get back on track.

    My goals for today :

    to eat healthy (making sure to eat either a fruit or vegetable at every meal)
    to exercise
    to journal my food, exercise and feelings.

    I did great yesterday and I feel like I am going to do well today too.

    I accomplished my goal for Monday !!!
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Tuesday...posting early just to be accountable....

    To journal the foods I eat honestly
    To get some exercise in
    To not stress eat in the afternoon .... this one may be a bit of a challange.... cause the work volumes will be heavy.
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    Great idea for a post! My name is Claire, I'm (reluctantly) single and trying to achieve GW before my 45th birthday (and when I plan to also get a new work contract) in April. I live in the countryside and walk my gorgeous dog, Riley, daily. I need to make the most of my time off and get all those niggling house / d.i.y projects finished so I have less to do when I return to work!

    Monday 2nd Jan goals are...

    (1). 2 x 1 hour dog walks - YES!
    (2). Put up curtain pole and curtain behind back door - NO (got to saw pole down first!)
    (3). Start doing sit-ups / stomach crunches - start with 1 x 12 rep - YES! did 2 reps :)

    Tues 3rd Jan goals are...

    (1). 2 x 1 hour dog walks
    (2). 3 x 12 reps crunches
    (3). Finish website (3 new pages & various corrections)
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Today's goal:
    1. Drink at least 6 glasses of WATER today- Yes (After my work out I made it to 10 I was so thirsty!)
    2. Workout for at least 40 minutes at the gym- Yes 60 minutes
    3. Go into work and get ready for school tomorrow! - Yes. ready for tomorrow

    Goals for January 3:
    1. Stay within my calorie and water goal-
    2. Workout at least 40 minutes focusing on strength training
    3. Go to bed by 9:30 so I'm ready for my yoga class
  • AmyinMD
    AmyinMD Posts: 33 Member
    Goals for Jan 02,2012:

    do all exercises -- done
    stay under calorie goal -- no way
    make better food choices -- no

    Goals for r Jan 03:

    do all exercises
    take a walk
    get to work by 9

    Have a great day, Y'all
  • Bostongirl40
    Bostongirl40 Posts: 24 Member
    My name is Amandine. I am a mother of two wonderful kids, 4 y/o girls and 2 y/o boy. Married to a awesome man, who doesn't have any weight issue sometime it doesn't help LOL . I need to loose weight this year I keep looking the other way but I need to be realistic and start getting healthier.
    I like the concept for this group, I manage my days this way, now I just have to add a goal for helping me loose weight each day.

    2 January goal
    1- clean downstairs DONE
    2- finish laundry and fold it NOT REALLY
    3- some exercices ( ice skating with the kids ) DONE
    4- water water and water NOT REALLy
    5-no snacking DONE !!!!!

    Wish everybody good luck and to stay motivated .
  • stepoco
    stepoco Posts: 50 Member
    Goals for Jan 2
    1. Take a walk with one of the dogs (much easier with just one, not all three) - NOPE - it was dark when I got home from #3
    2. Drink one 24 oz bottle of water (not nearly enough, but I am starting from ground zero here) - DONE
    3. Get together with my friend Yvonne - DONE
    4. Shred some more paper (shredded 10 years of old pay slips yesterday [except for the year-end ones] - not sure why I was keeping them all. I definitely have an issue with accumulating paper clutter. Maybe if I get rid of some of the paper clutter I can get rid of some of the body clutter [as FlyLady likes to call it]. It felt good to get rid of it!) - DONE

    Goals for Jan 3-
    1. drink 32 oz of water
    2. clean my desk for 10 minutes
    3. go for a walk (lunch or some other time)
    I also have a personal training appointment, but getting to that isn't really a goal - the fact that I pay for it motivates me to get there.
  • Goals for 1/3/11:
    1) Do NOT take the cookie with lunch.
    2) Stay within my net calorie goal.
    3) Exercise for 30 minutes.

    If you'd like to know more about me, visit my page! ^^
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member

    January 2
    1. Water- 10 glasses- done
    2. Walk- 2 miles- one mile
    3. Paper work off desk at home- gotta do still
    4. Mop floors at work- half done!

    I hope everyone had a great day yesterday and continues to strive towards their individual goals.

    January 3
    1. Water- 10 glasses (if I don't do this one then I forget!
    2. Walk 3 miles today
    3. Paperwork off home desk with bills paid
    4. Finish mopping floors at work

    Welcome to so many new folks! Have to get ready for work but will check in soon! SMILE!!!!
  • itsanot
    itsanot Posts: 89 Member
    Today's goals!
    1. Go to the gym! 1 hour minimum
    2. Finish preparing for my parents arrival clean, mop, take down and wash curtains!
    3. Wash down the kitchen cabinets, may delegate this to the kiddo!
    4. Finish cooking and freezing meals, been working on this for 3 days now! Determined to clean out and use everything that is left in the freezer so I can remove one of my freezer from my kitchen. We have 3 and don't need all of them!
    5. Finish yesterdays goal to finish my standout requirement for work, wasn't my fault could not get the program to work, and need technical assistance, but no one was working yesterday!

    Going to be a busy day, the songs "Burning down the house" and "Dirty Laundry" keep running thru my head! lol
  • I also started adding these to my blog so I can see them easier. But I will continue to write them here too. Hope by doing them twice it makes me accomplish them more.

    Yesterdays goals
    1) Log everything good or bad (Accomplished was way 300+over)
    2) Drink only 2 glasses of pop today. The rest of it crystal light or water. (Accomplished)
    3) Make a healthy choice for supper tonight. Going out with friends to a restaurant. (Ended up eating Chicken strips prly not the best choice)

    Todays goal
    1) Log evertyhing good or bad.
    2) Stay withing my callories for the day.
    3) Drink no glasses of pop today. Only Crystal light or water.
    4) Have a productive day back at work. (first day back after vaca)
  • serialmahogany
    serialmahogany Posts: 42 Member
    Hi All!

    My goals today are to ...

    1) Drink at least 10 glasses of water.
    2) Fold up clothes in middle room.
    4) Wash clothes
    5) Paint Laundry Room (Exercise)
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    This is a great idea! I have another 12lbs left and ate so much the past 3 days... It was only 7lbs on Friday :( BUT no longer have the bank holiday as an excuse! My goals for today:
    stay within calories and carbs
    do at least an hour's exercise other than walking
    do my reading for an essay
    basically stop procrastinating on MFP!
  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 94 Member
    I'm Meg, SAHM to a busy 16 month old. I was doing great before the holiday and need to get back on it.
    Today's goals
    1) Stay at/under calories goals
    2) Drink 16 oz of water
    3) Walk with DD for 30 minutes
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    HI! My name is Terri and this sounds great. My only concern is how to find this tomorrow. I did great on this site for the first 5 months last year. Then I guess I just gave up. Instead of hating myself for it, I decided to start over. What a great idea to set small goals for each day.
    Jan. 3
    1. Drink 4 bottles of water
    2. Log in everything
    3. Go one more day without a diet pepsi - on day two now
    4. At least get the WII Fit in the same room as the TV so I can get it set up!
    Good luck everyone.
  • Hi all my name is Sara-Jayne. New to this whole thing. Really liking it so far. So my goals for today..
    1. Get done with a 6 hour study group
    2. Fight with consumers
    3. Grocery shop
    4.Work on my balance ball
  • wildgift
    wildgift Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, Lisa here. Lost 8lbs in a couple weeks in August due to excitement/stress about going back home for a holiday. I did not gain anything while I was in California, but as soon as I returned back to France I put it all back on again. I was not doing anything special to lose that weight. I ate the same and used my elliptical runner 3 times a week. Now that I am doing that again, nothing is happening. I think I need to cut out white foods completely (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes). I am a carbohydrate fiend! I have to do this right because I know I am prone to put it all back on again. I need to make this all a lifestyle change. 2011 was full of health issues (heart, eye, viral infection) which set me back a bit. I have always been healthy, but 2011 kicked my butt. 2012 WILL be different. Good luck to everyone!

    1) take down the xmas lights
    2) pick up mri results
    3) no white foods
    4) log daily
    5) 30 minutes elliptical
    6) 80 crunches on stabilizer ball

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods