fit and fun sized - those under 5'4" - January 2012



  • michellemariescott
    michellemariescott Posts: 26 Member
    I am in too! Definitely in need of some motivation. I am 5'3 and last year from March-July I lost 18 lbs and now sadly have gained 11 of those pounds back. It was a stressful summer and fall for our family and I used that as an excuse to slack off. In the back of my mind I knew I was gaining the weight back, but I just kept thinking it was a few pounds and nothing to worry about. Now I realize how far it has gone. Even writing this post is a step for me in acknowledging this weight gain.
    I am looking forward to sharing our successes in the new year!
  • Jenzie1203
    What a great blog! I really enjoyed reading this, and it encouraged me. I am 5'3", so I need to lose more weight to look better. I know you all know what I mean when I say that. I lost 20 pounds with Weight Watchers years ago, and I got down to a size 6. I am now a size 10, and yes even though I have had two children (my youngest is almost 19 months old) in the past four years, I need to get down to at least an 8. I have been logging in to MFP for 120 days in a row! I have lost 10 pounds so far, but want to lose 20 more. I need to! I want to! "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!" Philppians 4:13

  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    Hi everyone, I'm 5ft 1 and lost 10 lbs last year.

    In reality, I lost 23 lbs between February and May. After that I went on holiday, got lazy, my Dad passed away and then it was Christmas. All in all a pretty sucky 2011, so I'm actually glad I'm still down on this time last year at all!

    Went to the docs a couple of days ago and she said I should be aiming for around 132lbs (at least initially). so that's my target for 2012.

    Good luck everyone!
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    I'm 4'11 &ready to get fit!
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    Hi fellow shorties :flowerforyou:

    I am 5'2" and it is so easy for tiny and cute to become short and stocky (sp?) :explode:

    In 2011 I lost 30 lbs--15 of them since I joined MFP. It took me the past two years to lose the 60 ponds of baby weight I had packed on. Though I have finally lost all that, I am close to my ultimate goal but I have fears that it will be VERY difficult! I am going to training next month to become a gym instructor, so I know that will give me a stronger mindset when those harsh craving set in (every day).

    Sooooo, yes it is much harder for us, but I'm not letting my height lay odds on me! :wink: Here we go 2012!!!!!:drinker:
  • Maria_81
    Maria_81 Posts: 152
    Hi all,

    I'm right at 5'2 looking to get down to 135lbs. I almost made it until I had a situation around time and I fell off. Looking to get back and I still need a little motivation.
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Reading the guidelines under Motivation, it sounds like we need to formally create a group. Do you want to do that? Do you need help with it? If so, let me know.
  • ChshireKat
  • winn1976
    winn1976 Posts: 2 Member
    I am courtnie i am a teacup,lol i am 4'10" and weigh 165lbs. I couldn't believe how fast i put the weight back on, i weighed 143lbs and between studying for registeries and being a busy wife and mother i just lost myself. Well now i am proud to say i have passed all of my registeries i am now a Registered radiographer (RT),computed tomographer (CT),Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), tech and that feels great!! But now it is time to get to the niddy gritty. I am ready to get it in.
  • Backpackingmom
    Backpackingmom Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I need fitness buddies. I don't have much to lose, only 15-20 pounds but my clothes don't fit and i can't afford new ones. I hate shopping anyway, so it's me being stubborn too. I am really good about my cardio, but I need motivation to tone. I really need friends. Obesity, heart disease and diabetes run in my family so I really need to keep on top of myself. I lost my determination when my mom died 3 years ago. I hope some of you will friend me and help me be accountable. I have logged every day for the last 3 days. :happy:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I was just scanning noticing how many pounds we have lost. I bet if we added them up, we' d have lost as much as a full sized pickup truck. <- that probably gives away that I live in the country and it a state where the state car is a truck.

    I did good today on one of my mini goals - use the stairs instead of the elevator. They say it's a 10 pound difference, so we shall see. On not having chocolate - I did not so good. lol Too many people brought in their holiday leftovers to get rid of them. Hopefully, they will all be gone by tomorrow.

    Welcome to all the new comers. You have joined just by posting here. It will take a while to get to know everyone and I look forward to getting to know you all.

    We have all made a lot of progress from where we were to where we are now. I know that we can make the rest of the way to our goals.

    Good luck with each choice you make,

  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    I want in!!! i'm 5 foot!!
  • mjgoebig
    I'm 5 foot 3 and am at my all time heaviest of 150pounds. I've been able to stay at 130-135 pounds, but once I hit 36 that all seemed to change :( It's been 2 years and I just can't seem to budge.
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 141 Member
    Hello Fun Sizers :)

    I found this topic and new I fit in immediately LOL I'm 5'2" and 143. Heaviest I've been and I feel soooo uncomfortable, I'm going to get my self in gear and make that ticker move (in the right direction) My mother and sister have just joined MFP also and hopefully we can get some results. I have joined the YMCA, enjoy the Precor machine but I must admit I joined 2 months ago and have only gone 4 times... Uh oh, bad start LOL I plan on getting back on track, 3 years ago I was 120 and went to the Y 3 days a week with a lot of activities at home inbetween. The heavier I get, the less energy I have and the less I do with my kids, my husband and for myself. Darn it... I'm ready to do this!!!

    I hope to meet others and be held accountable and maybe challenged!

    Good Luck to everyone... Cheers!!!
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 141 Member
    Please feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • ivansmomma
    I used to be 5' 4", but gravity ha not been my friend in any respects lol! I'm determined and working hard to being even more healthy this year - more fresh fruit and veggies, more exercise, and respecting myself. I do have a wonderful hubby and we are working together!
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 141 Member
    Hi Everyone who has joined since I posted.

    I am also doing the 30 Day Shred, on level 1 day 3 today.

    Congrats to all who have already lost a lot of weight. You all are inspirational for all of us.

    Feel free to add me as a friend so we can do this together.
    I have the 30 day shred also, I managed to do it about 12 days but not in sucession and I think that ruined it for me, plus didn't really check what I was eating. Hoping MFP helps out with all this. I need to lose some inches =) I joined the YMCA but plan on doing the shred inbetween when I cant leave home. Would love to follow your progress and maybe see what the Shred does for you, sure was a sweat inducing but kicking LOL

    Best of Luck in 2012!!
  • duke1916
    duke1916 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new this year to mfp and plan on making the best out of this new year I'm 5-1 and the weight really shows I want to lose at least 25lbs before July so that I can go on vac and do more with my Kids this year and help r support would be great
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Hi all my name is Amanda and I'm 5 '3 "
    I lost 17 pounds this year then the holidays hit and I ended up gaining 6 pounds back... Grrr...

    My first goal is to be at my pre pregnancy weight of 180 by Easter.( April 8) Then to also loose 40 total by June 21.. It's not quite to my goal weight but close..
    I hope to be able to join.. I just came across this like today...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My heart rate monitor came today.......I wore it for a few hours just to get an idea of my heart rate doing ordinary things......then I wore it for a 25 minute walk with the dogs to find out what my heart rate was while walking them. I won't be using the HRM the way a lot of people do, but I'm loving the information I'm getting from it already.......I love gadgets and this one is no exception. I'm really glad I asked for a lot of opinions and did a lot of thinking before I got it. I'm in no danger of my heart rate going too high, LOL l:laugh: but I think it will help me add some more exertion to my workouts and ordinary activities. I've read about research that show that people who carry pedometers walk more steps than people who don't ........I think it might be true that people who wear HRMs exercise more vigorously and burn more calories than people who don't.

    :bigsmile: tonight i got to make sure that I could use the heart rate monitor at the same time that I was using my phone/mp3 player with the bluetooth and they all work together so tomorrow morning I can really "suit up and show up" with all my gadgets :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: