So my wife makes fun of this food journal



  • winslow44238
    My husband and my Mum make some comments out of fun, but only to keep me in check. I get so wound up that if I can't get my phone application to work, I won't eat. I have been getting super serious about loosing and so durring the holidays I'd get the gentle nudging that a food I was wanting to add to my counter had no calories, or negative calories like exercise. My mum was more direct and claimed that if she caught me counting any calories she was going to take my phone away from me.

    Sometimes loved ones make fun just to keep you grounded. If you are obsessing, or your changes are affecting others, they may make some comments. Just keep in mind where your are with it. Are you allowing yourself to have a day here and there where you might go over your calories, or are you being very obsessive? Really, only you can tell that. If people are really being difficult and getting in the way in a negative way, realise that it isn't you. You'll get tons of support from others here who are also struggling to loose the weight.
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    my hubby makes fun of it too. He always makes stupid comments but I just brush it off of my shoulder because I am happy with it. Soon I am sure he will be when I get below the weight when we first started dating (118 lbs).
  • Reaper1219
    Reaper1219 Posts: 6 Member
    My wife gets mad when I pull out my phone, and use this app to count my calories. But, I lost 35 lbs in 4 months counting calories, eating right and doing P90X. Its worked out real good for me, so I am not really trippin on what she thinks. Do what is best for you!!!
  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    i dont use this site to log food, i have a notebook. My fiance rolls his eyes when i write in it. Ive been laughed at for a lot worse. Honestly, i dont get the "unsupportive spouse" posts. Im not in shape for him, and could care less if hes gungho about me writing how much sodium is in an ounce of cheese.

    Considering your name is Troll and you take a picture of your Christmas tree with your dogs, your opinion means squat.

    That is right!! There is no reason to even be remotely ugly about these posts. While you, Troll, may not get these posts....other people do so either be nice or go back and play under your bridge!!
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    Just speculation, but she may be concerned that if you get fit and attractive then she'll seem larger and less attractive by comparison. My theory is that it has less to do with the food journal, and more to do with her insecurities.

    So my advice is to keep your food journal going, and do your best to stroke her ego from time to time :)

    I second (third) this completely!

    Congrats to you for finding this site and sticking with it. Go you!!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I don't know how long you've been married...I'm going on 26 years, and I have recently realized (okay, I'm slow!) that if I want something from my husband, I have to explicitly ask for it.

    Just a suggestion...when you have 5 minutes and nothing else is going on, ask your wife to sit down and talk to you, that you want to discuss something with her (most wives would love to be asked to talk).

    Just tell her you need her support. She is the closest person in the world to you and her support means a lot. Then, maybe spell out what support means. Or if she's helped with the food aspect of your weight loss plan, then compliment her on that. Compliment on anything that's worked well so far, that you feel is authentic. (This approach eliminates the type of "you never" comment or "you always" accusation).

    Now, I'm not saying I've done this perfectly myself. I've made a lot of mistakes and accusations over the years, usually not so obvious, but more subtle blaming.

    In terms of MFP and weight loss, I would really like my husband to join me, but he's not ready. I'm not always "all in" myself to be honest, but I am committed to trying to stay the course.

    Good luck!
  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    My hubby didn't understand at first and he picked at me until he realized why I was doing it and then he joined me. He is also trying to loose weight and once he realized I was serious and passing him up he jumped in with me. Maybe talk to her about it
  • Willdaddy09
    Willdaddy09 Posts: 6 Member
    Screw your wife. She's a *****.
  • zlem
    zlem Posts: 92
    heh, my partner and I both need to lose weight. I installed the app on my partner's phone for him but he won't use it. He laughs at me when I'm weighing my food. He rolls his eyes when I'm writing down how much of every ingredient goes into the pot while I'm cooking. And when he brings home mcdonalds and I tell him no thanks. Or makes a huge plate of cheese and crackers. Sometimes makes me wonder if he's trying to sabotage my efforts lol ;)
  • melissalangelage
    I originally joined MFP just over a year ago in an effort to get my husband on board. He has put on alot of weight and eats terribly, I worry he'll drop dead someday. I was after the "OH MY GOSSSSSH look how many hours I'd have to run to burn that little snack off, better not eat it then!" effect with him. He did try it at first but he's a service engineer - after one day of eating right and trying to log his fruit salad and diet coke, and getting called all sorts of names by the other guys at work, he gave up. I can tell him the calorie content of pretty much everything he and I eat and anything he picks up in the shops, just off the top of my head now. But he just rolls his eyes and sometimes will purposely eat or buy the high-calorie things to spite me! It's frustrating as I've done so well and I really wish he'd do the same. He complains about all the hot muscly guys I train with, you'd think he'd want to be one too!!! But he's always complimenting me on my progress so that's a bonus :)

    As for friends, I tried to keep it all off my facebook as some people just don't care especially due to my history of anorexia, and I use the forums here to vent and get it off my chest. But when I first joined and did so well I was proud, and made a few facebook comments here and there which I thought no one read until a few friends from various parts of the world wrote to me one day thank me for inspiring them to join MFP and lose X kg. So that was really good, it's nice to motivate others even if it isn't my husband as planned lol.

  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    My fiance kind of rolled his eyes at first but didn't mind it, and now I have an account for him too because he saw I was losing weight and wanted to also. =)
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    ~~Double Post~~
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Um, no. We teach people how to treat us and I would never tolerate that kind of ridicule from my husband. (Not that I think he would ever behave in such a way.)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    My husband laughed at the idea of writing down everything I eat - but he is very impressed with the results!
  • Shanicolet1
    I just got back into this and my hubby decided to join me! First time ever he has wanted to SERIOUSLY lose weight with me. It's going great for us and we keep each other motivated. i hate that your wife doesn't see that it's something you could do together and encourage each other. However, I applaud you for not giving up it's hard enough to battle yourself you shouldn't have to battle your spouse about being healthier. It sounds like an insecurity issue to me but it sounds like you don't need the reassurance. Keep up the GOOD WORK. You're definitely worth being healthy!!
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    Hey, my hubby makes fun of it too but he does it in a playful way. He understands why I do it and it was him that put me on to it.

    I caught him looking through my laptop before dinner and wondered what he was doing. After dinner it became apparent. He had logged into here and added my dinner for me, I asked why and his response was "I wanted to check that I wasn't going to cook something that would put you over you calorie count, oh and you may have got you exercise time goal met but you are 52 calories burnt short."

    My friend on the other hand has issues with her fella. She has lost 5 stone in 8 month and looks fabulous but gets no support from her hubby. Now he isn't exactly skinny either and could do with dieting. She found out he was cheating on her and the reason behind it was she was getting hotter by the day, thought she would lose interest in him now that men are hitting on her so he did the dead first do it wouldn't hurt as much. It crushed her though and made her feel crap for doing so incredibly well.

    If spouses aren't supportive I think it has more to do with their insecurities, how they feel in comparison (lets face it, none of us want to be the fat one in a couple do we?)

    Maybe in a few weeks, when she sees how great you are doing, you can encourage her to join, show her the benefits.

    She may be your wife but that doesn't mean you should feel crap to make her feel better.

    Good luck with your journey, I hope to see your success story soon.

  • Scorpio313
    No one is supportive of me so Im getting support from people off of mfp to keep my motiivation going
  • pussycat626
    pussycat626 Posts: 129 Member
    Just speculation, but she may be concerned that if you get fit and attractive then she'll seem larger and less attractive by comparison. My theory is that it has less to do with the food journal, and more to do with her insecurities.

    So my advice is to keep your food journal going, and do your best to stroke her ego from time to time :)

    Agree with this post totally
  • DACouture1979
    Um, no. We teach people how to treat us and I would never tolerate that kind of ridicule from my husband. (Not that I think he would ever behave in such a way.)

    Sorry my wife isn't a child, she's an adult if I wanted to marry a child I would have.
  • DACouture1979
    I think a lot of people have hit the nail on the head with insecurities but that is just my opinion on that so who knows.