Anyone NOT belong to a gym?



  • AleishaRucker
    AleishaRucker Posts: 3 Member
    Netflix has a great selection of workout videos. :)
  • I dont belong to a gym - I find it boring and never keep it up - instead I do a belly dance and a burlesque class every week - its much more fun and Ive been doing them both for about a year now. xx:smile:
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    The only thing I belong to is myself. :D
  • I am in the same situation as you- married, two small kids and working full time... leaves no time for the gym. I typically work out at home in the very early hours of the morning, I have a couple of Jillian Michaels DVDs, also I like the Turbo Jam series, and I do Pilates on light days.

    In the nicer weather (I'm in the Northeast), we picked up a double jogger so that I can run on weekends with the kids. Last summer I ran a 6k- I loved it! Good motivation if you like that sort of thing...

    Good luck!
  • How is the burlesque class? I've always wanted to try but so far I've been a little too chicken... :)
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I use my treadmill and we have some free weights. Technology has become my friend too. I hate video games but have grown to like the Wii fit and the ps3 kinect games aimed at fitness. They help brake the bordeome of running, especially in the colder months.
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    I don't belong to a gym. I have tried gym membership in the past (at a couple of different gyms). I have tried going in the morning, and at lunchtime (so stressful trying to get everything done in the time available), and after work.

    Unless I can go to the gym on the way home from work it doesn't work out for me at all. When doing a circuit, I find it stressful trying to get to the right equipment when it is free - as time is of the essence! I also get bored doing a circuit.

    I have tried tai box. I have tried aqua aerobics. Its OK for a while, but then I get bored. And I get fed up with being inside on a lovely day.

    I now spend my time walking my German Shepherd dog. He is happy. I am happy. I get fresh air. I try different routes. I garden (heavy digging, moving soil/mulch). As soon as I have moved all the soil the garden could possibly want, I move hosue and start again. Crazy, I know. But then I remember a very old gardener on TV in Australia - he used to say that he couldn't work out why people went jogging/running when they could be mowing the lawn!

    Bottom line is that gym membership isn't for everyone. It certainly isn't for me. :smile:
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    No gym for this boy ! Let's see...I have a treadmill at home that I use alot in the colder months. I ride my bike as part of my exercise program through out the year (more in the summer). I use Power 90, P90X and RevAbs for workout videos :happy:
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    I used to belong to a gym. The only thing I miss is the pool, but I didn't go often enough to justify paying out £35 a month. I use DVD's (30 day shred and Davina Superbody workout), Wii Fit, Biggest Loser game for the wii and try and get out on the road for some running.
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    I don't have gym membership any longer but have a cross trainer at home and, very important for fat loss, a weight bench and dumb bells and bar bell. I got the bench for maybe $150 and the 92kg weight set (with two dumb bell bars and a bar bell) I think that was about $50. I also just bought a swiss ball and a step as I'm now doing The New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    I also walk the hound twice a day for some fresh air. I feel now I have a half decent all round workout.

    Good luck! :)
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    I used to go to the gym all the time. I'm 44 years old and just got sick of waiting in line for the cardio machines etc....

    I have tons of dvds,weights,swiss ball, resistance bands and elliptical machine.

    I just prefer to workout at home,at my own pace.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    I once belonged to the Y for a year and never went! If I have to get ready and drive to it, it never happens!

    Over the past few years I have added to my home gym in my basement. I have a treadmill, select-tech weights, lots of DVDs and recently got an indoor trainer for my bike.

    I am currently in week 5 of P90X and just started Couch 2 5K last night. I did C25K before but am working on higher speeds this time through.
  • I don't just becuase I would rather use that money elsewhere and I prefer to work out in private. My best friend and I use videos. Right now we are doing kickboxing which is really fun, its just the right amount of cardio for me and using the 1/2 lb weighted gloves I get the toning I need also.
  • Netflix has a great selection of workout videos. :)

    Really!!! I had no idea, never really looked for them.
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    I belong to a gym, but only go there for the elliptical, and I don't go enough. At home, I do Taebo and many other various DVD workouts. I used to LOVE Exercise TV, but it's gone now. I stocked up on DVDs as the Exercise TV was shutting down. I have a bunch of 10 minute workouts when my time is limited. Some of my favs:
    Amy Dixon Kick (or something like that)
    Cindi Whitmarsh Incredible Abs
    10 minute Pilates solutions (with a ball)
    Jackie Warner lifting DVDs
    Kettlebell workouts (Amy Bento and Paul somebody)
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    I used to go to the Gym, but never enjoyed it. The cost was huge, it took time and effort to get there and back and I felt terribly intimidated working out in front of other people. For many, these things are motivators and more kudos to them, but for me I do Jillian Michaels dvds in a very small amount of floor space at home, just started lifting weights in a slightly different but equally small fllor space at home, and I walk to and from work which also saves me train fare. Obviously your commute is a lot longer, but maybe park a mile away and walk for the last 15 minutes? It'll save on petrol costs and won't take too much time out of your day :o)
  • 617Princess
    617Princess Posts: 12 Member
    I don't. I have two small kids (8 months, 2 years), I work FT, and I take 12 credits a semester (nursing), needless to say I am stretched pretty thin. I go running at night, do pilates, and the 30DS in my living room.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I joined a gym a year ago only because it's $15 a month and my unsurance picks up $150 a year, so it was worth it even if I only go rarely. Before that, I lost three dress sizes without stepping foot in a gym. :-)

    I mostly do NOT go to the gym now. I have free weights, a balance ball and stretchy bands at home, as well as an elliptical and a few really good DVDs. I've been doing yoga long enough that I don't need a class, so I do that. I also prefer outside to inside, so I go for a lot of run/walks and it's nice and hilly where I live. I swim in the summer and I like to rollerblade, too, but I need a new pair.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    No gym membership here, though I may give it a try in a month or so. My work schedule is kind of unusual, but I could squeeze in a few times a week. Right now I would feel little embarrassed to go, and would like to be in better shape. So far the treadmill at home seems sufficient.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    No gym here...just can't afford it and same reasons as others, married, 2 small kids, work 40-45 hrs a week.

    I would LOVE to go to the gym again I love all the options and all the different classes you could take, kickboxing, dance aerobics...etc!

    I was doing Jillian's 30DS (lost the motivation)
    My husband is doing P90X right now. But I would love an elliptical or treadmill just no funds for either of them!