ANYONE WANTING TO LOSE 70lbs? Or has already lost it?

My goal is to lose 70lbs til the next September, is that unrealistic? Has anyone done it or is wanting to achieve the same? Would love to hear some success stories and find some friends with the same goals :)


  • littlemiss1753
    littlemiss1753 Posts: 4 Member
    Im looking to lose about that much wanna be friends on here?
  • AnnaCVeach
    AnnaCVeach Posts: 56 Member
    My goal is 70 pounds as well. So far I've lost 25 pounds. I don't think it is too unrealistic as long as you are willing to put in the effort. I'll send you a friend request.
  • LizzyTish327
    LizzyTish327 Posts: 18 Member
    I need to lose about that much too...oh man if I could get motivated with your help that would be great! September could work if you're very dedicated and stick to your plan :)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Heya! It's definitely possible to lose 70 pounds in 9 months, but you'll probably get some feedback that the goal might be a little high. Averaging it out, you'd be losing close to 2 lbs a week, which is a decent rate at the beginning, but will be harder and harder the closer you get to your goal. I think most suggest around a 1 lb per week goal, with maybe a little more at the beginning when you have more to lose. If you push too hard for too much, you might end up eating too little or not being as healthy as you want to be (or just getting frustrated if it doesn't happen).

    Either way, your goals are your own and different for everyone, and I wish you luck in getting there! I want to lose a total of around 100, and I'm about halfway there, so I'd be happy to have an extra friend if you'd like. :)
  • JnJJsMommy
    JnJJsMommy Posts: 2 Member
    I'm looking to lose around that much, my goal is to lose 60 then decide from there if I want to lose the other 10. Everyone can feel free to add me.
  • I want to. :) I'll add if you like?
  • danimack
    danimack Posts: 18 Member
    My goal is also to lose 70lbs. I would love to have the weight gone by October for my birthday!! I figure being healthy is the best present I can give myself!!
  • xmandadollx
    xmandadollx Posts: 69 Member
    I am looking at losing about 70 pounds, but I would be a lot happier if I could just get 50 pounds lighter. This is my first week on MyFitnessPal. So far, I love it! I am down 4.4 pounds since the holiday months!
  • Agean42
    Agean42 Posts: 58
    I lost over 70lbs in 6 months so it is definately possible.

    Focus on your goal and you will do it !!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I have at least that much to lose if not more. If you are in need of a pal please add me!
  • I know I definitely want to lose at least that much, most likely a little more though.
  • That's about how much I want/need to lose too! Feel free to add me as a friend
  • stephie7396
    stephie7396 Posts: 9 Member
    That is around my goal. I have lost 22 lbs and want to lose 70 more, add me if you like :)
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    This is not unrealistic at all! 6 months into my journey, I lost 70 pounds. It does tend to slow down though, some times you hit plateau's, or life just happens. If you stick with it and stay strong you can absolutely do this!!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    That's my ultimate goal. 231 to 160.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    My starting goal was about 78lbs, 40 more to go =]
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    It's very possible. You can do it. I lost 100 pounds in 9 months and I am at 109 lost so far, almost at goal.


  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    already lost it and then some :)
    Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I've lost almost 50 and my ultimate goal is 70. It will be 2 years on this journey in May, but I wasn't dedicated to it the whole time.
  • I'm looking to lose at least 70 lbs and my goal is by the end of November.