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January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • HELLO!!! My name is Dawn. My Jan 4th goals were to actually sign up for fitness pal and start reading blogs
  • LadyMali
    LadyMali Posts: 24 Member
    Update on Today's goals 1/4/12--I did keep close track of all the food I ate and remained under my calorie goal. I did get my groceries so there are plenty of really great food choices in the house but I did not get a walk in with my goat. It was raining by the time I got off work :cry: I did get my exercise, just not the kind I was looking forward to.

    Goals for tomorrow 1/5/12--
    1. To create order of the caos in my office.
    2. To plan my meals for the entire day including all snacks.
    3. To grade all my student's writing assignments and return with feedback.
    4. To try again for that walk with my goat.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • jash12
    jash12 Posts: 7 Member
    I am just trying to figure everything out so please bear with me. I have met my goals for today yeah!!! Now a little about myself, I am 56yrs old have been on the diet roller coaster for many years now. Part of my problem is I don't feel as big as I am and the other part is I can lose, but can't seem to keep it off. I made my grandson a promise that I would be thinner by his birthday next December. I cannot let him down and he won't forget. So I need all the help and support I can get. I have support at home but they have seen me do this so many times that I know they have to be thinking here we go again. So I am asking for brutality and sympathy, but please don't let me off the hook. My goals for tomorrow are: 1. Do some meditation. 2. Walk at work and 3 start a journal.
  • AmyinMD
    AmyinMD Posts: 33 Member
    Goals for Jan 04

    do all exercises--done
    make better food choices & stay under calorie limit--yes and no
    send two b'day cards--done
    get to work by 10--no

    Goals for Jan 05

    do all exercises
    eat well just for 24 hrs
    get to work by 8 so I can leave by 2

    success to Everyone & have a great day
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Wednesday

    To journal my food choices honestly did this
    To get some exercise in barely
    To not let stress get to me did a lot better today
    To take my doggies for a walk at lunch time.... just for fun and de-stressing. way to cold outside.

    I am still eating more than I should. Today is going to be better.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    somehow my post doubled.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for today

    To continue to journal my food choices honestly
    Going to the gym tonight to talk to a personal trainer about my dietary habits.... hope I don't have to fight for my dark chocolate
    To not stress eat.... I need to find a better outlet for my stress... need multiple choices, cause it usually is when I am working.
    To start drinking more water
  • Yesterdays Goals

    1) Log evertyhing good or bad. (accomplished)
    2) Stay withing my callories for the day. (accomplished)
    3) Drink no glasses of pop today. (have a horrible headache but it is done)
    4) Get my application finished for 2 jobs. (didn't get a chance to do this after work yesterday)

    Today's Goals
    1) Log evertyhing good or bad.
    2) Stay withing my callories for the day.
    3) Drink no glasses of pop today.
    4) Get my application finished for 2 jobs.
    5) Not let the negative people at work get to me today.
  • stepoco
    stepoco Posts: 50 Member
    Goals for Jan 4 -
    1. drink 48 oz of water - will be a challenge without going to the gym - DONE, and I didn't have soda when we went out to dinner, just water - hooray!
    2. clean my desk for 10 minutes - DONE, one of the many piles is a little shorter
    3. go for a walk - DONE - we started a walking group at work which will make doing this regularly much easier
    4. make my lunch - DONE (I almost never make my lunch)
    5. call Kevin Urie and write Depletions PA (doesn't mean anything to anyone else, but is a related to a big work project I have been putting off) - FAILED - had to prepare something for our lawyer, but I have to get to this soon - meeting on it in a week.

    Goals for Jan 5
    1. Go to the gym (no personal training appointment, so hard for me to get there)
    2. Go for a walk at work
    3. Make my lunch and resist the pizza the others will be having at the meeting (I usually have no willpower)
    4. Drink 56 oz of water (never easy to get my water)
    5. Call Kevin Urie and write Depletions PA (absolutely needs to happen today)
    6. Clean my desk for 10 minutes

    I know my list is getting a little long, but I think today will be a banner day (at least it needs to be). And yesterday the ONLY reason I actually got around to cleaning my desk is because I didn't want to have to write down that I had failed at that two days in a row.
  • msgsarah
    msgsarah Posts: 53 Member
    Hello everyone!

    This is a really brilliant idea for a posting, as so many others have already said.

    So, here goes.

    I'm Sarah, 26 years old, no children (yet). I got married in September last year and starting using the site then to try and shift a few pounds for the wedding, but I didn't get as far as I would have liked.

    Towards the end of last year, me and some of my colleagues from work all joined MFP together and set up a bit of a diet club at work to try and shed some pounds for the Christmas party. I was doing okay, but of course I didn't keep it up over the holidays, so now I really want to push myself this year.

    I'm not really that overweight, but I want to lose 10 pounds and get to the low weight for my BMI, and lose one dress size. This is a lot harder than it sounds, because I already exersize a fair amount and I'm going to have to really push my body to drop any weight - it doesn't want to! It's like moving a mountain. For a good two months I ate my calorie goal or below every day and did plenty of work outs and I still only shifted a pound and a half!

    But I really want this year to achieve my dream dress size! I figure it's now or never as I know its a lot harder once we start having children, which is not too far off for me.

    I am all about making plans, but I struggle to stick to them, so I think this thread will really help by breaking it all down into manageable steps.

    My Goals:

    1. Drink more water - I know everyone struggles with this!
    2. Eat 'leaner', non-processed foods
    3. Try and do some form of exercise every day, even if its just going for a walk!
  • Jan 5

    1 Drink water every hour
    2 Stay within calorie count
    3 Eat more vegetables
  • uktsb
    uktsb Posts: 14 Member
    I would like to join this board.

    I am currently about 100lb overweight and I have very low self esteem and find it hard to be motivated.

    I have too many excuses that are stopping me from getting back to the weight I was before I moved from the UK to the USA.

    I need to quit the excuses so here are my goals:

    1. Drink more water
    2. walk my dog every day (she deserves it!)
    3. go to the gym for half an hour every day. it's a 24 hour gym. I should find half an hour at some point to go there after work, etc.
    4. send myself back to school (online) so that I can better my self-esteem in the work environment.

    I have a million more, but baby steps, right?
  • Lorna1976
    Lorna1976 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I'm Lorna, have 3 children (8,9,10, two of them step children). They keep me busy and active. Been with my boyfriend 3 and a half years and he is fantastic.

    We have fell into that comfy stage in our relationship and enjoy vegging out on the sofa. 2012 is a new year and ready for a fresh start, we are working together to lose weight, supporting and encouraging each other. I am looking to lose about a stone. This should sit me in the middle of a healthy weight.

    Jan 5

    1 Stay within Calorie Count
    2 Drink water (currently i dont)
    3 Walk the dog twice a day
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    This is great!. I will be back later to post my goals
  • Hi my name is Sam and I am a mother of my beautiful daughter who will be 2 in February. I am a full-time student along with working full-time at a bank. I have an amazing and supportive boyfriend that has stepped up and been a father figure for my daughter. I want to lose this weight so I can feel good about myself, feel more confident and happy with myself. I honestly hate how I look. Everyday I wish I was something different and better. I am going to change that, starting NOW!

    My 3 goals for today:
    1. Get some of my homework knocked out so I don't have to stress so much this weekend.
    2. Drink more liquids and keep in line with my food goals and eat better today.
    3. Go to the gym tonight and walk on the treadmill and do some weight resistance tonight.
  • countryfatgirl
    countryfatgirl Posts: 20 Member
    Stephanie - I am 40 years old. I am a special education supervisor for a public school. I am single( have not found mr. right LOL) I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I had lost 80 pounds about 5 years ago- I became engaged and ended calling it off. I have put every pound back on and more. My goal for 2012 is to be healthy. (Not diet -but make wise choices and work out.) I tend to after a long day go home to the couch. I have joined the gym and right now I am enjoying it. I am an emotional eater but I am working on that by hitting the track, go to tan, or grabbing the remote to the wii.... So keeping praying and I hope we all reach our goals. Blessings and Happy New Year!!!!

    goals today-1. clean house (LOL)
    2. do 5:45 Zumba class
    3. drink my 64 ozs of water today.....:bigsmile:
  • tinks72
    tinks72 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there my name is Melanie and i live with my husband and 8 year old son. I am going to be 40 in October so this is my new motivation for looking and feeling good. I really need a healthier outlook and to keep my motivation this time. :happy:

    My goals for today are

    1 To get to the gym
    2 To not eat any crisps
    3 To cook a healthy family dinner
  • s_waser
    s_waser Posts: 92
    I am new to this thread! My name is Stephanie, I am a mother of 2 and I am a substitute teacher. I want to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. I got a personal trainer and I have had great results but have been having some issues with working out because it is causing problems with my body and I have to stop lifting heavy weights. My trainer is a body builder so he is all about lifting weight and building muscle fast. So needless to say I have put my trainer on hold until the doctor gives me the ok. It has been two weeks since I have worked out at all because of a procedure I had done. I am now ready to start.

    My goal for today is to stay away from sweets, stay under my calorie count and run.
  • tbraund111069
    tbraund111069 Posts: 16 Member
    Good morning everyone. I'm Terri & I'm thrilled to join this group. I'm a wellness coach who has a hard time coaching myself, so this is perfect for me to keep myself accountable. I'm also a single mother of a 9 yr old boy & we live with my parents, who love dessert every night & cookies in the cookie jar at all times (so, no support there). Please, if you don't see me, message me. I really need the kick in the butt. :)

    Today's goals:
    1. walk 1 hour (supposed to hit 40 degrees outside today, yea!)
    2. 100 ounces water
    3. 1/2 hour Yoga with my Thursday night weight loss challenge class
    4. cook meals for the rest of the week

    This should be a manageable start for me. See you all tomorrow. Have a happy/healthy day!
  • This will be my first time joining a group or posting, but I want to say thanks to all those that do, I read blogs and threads and it has helped me alot. I am 44, a mother of 4 boys, 23, 20, 19, and 17. I've been married for 25 years in March. I am a list person, so this challenge speaks to me! Thanks for starting this!

    Goals for Jan. 5
    1. walk for 30 min on treadmill
    2. put table and chairs away from New Years party
    3. get another section of my cross-stitch done (wedding present for my niece)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter