anyone else wanna lose over 50 lbs



  • I would like to lose 80-90. so feel free to add me and count me in support is a key part to all of this.
  • TiaD234
    TiaD234 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to!! Count me in
  • Nothing like some good motivation and support to help along the journey to lose over 50lbs. Count me in, Everyone can add me if you like. TEAM MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    I need to lose 60 more (63 to begin)
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I have a group called 2012 challenge to lose 52 join me I would love to see you post in the group. Anyone in here can add me as a friend follow the group challenge
  • add me its funny i want to lose 69lbs!!! we got this if we do it together!!
  • Hi, My name is Debra. My Fitness pal ID is Usmcgunnysack. I started on Isagenix on November 12 and I am so glad I did. I lost 14 Lbs in the first 17 days. WIth all of the Holidays I did not gain weight but I did not lose either. I was thrilled to maintain with all of the goodies around. To date I am down 27 lbs which is amazing. My fitness pal has all of the Isagenix products in its database which is so helpful. If you are looking to lose 50 lbs and keep it off there is no healthier way. I can't say enough good things about it. If you have any questions you can friend me and I will be glad to share how this has worked for me. It has been so great I want to share it with everyone because I finally found something that works quickly while giving the body full nutrition and energy. Check it out on youtube. There are some amazing stories. I wish you luck and would love to encourage each other. Thanks!
  • i Do Too. Add ME(:
  • laoul
    laoul Posts: 9 Member
    I want to lose 120lbs. Add me if you'd like. :-)
  • tiffbiz
    tiffbiz Posts: 8 Member
    Sounds fantastic, would love to lose 50lbs! LETS DO THIS :)
  • WiegandS
    WiegandS Posts: 99 Member
    I would like to lose around 50-55. You can add me. I'm having trouble loosing weight. It's not my diet or the exercise thats the problem, but I've literally weighed the same since Dec 22 =(. So I'm looking to connect with people who can maybe jump-start my weight loss
  • aduck23
    aduck23 Posts: 31 Member
    herro there, add me pl0x, i need to lose a ton of weight. ^^;
  • Me too - 40kg to lose... gulp!
  • Pinkerbell1481
    Pinkerbell1481 Posts: 19 Member
    Yep i have double what you have plus some but id love to be friends. Anyone can add me. Id love to make new friends its the ONLY way im going to get through this
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I have 57 lbs to go... Feel free to friend me
  • min_lyn
    min_lyn Posts: 68 Member
    I'm new here and in it to lose at least 50 pounds (more like around 60) so feel free to add me as a friend.
  • wendyt77
    wendyt77 Posts: 18 Member
    I am with you! My goal is to lose 80 lbs. Anyone is welcome to add me!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Yep.. I want to lose up to 100 pounds.. I wanna get close to the 190's atleast.. :)
  • I'm so with you! I want to lose 57 lbs and can use all the help/motivation I can get!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    i wanna lose 50-60 -- here.we.go.