10 year reunion!



  • alisha123
    alisha123 Posts: 71
    I am also up a pound but am happy to say I logged everything, which I also thought was depressing.:cry: I did eat out for lunch both Saturday and Sunday due to family events so that did not help. This next week I will continue to log everything and add in lots more water. I noticed how little water I drink on the weekends so those are my 2 goals this week. Good luck everyone! Now that I got a week down, I'm optimistic about this :tongue: Oh I also wanted to mention I don't have a reunion so I kinda feel like the odd ball here but I am going to Vegas the end of June and that's why I joined this group because nothing else has seemed to work.
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    I am also up a pound but am happy to say I logged everything, which I also thought was depressing.:cry: I did eat out for lunch both Saturday and Sunday due to family events so that did not help. This next week I will continue to log everything and add in lots more water. I noticed how little water I drink on the weekends so those are my 2 goals this week. Good luck everyone! Now that I got a week down, I'm optimistic about this :tongue: Oh I also wanted to mention I don't have a reunion so I kinda feel like the odd ball here but I am going to Vegas the end of June and that's why I joined this group because nothing else has seemed to work.

    no reunion required! vegas will probably be more fun than a reunion anyway. i'm actually going to vegas 1 week before my reunion (and its also my 1 year wedding anniversary), so i have 2 things to work for! i would love to weigh 10 lbs less than i did at the wedding for our anniversary! good luck this week!
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    I'm a slacker. I was out of the office yesterday and forgot to post.

    I was down one pound last week.
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    good job losing another pound! i weighed myself again this morning and i'm back down to last week's weight...even though i kept it more under control than normal this last weekend, i still drank some wine sunday night and i think that caused me to weigh a little more monday. we'll see what next monday brings!

    oh and i added another 10 lb to my final goal. my old goal was what i wanted to lose by the reunion, but i don't think that's possible now - i'd have to consistently lose 2 lb per week and based on past results, i don't think that's going to happen. so now i'm just going to lose as much as i can by the reunion, and keep going from there.

    what do you guys do? do you put your final goal or your mini goals in your ticker? and is there a feature that predicts when you will meet your final goal, based on the information you enter about starting/ending weight and how much exercise per week?
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    My ticker is my first big goal. I think I can maintain 2lbs a week until that weight. After that I'm going down another 20 pounds but that will be a pace at one pound a week.

    My ticker weight is what I weighed when I graduated HS so I'm certainly wanting to be there by the reunion.
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    oh by the way, i met my first nano-milestone...i've recorded everything i've eaten for the past week! no skipping weekends!
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    oh by the way, i met my first nano-milestone...i've recorded everything i've eaten for the past week! no skipping weekends!

    WTG! Keep it up. :drinker:
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    2lbs this week!
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    yahoo way to go! i'm down 1...not bad considering i went over my calories both sat and sun (not by as much as usual though!). i'm finding its getting easier to refuse temptations to overeat every day!
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    Great job! Keep up the good work. Each temptation defeated is a small victory.
  • alisha123
    alisha123 Posts: 71
    Good job guys! Sorry I was up north all weekend and no access to a computer. Thus I could not log what I ate which I think is why I'm up a pound. Really it's no change from last week because that pound I gained when I wrote here last Monday I lost during the week but then gained it back this weekend.
  • Jenelz
    Jenelz Posts: 9 Member
    I just saw your post and caught up on reading this thread. I am wondering if I can join your group as well. My 10 year is in November and I want to drop 40 pounds before then. Plus I noticed you went to the Angel game. I live in Orange County as well and have been to a couple of games. You are right, there is not a lot to choose from at the stadiums.
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    of course you can join! good luck!
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    wow i was bad this weekend...my family was in town and i didn't record anything. we went to a wedding catered with mexican food so i think i blew my whole day's worth of calories there alone. somehow i still lost another pound, i'm flabbergasted but relieved!

    tonight i'm going back to the gym...haven't been in a long time since i've been busy!
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    I unexpectedly spent an extra two days on the road last week, which means I did not eat well. Somehow I didn't gain. :smile:
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    I unexpectedly spent an extra two days on the road last week, which means I did not eat well. Somehow I didn't gain. :smile:

    guess it was a lucky week for both of us! how's everyone else doing?
  • alisha123
    alisha123 Posts: 71
    I did alright this week. No gain, but still disappointed that I didn't have a loss. Hopefully this week I'll lose.
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    I did alright this week. No gain, but still disappointed that I didn't have a loss. Hopefully this week I'll lose.

    hopefully! there were times when i kept trying and trying and the scale wasn't moving too, especially right after i started working out (after a long period of inactivity). did you just start working out again? if so you could be gaining muscle but losing fat, so you're not seeing a net loss.
  • alisha123
    alisha123 Posts: 71
    Yes I've been working out. I did 4 days last week with the weekend as my break and started up again this week. I have been slowly working up my working up my workout routine after a winter and I guess spring of inactivity :laugh:
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    weekly check in time...so monday i was up 1.5 pounds from last week. boo on that. but i wasn't surprised, considering i went beer tasting on saturday. weighed in again today and i am only .2 lb up from where i was last week. so i'm ok with that. probably still won't update it in my ticker though :tongue:

    how is everyone else doing? my reunion is now just over 3.5 months away!