What does your mfp username mean to you



  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    My name is Jenna Coffee.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    <-- has no imagination or time to make up some interesting MFP username aside from my initials. SIGH
  • smashatoms
    smashatoms Posts: 144 Member
    I like science.
    And I'm a metalsmith.

    I hit a lot of metal on a day to day basis. When you hit metal it causes it to work harden (which is when the molecules in the metal get whacked out of alignment). So one must anneal the metal (heat until nearly the melting point) which makes the molecules align properly again, making the metal easier to move.

    Atoms make molecules.

    Therefore, I smash atoms.
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    My nickname when I was in the military was "LU".

    I find it a compliment to be called a loser when referring to my weight. Hence, The LU sir
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    <-- has no imagination or time to make up some interesting MFP username aside from my initials. SIGH

    what about the numbers? they're driving me insane!!! ha...
  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member

    rh=rose hulman (college)
    ce=civil engineer(ing) (major/future career)
    40=lucky number
  • Mocha02
    Mocha02 Posts: 96
    Mocha is my model name I go by.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I do hair, I'm a girl. That's about it! :smile:
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Sassy cuz well, I have a sassy personality. CalyGirl cuz I am from California.
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    I was meant to type Lizzie, but didnt check I made a lil typo, now I got Lizzue!!! :-) Whoops!
  • uktsb
    uktsb Posts: 14 Member
    Mine is from the fact that I am English (but live in America now), and my initials. UKtsb. I didn't really want to put in my real name, and I wasn't sure what else to call myself!
  • mine is part of both of my daughters names and part of my first grandsons name, I didn't add my last grandsons name cause it's also my email and I didn't want to have to change all of that again, but they are all so very special to me.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Hottottie -- Usher had a song out called "hot hottie" that I loved to workout to.

    11 --I graduated from grad school in 2011
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Catshark= a nickname I got cuz I used to eat so much, like a cross between a catfish and a shark. 209 is my area code. Ghetto of me lol.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    People always say I talk too much LOL and the rest is my birthdate!
  • Doulos24x7
    Doulos24x7 Posts: 37 Member
    Doulos (Greek - δοῦλος) - "devoted to another to the disregard of one's own interests"
  • allishaFaye
    allishaFaye Posts: 53 Member
    Allisha is my first name and Faye is my middle so now you have it, Allisha Faye!
    if you want an encouraging friend, feel free to add me!
  • my fitness motto, train hard for ...."one workout at a time" keeps me focused to make each rep, cardio, ect.. count
  • twynzmom
    twynzmom Posts: 172
    I have two sets of twins = twynzmom
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I love pixie's and I am short... hence Pocket Pixi...