quitting soda



  • TWrecks1968
    TWrecks1968 Posts: 138 Member
    Cold turkey. It is really hard at first, but after a while, you will lose the taste for such sweetness. Diet sodas are not good for me because I kept craving that sweetness that would lead me to the regular sodas. Don't miss them at all now. When I do take a sip, it is really just too sweet, regular or diet. I heard you get re-sensitive to sweet as well as salt. Who knows?
  • Ambeltz2016
    Ambeltz2016 Posts: 36 Member
    Step your self down that is the only way to do it , and good luck to you!!!!
  • uhthisgirl
    Used to be a huge coke fan, slowly started to cut back to one a day, then water and nothing else. Coffee helped with the caffeine issue.

    Soda was probably my biggest problem to get through for having tried to quit it multiple times and always falling back on it. Once in a while now I'll reward myself with a coke and be amazed at how much better it tastes when you never have it!

    Just keep at it!!
  • Tlcw96
    Tlcw96 Posts: 13
    I am too a Pepsi Addict...I am on day three of quiting cold turkey. I have tried in the past to slowly take it away and that didnt work so Cold Turkey is the only way for me to go.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    I went cold turkey. I tried slowly cutting back, but I ened up just going back to what I was normally drinking. Its hard, and you might fall off the wagon, and have to hop back on. I am currently trying to rebreak the soda habit as well. I have been drinking water with a splash of cranberry juice, a lime and some mint sprigs. It has GREAT flavor and I end up drinking a lot of water that way.

    Good luck, you can do it :)
  • supergirlie00
    I'm in the same boat... carbonated water helps me a lot, plus ice cold water with lemon slices or instant ice tea :) Good luck hope going cold turkey helps, just got to do it to it!
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    just don't drink it :)
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    Also went cold turkey. Substituted for a while with the flavored carbonated water, then switch to Crystal Light, now make my own using seltzer water and "flavored" liquid stevia (they have a root beer and vanilla creme) or I make my own lemonage using fresh squeezed lemons and liquid lemon stevia for sweetening.

    Good luck, it's not easy but it's a quick 10 pounds gone!
  • vegasaims
    vegasaims Posts: 128
    I had to go cold turkey. I tried cutting back and it never worked for me. I carry a thing of water with me and I have a glass of the flavored/carbonated water a day. That helps. When I go out to eat, it is always water. (My thought was the less calories I drink= the more calories I could eat)
  • bethanwright
    bethanwright Posts: 3 Member
    I have a water bobble and their genius, they have a filter inside them which takes away the sort of tap water taste and you reuse them up to like 400 times or something and then replace the filter. but i find if i'm holding that or have it with me through the day i'll drink that rather than pop. i'm addicted to fruity fizzy drinks like fanta and lemonade but this has really helped.

    i'm actually just about to make a post with the link to the site i got mine from but you can literally google it and it comes up! i'm from the uk so i needed a site to ship
  • HappySt37
    Have to agree, cold turkey is the way to go. Try to not supplement with juice if you are craving the sweet taste. I went for a year off of Pepsi and didn't miss it after awhile. Back to not drinking it, or any any other soda, as I had a few month relapse. What I can say, if in fact you are a caffiene drinker (Pepsi, Coke, etc., ) be prepared for the headaches! If you are lucky, you won't get them, however that what the obstacle that was even harder to overcome than the desire of the soda. Hang in there though. I went to ice water with lemon at times and found my skin to look healthier and didn't miss it!
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I just did it. I figured the half life of caffeine was five hours so I got up one Saturday, left on my pajamas and sat in the rocking chair for six hours and popped advil. My vice (2L+ per day)was Diet Coke. I kept one in the fridge because not having it in the house made me anxious. Then I simply made a choice not to drink it the next day. Then the next day. I told myself I could have it as a treat for dinner the following Friday and when dinner came, I decided to skip it. It will be two years next month and it's one of the best things I did for myself. I feel better, my teeth are whiter, I've saved a boat ton of money, and interstingly, my fall allergies are not nearly as severe. Just take it one choice at the time. You'll get there!
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    I am a Dr Pepper addict. I have been drinking them since childhood. I cant say I will ever kick the habit totally but I am trying. I have gone from one a day to one or two a week. Baby steps. :-)

    I drink over a gallon of water a day, I had to trick my mind into drinking tea with Splenda as a treat. 0 calories, although I really dont like artificial sweetners, it works on those days when I need my dark drink fix.
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I used to drink 2 cases of Diet Dr Pepper a week, both 'high test' and decaf. I simply stopped buying it, and when I drank the last can I made sure I had iced tea for the caffeine and cold water in the fridge at all times. After a week of so the cravings stopped and now all pop tastes really bad to me.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    OH - Side note.... over the holidays I found myself in a situation that I had to sip soda or go without any beverage when I dead thirsty. Tastes like A double S now. Can't imagine how I 'loved' it so!
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    I think you just have to know yourself and what kind of changes you respond well to. Are you a "cold turkey" person or a "slowly phase" person? Thinking about how you normally do best with changing eating habits, starting exercise, or quitting smoking (if you've ever done that) might be a good way to figure that out. I'm personally a cold turkey person and that works for me, but the best plan for you is probably whatever's worked in the past.
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    I went cold turkey too!! I was addicted to Mt Dew. I switched to water with the walmart brand flavor packets for a while now all I drink is plain water. For me I can't even have one because it will lead to wanting another, and another ....well you get the picture.
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    I am seriously considering giving up Coke. I love it terribly, but it does not love me back. Oddly enough, I love unsweet tea and have no problem substituting it, but I tend to cave when Im at work and forget to bring my tea with me... Problem recognized, solution pending...

    Meanwhile, for now, I am trying to drink at least an equal amount of water to the amount of Coke I do drink while Im at work... then its strictly unsweet tea when I get home.
  • bblonskidesigns
    I'm a Dew addict...i had to quit cold turkey. now i drink a lot of seltzer instead when i need some flavor for drinking.
  • chelljo12
    chelljo12 Posts: 187 Member
    Awww Pepsi was my drink as well 4-5 a day. When I decided to get healthy I went cold turkey. NO Pepsi since 12/1/11.