which is harder for you - boredom eating or stress eating?



  • UnderConstructionJ
    UnderConstructionJ Posts: 87 Member
    Most DEFINITELY Boredom Eating for me...usually when I'm stressed I don't eat...but when I'm BORED I get a bad case of the munchies that is UNCONTROLLABLE! SMH!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Hmmm...a little of both. When I'm stressed, I usually want bad foods. When I'm bored, I just tend to eat a lot of anything that's around - healthy or not, it's more about portions when it comes to boredom.
  • emmamcblain
    100% boredom eating. I'm quite good at handling my stress really, but if there's absolutely nothing to do one day, it can be challenge to not get the munchies when I'm bored. D:
  • kidbxrs
    kidbxrs Posts: 50 Member
  • toxicat
    toxicat Posts: 79
    Definitely boredom eating. If I am stressed, I can just have a glass of wine, and I am fine.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    DEFINITELY emotional/stress eating, especially when I'm bummed out.

    I'm pretty good at not being bored, so bored eating isn't much of an issue for me.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    For me, eating when I'm bored has always been (and possibly will always be) a problem. I have no stress-related eating issues whatsoever. Just when I'm bored.

    I used to eat whatever happened to be in the house, or send out for a pizza, just for the sake of eating. It was a way to pass the time. Since getting serious about this stuff, however, I've changed that. When I'm bored and think about about eating, I'll either drink more water or eat something healthy, like popcorn or some fruit or veggies.

    But yeah...for me? Bored eating is a rough one to get away from.
  • UnderConstructionJ
    UnderConstructionJ Posts: 87 Member
    I'm better with controlling it at home than work...I'll get caught up in t.v. or something and find that I don't eat as much. Especially since I typically don't buy snacks to keep in the house. One thing for sure I need to start DRINKING WATER when at home.
    Boredom. If I'm slow at work I will sit and snack all day. Same at home.
  • lorals05
    Definitely boredom eating!
  • conlinmel
    conlinmel Posts: 3 Member
    For me it is boredom eating....I have the most trouble on days when I have too much free time around the house to just sit and veg on the couch with snacks!!
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    I'd say a mixture of both. Stress can either make me want to eat a ton or nothing at all. Boredom I eat mindlessly and always feel guilty afterwards :-/.
  • boodlelibra
    boodlelibra Posts: 74 Member
    I started knitting when I watch TV. I just do scarves - no counting or paying attention needed. I make them for the guys at our local VA and the homeless shelter downtown and keep the basket right next to the couch. This definitely helps and when I do snack I can't eat buttery things (ahem, nasty delicious popcorn) because it makes the needles slippery!
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    Boredom eating...ugh
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    defo boredom eating, being a SAHM means im usually on top of housework and stuff so when im at home and im all houseworked out i eat :( but since i have started "dieting" i have been dancing when i have nothing to do
  • Cosmos40
    My sister told me to paint my nails when I'm bored or watching tv...you don't wanna smudge them by looking for something to eat!
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I do both and I am surely a procrastinating eater too.. If I don't want to do something I will just eat something instead of getting to it.. bad bad habits..

    I do this too!!!

    As for bored versus stressed, well it depends on whether I'm bored or stressed! ;)

    Seriously though, I can fall into boredom eating, but stress eating while writing my master's thesis (meaning that it was combined with just sitting at a computer all day) is where I gained almost all my weight. I knew it was happening, too, and what the result would be, but it just didn't matter (there were some technical problems with it, I had like 1/4 of the normal time, and b/c I was part of the first graduating class of that program there were a lot of unresolved issues, to the point where it was actually accepted literally at the last minute for me to be able to graduate on time, plus I was wondering what would happen when I graduated.). Actually it's funny because even now as I lose the weight, I think that it's less stressful to be losing the weight than it would have been to deprive myself while I was doing all that stuff. I managed to curb it a bit with tea (I read tea is supposed to make you less stressed), though I also drank coffee for that reason and to try to stay up and found out the hard way that that isn't for me. Coffee raises some people's stress levels. So yeah, tea! Herb tea, black tea, green tea, all of it.

    As for bored eating recommendations: I have a rule of no food anywhere but the kitchen. That means no food while on the computer, no food while watching tv (well technically I can see the tv from the kitchen, but it's farther away, standing up at the doorway type of thing.) I also come on these boards whenever I have the inclination to boredom eat, it fulfills the need completely. Also, tea (green tea with lemon is supposed to help with weight loss anyway) or other low/no calorie beverages. Also I find that cooking helps (don't nibble though!). Apparently that's what my grandmother used to do when she was on a diet, cook all the stuff she wanted to eat and then just not eat it. It doesn't seem like it should work but it really does. If I'm not careful I'm going to wind up with a freezer full of brownies and cakes, LOL. But also trying cooking different healthy recipes is a great thing.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I work night shift and I find myself eating to stay awake...

    THIS is my biggest problem. If I find myself mindlessly grazing, it's usually b/c I'm EXHAUSTED and trying to stay awake to get through my day. It's hard to get a good 8 hrs. sleep w/little kids and a full time job...but when I do, I don't do this.
  • Psychomasokism
    Psychomasokism Posts: 46 Member
    Stress eating, specifically when I'm feeling anxious, is the big one for me. Food is calming and sedating.
    I do both and I am surely a procrastinating eater too.. If I don't want to do something I will just eat something instead of getting to it.. bad bad habits..
    ^and this.

    I've only learned to try to keep busy and out of the house, but this is a HUUUGE issue for me. Midterms and finals make it worse. On the look out for suggestions! >.>
  • jeannicoleau
    jeannicoleau Posts: 194 Member
    I am definitely a boredom eater. I actually find myself "grazing" if I sit in front of the TV for too long. For those who need the definition of "grazing" : It is when you get up grab a small snack, finish that and then get up again to grab another snack, finish that and just keep repeating the process.
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    BORED EATER!! Majorly...anytime im bored all i wanna do is EAT! So now when i get to the point that I feel like im going to be heading to the kitchen...i clean my house or organize something lol sounds stupid..but it works for me and let me tell ya...my house is CLEAN!! lol