Tall girls who wear heels....



  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,578 Member
    Tall woman are hot. Tall woman in heels = :love: :love: :love: :smooched:
    Agree my dude....
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,259 Member
    It makes it much easier to motorboat.
  • I'm 5'9 and wear heels everyday. Love it. I used to be self conscious but that's cuz my ex husband was short. Now I can wear what I please :)
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 5'7" ish and I totally rock heels! And yes, I do tower over a lot of boys but they don't seem to mind......
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    I am 5'9" and I love to wear heels. I think it is neat to tower over people. In fact, I wish I was taller.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    Since the lovely ladies here are ignoring our requests...

  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    I'm 5'8" and could not live without my high heels! I love them and wear them all the time.
  • I'm 5'9" as well and I used to be so insecure about being a tall girl because I was teased in middle school for being taller than most guys. Those guys now tower over me.

    Since I've lost the weight and I am more confident in myself, I wear them when I want to, but mostly when my fiance is around since he is still taller than me when they're on. I also have short friends. My best friend is barely 5 feet!

    If you like them and feel good in them, I say go for it :)
  • Buca412
    Buca412 Posts: 301 Member
    Wear heels! Height shouldn't matter. The look of a woman's legs and feet in heels is sooooo sexy....even if that's all you're wearing! :bigsmile: :tongue:
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    This thread is useless without pictures

    I agree. :devil:

    Me three. I thought this was going to be a picture thread. Imagine my disappointment.

    My kids' kindergarten teacher was ridiculously hot and 5'11. She wore heels almost all the time. I thought it was awesome.

    Hot for Teacher came on my Slacker radio as I was reading this. :laugh:

    It used to come on my mind radio every time it was my turn to pick up the kids.
  • I'm not very tall but there is nothing sexier than a tall woman with 6 inch stilettos on!

    Agreed, in fairness though im 6'9 so any girl with me can wear heels but its definately a good thing to see the taller girls in heels too, why shouldn't you flaunt what you've got
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    This thread is useless without pictures

    I agree. :devil:

    Me three. I thought this was going to be a picture thread. Imagine my disappointment.

    My kids' kindergarten teacher was ridiculously hot and 5'11. She wore heels almost all the time. I thought it was awesome.

    Hot for Teacher came on my Slacker radio as I was reading this. :laugh:

    It used to come on my mind radio every time it was my turn to pick up the kids.

    You mean you didn't volunteer to do it daily???? :laugh:
  • I'm 6ft tall, and I am not a fan of heels. Even for my wedding, I wore short heels for the ceremony and changed into some Converse for the reception. It's a combination of feeling self conscious at towering over people and frankly, that my poor feet cant' stand all that weight.
    I do feel, however, that if I were thin, I would be able to rock the heels and feel confident doing so. I say if you feel good in them, wear them proudly.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    This thread is useless without pictures

    I agree. :devil:

    Me three. I thought this was going to be a picture thread. Imagine my disappointment.

    My kids' kindergarten teacher was ridiculously hot and 5'11. She wore heels almost all the time. I thought it was awesome.

    Hot for Teacher came on my Slacker radio as I was reading this. :laugh:

    It used to come on my mind radio every time it was my turn to pick up the kids.

    You mean you didn't volunteer to do it daily???? :laugh:

    My wife works 3 minutes from the school and it adds 30 minutes to my drive home....... which I didn't mind but there would have been way too much eye rolling if I volunteered every day.
  • Oh I LOOOOVE wearing heals!! I feel like I'm on top of the world when I do. I have a group of Asian friends, and they fit the steriotpye of being pretty short. I wear heals when I'm out with them too. Sure, I feel a little awkward, but you know, people (guys-I'm super single) see me first :laugh: I also feel that they make my legs look lounger and my better better too! :bigsmile:
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    I am 5'11 and wear them, I love them they look good and who cares what other people think? And honestly I have gotten stopped in public by men who think it's sexy, especially long legs looking even longer. I never realized how many men were into noticing heels, and legs.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member

    My wife works 3 minutes from the school and it adds 30 minutes to my drive home....... which I didn't mind but there would have been way too much eye rolling if I volunteered every day.

    Yeah, that would be a tough sell. :laugh:
  • Just wear the heels. I'm almost 5'9" and I never get to experience heels but i always feel so much more sexy when I wear them. If you want to, then go for it..... Being tall is a blessing. So I say embrace it.

    Amen to that
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    So I did my little victory shopping at the mall yesterday with my weight loss, and my 21 first birthday is 5 days away, and I just want to wear heels at the club! But I am 5'9'', and when I tried some stilettos on yesterday, not only was a towering over all the little girls in the store, but a girl bumped into me, and had to look way up, and she was like, whoa. I just want to know if any taller girls feel comfortable in heels, or not comfortable. Even men seem short when i wear heels, and all of my friends are less than 5'5''. I LOVE being tall, don't get me wrong, but i love heels too, but I feel like a giant monster in them haha. This is random I know, but anyone?

    I'm 6' barefoot. i LOVE heels and rock them on ever possible occasion! The hubs loves it when i wear them too, even though we're the same height barefoot. He thinks it's sexy. i FEEL sexy when i wear them, so i say rock 'em and have a great time!
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member