Over 40?



  • tafinney
    tafinney Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a 42 year old Type I Diabetic and found the site about a year ago. I am back on the wagon and trying to log in every day. I am working on losing 80lbs to get back to my Army physique... which I had nearly 16 years ago.
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been on here for about a year. Lost 51lbs so far, still have a long way to go. 41 and awesome!

    I am currently training for a sprint Triathlon on August 12 and using this sight to track everything. I'm a classically trained chef and I like long walks on the beach, oh wait, that's for a different site.....

    Anyway, anyone who has a good sense of humor, feel free to add me as a friend. I'm on here all the time it seems!

    Oh yeah, forgot...
    I have overcome type 2 diabetes, high BP, and sleep apnea already. Too dang healthy for my own good now!
    I work at Ft Knox so anyone in the area also hit me up!
  • karenmetfan
    karenmetfan Posts: 62 Member
    Karen here, will be 47 (YIKES!!!) end of this month. I've been on MFP since mid-October and have lost 23 pounds so far (still have to do my weigh in to update my bar) and my current goal is 60 pounds simply because it seems attainable. Once I reach that I'll shoot for the stars and maybe go for another 60, but I'd settle for 40! Was being really good about logging daily until my friend's husband died and then Christmas came so I was off a bit for 2 weeks, but did my best to maintain and not over do it on the eating. I did pretty good, only gaining 1 pound back--not bad considering there was not much time to get the exercise in during that time. Back on track now, threw out about 30 pairs of pants because they were TOO BIG and bought some new pants in a smaller size :D YIPPEE!

    I'm a NYC girl, but a little cattle prodding certainly wouldn't hurt :D Friend me!
  • Love reading all the post! Im over 40. I began using this here and there last year.. This year is going to be different though. I have alot to loose and the support would be great as well. I am a wife and grandmother. doing this for ME!!!
  • I'm over 40 too! This has been a struggle. I weighed in at 186.8. I am more than 30 lbs over my weight after having triplets!!! I've spent the last 8 years grazing and eating left overs from my kids---very bad habit. I'm determined to get healthy and change my bad habits as well as lose some weight.
  • JDavid007
    JDavid007 Posts: 331 Member
    Soon to be 42 here and just started about a week ago and so far so good. You will not fail!!! :happy:
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I'm over 40 too! This has been a struggle. I weighed in at 186.8. I am more than 30 lbs over my weight after having triplets!!! I've spent the last 8 years grazing and eating left overs from my kids---very bad habit. I'm determined to get healthy and change my bad habits as well as lose some weight.

    Is that a Redoodle in your photo? I love those dogs!