Any other pale girls out there?



  • aquapussy
    aquapussy Posts: 112
    People still tan these days on purpose? I can't help but tan when I jog and cycle outdoors but I always use sunscreen and protect my face. I don't want to look like leather face at 50.

    I love being pale, I have really dark hair and blue eyes, but have very light skin. My freckly b/f tans easier than I do!
  • SandersWifey
    Learn to love your paleness! :heart: Your skin will thank you for it.
    This ^^ :glasses:
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Learn to love your paleness! :heart: Your skin will thank you for it.

    Tanning beds are so bad for you!!!! Worse than long term sun exposure! I know the fad is to be super tan these days but being pale now is better than skin cancer when you're older!!
  • jennajosephine
    jennajosephine Posts: 85 Member
    You guys need to do some research.

    I work for a dermatologist.
    Yes, there are risks to tanning, including increased risk to skin cancers, and wrinkles, but there are many benefits as well.
    Tanning can help with skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, and eczema, it can also help with emotional disorders as well, including anxiety, depression, stress, and self confidence.
    Tanning can ALSO help prevent other cancers, such as breast cancer, and increase vitamin D levels, which many people have a deficiency.

    There are medicines that can help prevent wrinkles. Any cream or ointment that has a retinoid in it can help stop wrinkles. And moisturizing is key to nice soft skin regardless of color.

    For me, the benefits outweigh the risk.
  • SkinnyGirlFatBody
    SkinnyGirlFatBody Posts: 98 Member
    Own the paleness! I`m naturally pale and I actually get tons of compliments on it.

    Personally I don`t think people should tan, you`re beautiful as you are and shouldn`t have to permanently damage your skin. (plus that`s what happens when you know people who have had skin cancer).
  • SkinnyGirlFatBody
    SkinnyGirlFatBody Posts: 98 Member
    Own the paleness! I`m naturally pale and I actually get tons of compliments on it.

    Personally I don`t think people should tan, you`re beautiful as you are and shouldn`t have to permanently damage your skin. (plus that`s what happens when you know people who have had skin cancer).
  • slickracer
    My wife is a red head... Depending on your skin you might not be able to tan. She is red or white but nothing approaching tan.

    I agree with the others...embrace being pale and enjoy it.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Melanoma, all I gotta say. I have witnessed the disease first hand.

    Please please please, educate yourself.

    PS -- tanning-bed burned nipples are also a great reason to embrace the pale. :)
  • Tanning damages your skin...which means ENLARGED PORES, WRINKLES, and PREMATURE AGING. I'm only 23 and I'm ridiculously pale and started using a tanning bad for like three years and I completely regret it. Not only that, but you increase your chances of getting skin cancer. I have several suspicious looking moles that now I have to go to a dermatologist to get checked out to make sure that none of them are cancerous. Please....don't tan...and start wearing sunscreen on a regular basis. Sun-damage is cumulative.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    You guys need to do some research.

    I work for a dermatologist.
    Yes, there are risks to tanning, including increased risk to skin cancers, and wrinkles, but there are many benefits as well.
    Tanning can help with skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, and eczema, it can also help with emotional disorders as well, including anxiety, depression, stress, and self confidence.
    Tanning can ALSO help prevent other cancers, such as breast cancer, and increase vitamin D levels, which many people have a deficiency.

    There are medicines that can help prevent wrinkles. Any cream or ointment that has a retinoid in it can help stop wrinkles. And moisturizing is key to nice soft skin regardless of color.

    For me, the benefits outweigh the risk.

  • TheVulcanLover
    TheVulcanLover Posts: 36 Member
    I agree - don't do tanning beds they cause cancer too and the Jergens tanning stuff is great for your legs and arms.

    I LOVE the Jergens. LOVE it. I am naturally very pasty. Born a redhead now a strawberry blonde as I get older. The Jergens Natural Tannging lotion has been SOOO good for my skin. I have psoriasis on my arms and it would get really red and scaly and painful. I used to use prescription cream that cost close to 900 dollars a month. Oddly enough, I started trying the Jergens and it cleared up my skin pretty well and gives me a nice, non orange, healthy glow. Totally reccomend that one.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    You guys need to do some research.

    I work for a dermatologist.
    Yes, there are risks to tanning, including increased risk to skin cancers, and wrinkles, but there are many benefits as well.
    Tanning can help with skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, and eczema, it can also help with emotional disorders as well, including anxiety, depression, stress, and self confidence.
    Tanning can ALSO help prevent other cancers, such as breast cancer, and increase vitamin D levels, which many people have a deficiency.

    There are medicines that can help prevent wrinkles. Any cream or ointment that has a retinoid in it can help stop wrinkles. And moisturizing is key to nice soft skin regardless of color.

    For me, the benefits outweigh the risk.

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • RavenSoul
    EEK! Tons of scary, bad, false information in these replies. Indoor tanning is NOT safer than outdoor tanning. A tan is actually a response to an injury, just like swelling or a bruise. If you were working out and your joints swelled, you probably wouldn't continue to do it. When you get a bruise, you don't continue to hit yourself in the same spot.
    Risk factors for skin cancer: pale skin, easy burning, blue/green eyes, history of sunburn.....
    Tanning is no joke and it is absolutely not worth it! If you notice, very few famous people are tan.....they don't want to look 50 when they are 30 and for them, image is everything.


    I'm a pale face with freckles, blue eyes, and red hair :0)

    NOBODY believes me when I tell them how old I am because I take great care of my skin. Even though, as I mentioned previously, I tanned religiously for a very brief time (4-5 months a few years back) I was always very careful before that and have been EXTREMELY careful since then.

    Sure you believe being tan will make you feel confident but confidence comes from within you, never what is on the outside of you. There are great selftanners, even for us pale people. The point is just like with every other product on the market you have to try different ones before you find one that suits you. Also realize that self-tanners are meant to give you a nice kiss of color, not to have you looking like you've been laying out everyday for your entire life, that is where you get the orange Oompa Loompa crap.

    You are doing a great thing by getting fit the right way. Do not ruin it by giving yourself wrinkles and possibly cancer (remember that it is CUMULATIVE so even a few times like I did coupled with a burn or two can produce cancer. You're burning because it is your skins natural protection. Everyone burns in the sun, even my kids who are dark skinned bi-racial children and my husband who is medium complexion and black...yes black people burn too because your skin is protecting itself from the UV rays. If you need a boost in your step from lack of vitamin D...which is what I loved most about the tanning bed, invest in a therapuetic light box. They're not very expensive and help with depression, etc caused by low vitamin D).
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    I'm pale and stay pale!! I have many tattoos and they fade with exposure to UV so I wear LOTS of sunblock. Plus, limiting UV exposure helps me look like I'm 18 at the age of 31 (I got carded to buy super glue the other day!).
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Pale girls can be sooooooooooooooooooo freaking hot!!!
  • jennajosephine
    jennajosephine Posts: 85 Member
    I'm not arguing that pale girls aren't hot, I'm just saying there are ups and downs to every situation.

    Drinking alcohol can lead to liver damage, but do people stop drinking?
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Tan girls look so much skinnier, and when they are skinny they look so much better. I don't want to tan a lot, just build up a base tan so I don't look like casper!!

    and I tried lotions, they don't work. Jergens in particular. Makes me pasty and just, not attractive. and not to mention ORANGE!

    I'm tan and I don't look skinner? Who is feeding you this mumbo jumbo?
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    And really some chicks do not look good tanned =/

  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    I'm not arguing that pale girls aren't hot, I'm just saying there are ups and downs to every situation.

    Drinking alcohol can lead to liver damage, but do people stop drinking?

    A lot of people drink despite the risks but that doesn't mean that you should promote it.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    And then this happens eventually... yiikessss
