Brutal Honesty - What was the final straw?



  • kbtrivet
    kbtrivet Posts: 3 Member
    Because the snoring resulting from my weight gain has gotten so bad that I can't sleep in the same bed as my wife. I've been to a sleep clinic and they said, basically, you don't have a sleep disorder, you're just fat.
    I'm not going to spend the rest of my married life in the guest bedroom!!!
  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    Seeing pictures of pregnant friends on Facebook and realizing I look more pregnant than they do. And I've never BEEN pregnant. I'm tired of being alone and obviously no one wants to date the girl they think is pregnant so here I go. :)
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I hit my highest weight ever and decided that I was *not* going to buy the next size up in pants. So a friend who lost over 50 pounds pointed me here and I started journaling and my new way of life. I've lost 16 pounds so far (was more until Christmas hit) but need to keep going. Right now I'm waivering and I heard this morning that it takes over a month for new habits to become a way of life so I guess I just need to start a great new habit. I have to admit that I like the way I look now with those pounds off and while I don't want to gain, I'm afraid actually to keep losing and have to go shopping to buy all new clothes. And that is sabotaging me bigtime! I might need another "final straw."

    Try shopping at consignment shops for your "in between" sizes. Most of these types of stores have nice clothes. Save the big spending for when you get to the size you really want to be.
  • When my husband rubbed my belly and asked "Are you gonna work on this sometime soon?"
    I was devastated and cried for days.
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    Trying on clothes in Von Maur's dressing room. I was horrified.
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 618 Member
    Your stories are amazing and inspirational. Thank youall for being brutally honest.

    I quit smoking 29 months ago and while I only gained 8 pounds the first year, this past yearand a half has seen me sidelined with illness. I had always been active before and never really had a weight problem. When I wasn't able to do anything the pounds came on.

    For me I realizesd I had a probelm when I was sitting down and my clothes made me very uncomfortable. It's a New Year and I am feeling better so here I am. I am going to use the same energy I used to quit smoking to get fit and healty. Cheating is NOT an option (I used smoking s NOT an option for my quitting smoking)
  • cjsnurse
    cjsnurse Posts: 18 Member
    Couldn't fit in a summer chair, refused to wear summer clothes and I love summer
  • Allyson1985
    My four year old neighbor pointed at the large oak tree outside of our apartment building and said, "Allyson, you're as big around as that tree is." Blunt honesty of a four year old ... yup, did it for me.

    Now, she says, "Where did you go? You're disappearing."

    I like that comment much more than the tree one. :D
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    For me it was when I realized that for months I would come up with an excuse to go upstairs to shower and get dressed when he wasn't in the room.. when I was wearing sweatshirts in the summer, sweating my butt off because all of my shirts were so tight it showed my belly fat.... when all my jeans became so tight I just started wearing sweats most of the time. I've always been skinny my entire life until after having my son, and the feeling of "fat" was overwhelming. I was actually never overweight even at my heaviest, ( thought I was darn close) but I did not carry the extra weight well at all and I was so embarrassed and so uncomfortable in my own skin... I just got sick of it and decided enough was enough and I wanted to feel good again. In the beginning it was all for vanity, but oh how far I have truly come since almost a year ago.
  • cjsnurse
    cjsnurse Posts: 18 Member
    I quit smoking and started my diet at the same time about 40 months ago, still smoke free and 150 pound smaller :)
  • samantha64118
    Was there anything specific in your life that happened to cause your new journey towards health and well being?

    1. A picture where I looked like a bloated Walrus
    2. My wife said I was unattractive as a fat man.


    Ouch is right! I would slap my husband if he ever said that to me, honest or not lol. Congrats on your weight loss though!
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    When I finally bought a scale and I was only 22 lbs less than my husband. :noway: He's 5' 11' and I'm 4' 11". I thought no f-ing way am I going to weigh more than my husband! Found FP in Oct and have now lost 18 pounds.
  • Osu2k1
    Osu2k1 Posts: 116 Member
    In 2006 my dad died at 58 years old. He was 6' and close to 500 lb. He had a sudden heart attack. He had no cardiac warnings, just boom, gone. Well, dad and I are very alike. So I was worried I would follow in his steps, of dying early. In Dec 2010, I made the decision (not resolution) to get healthy in 2011. So on Jan 2, 2011, I joined WW and began the path to a new me.

    It's been an adjustment, mainly eating out and having temptations in the house. But it's been successful, and I am aiming for -100 this year!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    For me it was when I stepped on the scale and saw "252." I realized I weighed closer to 300 pounds than I did 200 hundred and something about that scared the heck out me. I've been working on my weighloss journey ever since....
  • SLT4273
    SLT4273 Posts: 56
    Receiving my 15 year award at work... then seeing the picture that was taken of me receiving the award. ABSOLUTELY MORTIFYING. I keep that pic in an envelope on my desk and glance at it a few times per week.....
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    A friend of mine posted some pics of me on facebook without editing and I got to see just how big my behind had gotten. I usually edit photos so they are flattering but since they weren't pics of her she wasn't really thinking about that and just put them up without thinking. I was so embarrassed, but I realized that that's what I really look like in "unedited" real life. My husband was losing weight to join the Navy so I joined him and we've done the whole thing together.
  • dingitsdinner
    Elbow dimples. I saw a picture someone had taken of me from the back, and I had elbow dimples! It was then that it clicked for me that I was in danger, though I'd known it for years. Seeing that picture made a bomb go off inside me & helped me to realize that I didn't have to accept where I was. That I HAD to change or I'd be dead. Today, at 30, I'm 70 pounds lighter. I have about 40 pounds more to go. I can run. I can breathe. I can haul mulch with my husband. I've never felt so good! Whenever I need a reminder, I find that picture!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Honestly, I struggled with my esteem when I was really thin and when I gained so much weight. I also let my past relationship take a toll on my mind and body. After looked at tons of pictures of myself being overweight, breaking up with my ex-bf, and telling myself it's finally time to gain pure confidence, I started taken things seriously. Honestly, it's been hard but I am feeling better and better and I'm really looking forward to finally feeling beautiful and confident. I have to do whatever it takes healthwise to get there and I will.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    A plane trip was a big part of it for me, too. I flew to Cali this summer and was very anxious about it - airlines were starting to charge double, even if the person next to you was your own child! Once out in Cali, in a world designed for thin models and starving actresses, I had trouble fitting in - quite literally. At one restaurant, they had "barrel" shaped chairs and I had to ask for another chair. Absolutely humiliating. That same week - my daughter got mad at me for eating the last cookie and said something very hurtful. She and I both cried for a long time. That was the absolute last straw.
  • johnpannell
    johnpannell Posts: 8 Member
    Was there anything specific in your life that happened to cause your new journey towards health and well being? Was there an event, something embarrasing or even medical to finally get you to begin to take the needed steps to losing weight or at least reevaluate things?

    Two things. I'm a very small guy, just 5'2".

    -- I went to buy a pair of jeans and a 36" waist fit.
    -- About the same time, I went to buy a new suit for an expected job interview. The trousers were tight of course. The sales person tells the tailor, "Let them *all the way out*. That might work." I don't know if they were doing me a favor or not by not putting me into what I call the fat guy sizes.

    I quickly lose some weight after that and tightened up the belly but sat at a plateau for a few years. Now that I found this site I'm going to finish what I started.