Brutal Honesty - What was the final straw?



  • jammygetuk
    The lead up to this has been how rough Ive been constantly feeling, I dont even feel awake till mid afternoon which means I'm grumpy all the time (not acceptable with my kids), I'm falling asleep alot, can't concentrate at work, but the absolute final straw is the way I get up from the sofa, I dont just get up anymore, I have to use both arms & legs in a star-fish fashion to get up!!!! to hell with this I got myself like this and I'm gonna fix it, especially with the amazing support I've already received from members of this webiste.
    Thanks Everybody & Goodluck
  • Kellie82much
    Kellie82much Posts: 73 Member
    My final straw was when I realised I was afraid to wash my jeans because I knew they would get tight again when they're clean.
    OMG I can't believe I felt that way.
  • runningjenni
    runningjenni Posts: 2 Member
    * Looking backwards in the mirror and seeing fat hanging over my elbows.
    * My doctor telling me I'm "kind-of overweight".
    * Pictures!!!!!
    * Teetering on the edge of the obese category.

    Just today at work someone wanted me to catch something, well I missed it. He said "didn't you play sports?" another guy said "look at her, does she look athletic to you?". I almost died.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My last straw was when I found out that both my mom and my grandma have diabetes. I asked my doctor what I can do to avoid it and he only had two words: "lose weight." That was all he said.

    I should have known. I knew I had gained weight after getting married and having some other health issues. It finally dawned on me that my weight problem wasn't just a momentary issue, but a huge risk if I carried it for the rest of my life, I decided I needed to so something about it.

    Of course, it took a lot of falling off the wagon and getting back on before I found any success at losing it.

    I still have a ways to go, but I finally believe that I have control over this destiny and that my genetics are not out to get me.
  • Maria_t02
    I quit smoking, and gained so much weight it was crazy, I was ok for a while..then one day i couldn't fit into a pair of jeans that I had just gotten the summer before...I am refusing to buy new clothes so my last straw was a pair of Levis that gave me a nervous break down! :)
  • KBrushing
    KBrushing Posts: 10 Member
    50 years old and bigger than ever! Turning 50 made me realize that statistically, two thirds of my life is over and I want to be healthy in my retirement years (Lord willing that I see them). I want a strong, fit body and NOW is the time! This is a battle of the mind and I have made up my mind to get healthy and fit. I quit smoking 4 months ago after 35 years of smoking. I did it by changing the way I think - transformation of the mind affects the body. If I can do that, the weight is going to be a piece of cake.
  • beezerphd
    beezerphd Posts: 136 Member
    For me it was the festive period and being told by multiple people that I had a belly. Also seeing photos of myself in shirts and the buttons looking rather strained did it for me.

    Onto a new and better shape than ever me.

  • Saragre
    Saragre Posts: 42 Member
    200 lbs
  • bigwill5
    bigwill5 Posts: 77 Member
    Had the airplane buckle trouble and the passenger refused to sit next to me because he said I was over on his seat. This was so embarassing and I wasn't even at my heaviest then. Last straw was having back trouble and hitting 400lbs.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    For me, it was trying to get on one of my favorite rides. The dang thing didn't even want to click, I got off the ride with everyone staring at me, and cried. :cry:

    It helped me realize how big I was.
  • shcarter67
    What started me on my journey was that 2011 was the year from hell for me (not to mention a few bad years since 2005 - divorce, parents dying, etc.). In 2011 I lost the love of my life and found myself heading down a very dark path. I decided that I needed to focus on putting myself together and being healthier. I have two teenagers that need their mom, and if I had of continued on my downward spiral, I would have been no good for them. Sorry that this is kind of depressing, but I wanted to share. MFP has been a blessing.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    doctor mentioned my weight a couple times, and then did a blood test. i was obese, and was mildly pre-diabetic.

    every time someone took a picture or video of me, i didn't like the way i looked.

    i was tired of always wearing black and wearing buttoned up jackets all year long to mask my weight.

    finally, i turned 30, and i decided that if i had to be 30, i was going to be in better shape than i ever was in my 20s.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    no final straw. the doctor asked me again in february if I wanted to talk with a nutritionist. I said yes. by the time I had time for the appointment it was july . she hooked me up with mfp at the same time i got a new phone and the app was fun and that was that... turned a friend on to us too... we say the stars aligned. so no final straw
  • rosecook425
    rosecook425 Posts: 50 Member
    My breaking points are kinda like everyone previous to me. I hate how I look in pics, I live near Cedar Point (Sandusky OH) and to avoid it becuase I may or may not fit in the rides. But recently I went through sister drama. She said some very harsh words. Some of which were that I was miserable to be around, I look sloppy and dont take care of myself. SOOO Im getting my butt in shape and it will show in my face and attitude. She will eat her words next holiday when she sees me again. That is a heck of a breaking point.

    ** I saved her text messages too so when I wanna give up I re-read them and it remotivates me all over again**
  • kristalyn323
    kristalyn323 Posts: 1 Member
    Watching my husband enjoy playing with our 3 children and I just couldn't keep up.. I honestly hated myself at that point. I had hit rock bottom.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    It was years of verbal abuse, rejection, my marriage ending because I was fat, being hit with type 2 diabetes, that caused me to finally kick it into overdrive and become human again.

    LOL, Yep, I was down to 2 shirts, a moldy sweat shirt and a super large tee.

    Can't think of anyone defining moment. It was a culmination of my belly hitting the steering wheel of my jeep, worries of my health, not finding clothes, and wanting to look better when interviewing for a job. Then I wanted to set an example for my grown kids.

    Glad this was posted. Gives me time to reflect after nearly 460 days on MFP.
  • lms32164
    lms32164 Posts: 212 Member
    My final straw was two things. One was two knee injuries within 6 mos of each other that put fear in me I would never walk upright again. The same year all while at my highest weight of 278 lbs our whole family took a vacation to a beautiful all inclusive to Punta Cana Dominican. I was so depressed about not feeling good emotionally and physically that it took all the fun out of my vacation. I loved being with my family but I was so self absorbed in emotional devastation that I couldn't have fun and I really felt like the fattest person on the whole island. It seemed like all the beautiful thin women were there and I felt terrible about myself. Also, the plan ride was embarrasing because I also had to keep asking for the belt extender on each flight. It was humiliating.
    One more thing too. Even though I have the most loving husband and kids who have always supported me I knew I had given them much worry over my health the bigger I grew. I also sucked the fun out of not wanting to do things that they wanted me to do with them. Enough was enough. Last year in May I really began on focusing on changing my life. With the Grace of God and the help of my friends here on MFP I feel like I finally have a hold of the reins and I am going to steer myself straight all the way to my goal..
    Thank you all for sharing your stories. I don't feel so alone anymore.
  • Avadavat
    Avadavat Posts: 3 Member
    200 lbs

    This was mine, too. I have always been heavier, but had promised myself silently I'd never weigh over 200lbs. Well, this summer I looked at the scale and it said 208. That was it. I'm down to 185 now, and I hope to see what I look like at 140 someday.
  • gunmetalsunrise
    That the stretchmarks I had were getting worse and were now above my belly button.

    Clothes I used to own I could no longer fit into.

    My breast reduction surgery coming up really soon.
  • NewCyn
    NewCyn Posts: 153 Member
    Ive had several UGH moments that should have pushed me into making healthy choices. Ive had the experience of not fitting on an amusement ride last summer. Ive been the big girl with the pretty face. Im the heaviest of my friends. Clothes shopping is a chore. The list goes on and on. However, I wanted to buy a new sassy shirt for New Years Eve. I took a look at myself in the mirror and realized I dont have a sassy body or the attitude to pull it off. I want to feel good from the inside out. I know this weight is holding me back from some incredible experiences. I want to be a much better example for my son and live a long healthy life. So, I have started this journey with a heart full of hope and a realistic mind set. I pray everyday for 2012 to be my year! Good luck to you all and thanks for your stories!