Most annoying comments people make about dieting



  • nihummel
    nihummel Posts: 21 Member
    My mom will ask me how I'm doing with my "dieting" and ask me how much weight I have yet to loose rather than compliment on how much I've lost! She also says that "you can't eat like that forever don't you think you'll gain weight back?" UGH!!!

    Someone at work found out I was doing "Kosama-Total Body Transformation" and she asked "Can YOU actually even do that??!!" So I commented "Yes I can would you like to join me sometime!" (She probably weighs 80 pounds more than I)

    I know some people just can't give compliments. I will prove the naysayers wrong!
  • Grandmother: "This apple pie is healthy! There's fruit in it, and I used your raw sugar instead of white sugar."
    Oh yeah, because every nutritionist recommends 3 servings of apple pie daily.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    It does totally amaze me how people feel like they can just make comments on the food one is eating.

    I'm a vegan, and it never seems to fail, that if I'm eating a salad or having soup at work (in the lunch room), someone will wander by and ask me things like " you never seem to eat meat. are you a vegetarian? why? I could NEVER give up meat.".. um, do I walk over to YOUR table and ask about YOUR food? ever? I think it is RUDE.

    Once, when I wasn't "dieting", I was just eating my usual salad at lunch, a new employee to the building sat down at the lunch table. "How's the diet working for you?" she asked. Um, what diet? Fortunately, my coworkers showed up and told her off about it...

    Don't assume if I'm eating a vegetable that I'm on a "diet"... and don't assume that I want you inspecting my food, *****es.
  • "Oh that was your salad in the fridge? Well I figured since your on a diet I'd save you some weight by eating it.....oh I ate your sunflower seeds too. Your welcome." - My sister
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Simply that I am dieting. I am not. I am eating healthier...and will be until I die. The end.
  • jesihovey
    jesihovey Posts: 46 Member
    People trying to convince me to eat their cake and whatever they bring in to work.
    "Whatever Jessica, you are not fat." "Don't call yourself fat." or "Oh my GOD I am so FAT I need to lose weight!" (all of the above coming from my friends who are less than half of my size (258lbs). Do they have ANY idea how condescending, hurtful and patronizing their comments are? It's always the ones who are a size 7 who call themselves fat that then turn around and tell me I'm not. Listen, *****, I'm well into the morbid obesity category don't even. All you're doing is making me hate you and feel bad about myself.
  • I hear so many people say this-Monday comes around, guess what they don't start and another week goes by! I read/heard (can't remember) something not so long ago that said if you are planning on a new exercise routine or diet it ok to start Monday but do it for at least one day before the 'official' start. Good advice because then there is not so much riding on 'Monday' and you also know what you are in for! :wink:
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I just don't like when people try to force me to eat because I'm not fat. No I'm not overweight anymore but I'm not happy with myself still so I should still be allowed to lose weight or at least maintain it.

    i totally agree with you here. people at work are always trying to get me to eat some high fat dessert or some really unhealthy stuff. and they say because i am thin now, i can eat it. well, how do they think i got this way? and how do they think i plan to stay this way?!! seems pretty simple to me.
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    That's funny. The most annoying comment I get also comes from my mother, but its the completely opposite. All I hear is "Look at how skinny you are!". Just because I am not obese like all of my aunts, or have a huge stomach like my mother, doesn't mean I'm skinny. I have a good 30 pounds of FAT, and am a size 13. I don't think that qualifies for skinny at all. Hearing "you should eat more, look at how skinny you are getting".. when yous till have 30 pounds to go is sooooooooo annoying.

    yyyyyyyyyyyyes. i get this constantly. my family acts as if i have some eating disorder or something as if im wasting away! im still a few pounds above 'normal' bmi even for my height! ive got plenty of fat to shred but just cause my family is all sooo big they think im super skinny.
  • Legally_Natural
    Legally_Natural Posts: 101 Member
    That's funny. The most annoying comment I get also comes from my mother, but its the completely opposite. All I hear is "Look at how skinny you are!". Just because I am not obese like all of my aunts, or have a huge stomach like my mother, doesn't mean I'm skinny. I have a good 30 pounds of FAT, and am a size 13. I don't think that qualifies for skinny at all. Hearing "you should eat more, look at how skinny you are getting".. when yous till have 30 pounds to go is sooooooooo annoying.

    that's EXACTLY me!! wow!
    But it is ourselves that we have to be happy with, healthy with and proud of. Just sayn'

    This is totally my mom. She thinks thats a 14/16 is a small size. I keep telling her that her 22/24 size is not a normal size and 14/16 does not mean that one is small. Also, she likes to invite me to places to eat where she knows I will eat something I don't need. I can't wait to get back to school to do my own thing.
  • cuddlyrunner
    cuddlyrunner Posts: 116 Member
    I lost 45 lbs, I have another 45 to go, I am not finding it an easy journey.
    When my mother, God bless her, stayed over Xmas and made lots of comments which she truly believes are helpful, I struggled more.

    "You don't want to eat that"

    well, no I didn't but you know what, NOW I DO!!!

    I'm 47, I raised 3 boys on my own, yes you helped Mum, you made it easier for me, but now I'm remarried, I have a great job, my house is nearly paid for, my boys have all left home, we lost Dad eighteen months ago and for the ten weeks ago I spent almost every minute with you both and was holding him when he passed,
    I can choose what I want to eat!
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    Me: *Sitting in the kitchen eating two slices of bacon*
    Brother: *GASP* You're eating... FOOD..? I thought you ate like.. sticks and leaves and stuff.
    Me: Just because I'm not making a subway footlong my personal b*tch doesn't mean I don't eat!

    LMAO. I like how you think
  • Annoying comments are I don't now how you exercise all the time girl I would past out or I can't do it, just make excuses but tge excuses don't make sense, I hate when ppl make the comment you look fine you don't need. To lose weight my body fat percentage is high.
  • lindalou4850
    lindalou4850 Posts: 217 Member
    "muscle weighs more than fat"

    errr, no it doesn't!

    You are right muscle does not weigh more than fat..1 lb. of muscle and 1 lb. of fat is still 1 lb.
  • my favorites are:

    "well if your on a diet you shouldnt be eating ice cream".. Hello it was 1 time and i made sure i fit it into my calore range

    "exercise, exercise,exercise, that is the only thing you need to do to lose weight" well partially true but definatley NOT the only thing.

    when you goto eat something not the best for you and someone says "your really going to eat that? do you think you should be fattening yourself up?" (a-holes)

    I know its not a comment but when everyone and their mother knows your on a diet but yet they make you fudge or cookies just to pi$$ you off .
  • SMHZ
    SMHZ Posts: 7
    I learned a long time ago to not value myself on what others say. Sure I love a compliment from a well intended friend or family member but it doesn't define me. Not allowing the good compliments to make me feel good about myself helps me to not allow the bad remarks to make me feel bad about myself. I have noticed that the people that always give compliments are the first to talk about something bad behind your back. Too many years working in an office!
  • my boyfriend's mom:

    "she really should just eat what she wants and be happy with it. eating healthy and watching calories sounds miserable."

    and my favorite

    "you want to eat something healthy for dinner? you could always go to kfc."

    i don't really think that she understands that if i'm overweight and lacking self confidence, i will NOT be happy (no matter how much deliciously horrible food i cram into my mouth). and that kfc isn't healthy. lmao.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    "you're becoming obsessed" - after checking how many calories were in the microwave rice being served for dinner...

    "that's how you get an eating disorder" - granted she meant it nicely, after I commented that it was nice to have something that I have control over in my life (was going through a lot of... stuff) but still...

    "you're driving me nuts watching calories" - then don't watch

    Other annoying comment, a friend of mine said yesterday "I've gained 10lbs, I need to do something about it!" I had to bite my tongue, I am, I can help, you can do this. She knows, I offer, but I wont push. But seriously. Then do something! Gak.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    "you're becoming obsessed" - after checking how many calories were in the microwave rice being served for dinner...

    Reply with "Obsession is a word that the lazy use." teehee! That'll shutem up.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Mine is.... "you are skinny, you shouldnt have to watch what you eat".

    Do people really think skinny people can eat everything and stay that way? I have a healthy body because I watch what I eat and exercise.

    Yeah, a coworker said this to me the other day...I was exactly do you think I wanna keep this 46 pounds off?