fit and fun sized - those under 5'4" - January 2012



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Wow great job posting everyone!

    Welcome to all the newbies! You have joined by posting here. I noticed how many different stages of life we are. That is so cool. We all face the same challenge and that is how to change our lifes to be healthier.

    My eye opener came on my 55th birthday when my darling daughter handed me my laptop opened to an article on how women over 55 and overweight have a greater risk of heart disease and a greater risk than men of dying from the first heart attack. I was told it is now or never. lol Also, my elderly parents live with us and I got the lecture from my mom's cardiologist.

    I started at 178 and I am at 148 now heading towards 130. I got to 138 in 2010, but 2011 was a horrible year and here I am.

    Kudos to all of the younger ladies posting here. You are so wise to be getting serious now and not waiting.

    My goals are to get back to what I know worked: exercising regularly, logging and planning meals. My smaller goals are to complete the 100 squats for 100 days challenge and to not use the elevator at work. While the elevator is a "green" goal, it will still help a lot.

    What helps? I find that planning my food and logging it early in the morning helps me the most. I put my breakfast, lunch and dinner in and then I know if I have any wiggle room. I try not to depend on exercise calories any more as that did not work for me.

    What doesn't help? Having an office between two naturally skinny ladies that have good chocolate in candy dishes everyday all year. The only thing seasonal with them is the color wrappers the candy has. lol

    Have a great day everyone,

  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    How do I join the group so I don't have to search for it? I'll post a bit about me later when I can get on the computer. :)
  • Hi everyone! This is my group, since I'm 5'2".
    I just registered on the site this week but as for my 2011 it was the usual roller coaster. Ranging from 130-140. Would love to get down to 128 long before 2013.
    Just rejoined the local gym and my resolution this year is to "make time for me". So I am.
    If anyone wants to get together for walks or talks or both, I'm in!!

  • lappyd425
    lappyd425 Posts: 112 Member
    Yay a group for short people!!!! I am 5'3 and somewhere around 143lbs I would guess? I don't own a scale ..... 2011 was the hardest year ever for me....Between a seperation, Divorce and find a new home......Let's just say I didn't care much.....I lost 35lbs about 3 years ago using Slmifast. Then I found MFP and I love it!!! I've been checking in daily now and even started the 30 day shred!! Yay me!! Add me as a friend =) who can't use more!!! Good Luck in 2012~
  • gonzalezmona
    gonzalezmona Posts: 60 Member
    I joined MFP a few months back & I know I'm not using it to its fullest potential so this year, I plan to make full use of this site & hope to make a few great friends along the way :)

    I'm 4' 9 1/2"....stuck at 130lbs
    I lost about 5lbs but so far nothing else is budging...grrrrr

    My 2012 plans include:
    running 10ks (I ran 5ks in 2011)
    complete a mini tirathlon/duathlon
    Warrior Dash
    finish my last year for my teaching degree (Woo Hoot!!)
    log....log....log....LOG my foods
    build some muscle definition
    support my online friends & co workers who are in a ~lifestyle change~
    BE HAPPY!!!
    :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Hello all! I'd like to join in if that's ok?

    I'm Cheryl, I'm 24 and I currently weigh 161.2lbs. I weigh in every morning. I'm 5ft 1.8in tall, and at my highest weight I was 174lbs.

    I started losing weight in November 2010. By May 2011, I'd lost 19lbs. Then, with no change to my lifestyle, I stalled for a long while before gaining 5lbs back.

    As I was gaining, I was desperately changing my calorie increase, exercise and diet/nutrition to find what I was doing wrong. I was hovering around 159lbs and scared I was going to keep on going.

    In November 2011, a year after I'd started and a total of 14lbs down, everything suddenly clicked back into place, and I started losing again. Then, of course, Christmas came around. I was proud of myself for working out how to start losing again, so I allowed myself one last indulgent month before I aimed to get right back on track for 2012, better than ever.

    I signed up yesterday and was on a total of 11.8lbs lost since my healthy lifestyle began. This morning, I weighed in another pound lighter. This Christmas season taught me that I miss NOTHING about the old me, and I'm stronger for it. I don't regret it, because it made me remember who I was before November 2010, and it's taught me not to ever go back there. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all!
  • Hey Ladies. 5'2 1/2 lol. Weight gain is easy for me. Type of person who looks at unhealthy food and gains. Weight fluctuates all the time. At my heaviest 270, my lightest 153. Right now 173. Want to drop 20 by June for my sisters wedding in September than maintain it. Recently quit smoking so want to stick with that for 2012 as well. Want to start EASE INTO RUNNING and plan my first 5K by the end of the year as well. Need to be healthy and happy and feel comfortable in my skin again. (Also have self image issues and hardly ever feel comfortable in my skin but 153 was really good. lol.) so those are my goals. I find its real easy for us short women to put on weight fast with out even realizing it. I think we deal with fluctuation more than taller people.
  • Count me in!

    I've just turned 21, I'm 5"3 and in 2011 I lost 18lbs, going from 157 to 139lbs :smile: My goal was to be under 10st for my 21st, which I managed so I know that hard work pays off! However that was over a month ago and with Christmas etc I've been eating out EVERY DAY :frown: and need to get back on track. I haven't weighed myself yet (too scared!) but I'm guessing I'm about 145/6? My goal is to be 130lbs for my holiday in June :bigsmile:

    We can do this!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    How do I join the group so I don't have to search for it? I'll post a bit about me later when I can get on the computer. :)
    as soon as you post, you have joined can find us again by clicking on "Community", then on "My Topics" and this will be there along with any other thread you have posted on.

    :flowerforyou: yesterday after an exhausting meeting we stopped at Olive Garden and I made the choice to eat completely opposite from my usual healthy ways
    minestrone with grated cheese, breadsticke (more than one), and five cheese ziti.:laugh: that was more cheese and bread than I've eaten in the last six months total. I enjoyed it and have now returned to my strict eating and exercising. The dogs have been boarded because we were gone overnight Friday night and we can't pick them up until tomorrow, but I went out this morning and walked for two and a half hours alone at a very brisk pace---good for my heart and my waistline.

    :flowerforyou: this thread is about being fit as well as fun sized. I'd love to hear about how you keep yourself fit......I know that age and fitness level and working life make a big difference in what you do, but I'd love to hear what everyone is doing, so please post often and share your exercise.

    :flowerforyou: I walk every day with my two standard poodles, do yoga sometimes, and have joined the same 100 squats a day challenge with Jeannie
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I gained it all back... then lost it then gained it back.
    I seem to slack off once I feel like I am making progress.. it sucks.
    I need to get back on and stay on!!!!
  • mackemshazza
    mackemshazza Posts: 87 Member
    I'm in at 5'1, just want to be a bit fitter. Started 40 days and nights without booze. Currently on day 8!
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    This is my story too up and down up and down. Do great for a while then when i see progress i start to slack! I am turning 50 this year and really want to get this weight off for health reasons. I have recommited to the healthy eating and to MFP!
  • 5' with a 1/4 inch heal on ;). I lost 66 pounds in 2011 and hope to lose about the same in 2012. Looking forward to a little extra motivation. 2012 has brought about some changes that are proving to distract me just enough.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I love this group! I am 5'0 and that's okay! When you're short a few pounds can make all the difference. I lost all my baby weight for my wedding in June, then have started to gain it all back. I've set my goal weight for 125, which is what i weighed when I got married. If I reach that, I will go for 120 or maybe 115.
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi I would like to be part of your group. I am 5'2'' ,191 lbs, trying my best to lose my weight. The problem I face is for every step I take forward I take two backwards, nevertherless I turn 50 in July and want to be 175 lbs by then and that is my birthday gift to myself.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I've gone into my past a bit, but realised I forgot to mention my plans for this year!

    Last year, my weight loss was through walking and Kinect games. This year, I plan to take up cycling.

    I currently walk 5 miles in total each working day. I work a full-time office job, and I'm a freelance writer, so I end up with very little free time as I'm working seven days a week including some evenings after eight hours in the office.

    Initially, I plan to continue my walks to and from the office, and I'm going to cycle late in the evening/at night (probably starting with a 1.5 mile route, but going around again if I feel I can). Have bought a folding bike so if I do find myself with a free weekend, I'll also be able to fold the bike into the back of the car, drive to a beauty spot and cycle around.

    Eventually, if I feel good enough to get out on the roads when there are actually people and cars around, I might swap my walks for a cycling commute.

    Have been struggling financially, but by the end of this month I should have money spare for the first time in my life. Hoping the relief of that will give me even more time to focus on my mental and physical health.
  • Because I am only 5'3", weight loss is a very discouraging endeavor. I will lose weight at first and then just stop for weeks or months. Of course, at this point I get very discouraged and blow it. Not this year. This year is going to be a good one. I am no longer going to worry about weight or "dieting." I am going to focus on good health and happiness. Since I quit being on an official diet (November, 2011) I have not lost weight, but I have lost inches and feel overall tighter. I am eating what I want but slowing down and focusing on how I feel--do I feel satisfied? am I full? If I'm full, no matter what is left on my plate, I stop. I did not gain weight or inches over the holidays--so that is success.

    As far as exercise goes, that has never been a problem. I've always enjoyed being active. I have upped my game in the last few months with a regular cross-fit routine, and I'm enjoying the results. What seemed so hard a few months ago has become almost easy. Guess I'll need to add more soon.

    I'm going on a cruise soon and was hoping to lose more weight before I leave. I am not going to make that my goal anymore. Instead I am in the process of re-teaching myself how to just eat enough to be satisfied and not over do it. Hopefully I can continue to do this on the cruise and I won't come back with weight gain. I know I'll exercise on the cruise and participate in active shore excursions. We'll see. Those are my goals. I'll report back soon.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I'm In....I am almost to where I was before the holidays...I have just lost my OOMPHF somewhere along the line.:huh: Need to get back on track.
  • Gwynieb
    Gwynieb Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join this group, I'm 5'3" and currently 185. As my 31st birthday came and went, I realized that now is the time to get serious about myself. High blood pressure runs in my family, and I gain weight in the tummy area, which is supposed to be worse for your heart. So here I am :) I'm excited about this group.