
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am still getting used to this site. Took me a couple of days to figure out how to get back to the thread.

    I love a good challenge, and I am competitive by nature. I just hope my body can keep up with my drive to compete. Just started exercising after several years of a relatively sedentary life. Been battling some very sore muscles which I have had to skip days to allow to heal. My biggest enemy in getting fit is my diligence and determination. I have 5 kids at home still, and one with special needs. I also work and tutor on the side. I can always find an excuse not to go to the gym, go walking, or do anything for myself. This time, I need to leave off the excuses and just get it done. I am going to turn 43 this year, and I am determined not to be in this same shape when I do.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    GOOD FOR YOU!!!! You obviously have a busy life with all those kids but you definitely need to find the time for yourself to be healthy so you'll be around for a long time for those kids and have the energy to enjoy them!! Easier to say than to do but you are on the right track! I hope the challenge helps keep you motivated toward your goals!!

    Best of Luck!!
  • leia2
    leia2 Posts: 1
    Not sure how this works, or when it starts but Count me in!
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Not sure how this works, or when it starts but Count me in!

    The first WEIGH IN for this competition will be FRIDAY, JANUARY 13th or SATURDAY JANUARY 14th by noon (you may weigh in either day). The first challenge will start on MONDAY JANUARY 16th!

    The first post on page 1 explains roughly how the challenge will work. I do need you to send me a "friend" request before I add you to the list - once I get that, I'll get you added! Would love to have you in the challenge though
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Just sent you a friend request... thanks for putting this together! I think this competition is just what I need.
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Here's the new updated and repaired list so far. Again, If you don't see your name then please send me a message letting me know I've missed you if you still want to participate.

    As for those that posted early on but never sent friend requests to me...I don't have your name down in the challenge. Once you "friend" me, so I have contact with you, I will add you. If you have already posted an "I'm in" but haven't friended me yet - I will add you still up until Friday morning January 13th. If I haven't heard from you by then - I have to finilize the list so I have to assume you are no longer wanting to be a part of the challenge.

    Thanks to all for joining in! I hope this challenge gets you closer to your goals!!

    ALSO Thanks to those that have volunteered to be team leaders! I will be in contact with you about what I need for you to do once we get past the 1st week and see how many people are going to go on.

    MY TEAM LEADERS ARE (so far) bubblesburst80, krbn2, sheri869, lamstaceywood. I know I'm going to need at least 1 more (maybe 2) if anyone else is willing to do it, please let me know! Thanks to those that have volunteered!!! You are a major help!! If you think you might want to volunteer but are unsure of what you need to do - feel free to message me.

    First I'm listing all the people from my last challenge that are joining back up:

    Fahrenholz02 (winner of the last challenge!!!!)
    theradler (finalist in the last challenge)
    k2quiere (finalist in the last challenge)
    and myself - sheri869

    Those people listed above will be a big help to the new people coming in, as they know how the challenges and teams work so feel free to friend any of them to help you!! They are all awesome people and competitors!

    New people I have so far....


    It's getting pretty full now, but I hesitate to close it up yet because, its been my experience that a lot of people drop off the first week or forget they signed up for it so they don't even start the challenge. If thats not the case...then we'll definitely have a hefty bunch of people to start the challenge with ;-)

    The first week or 2 will be individual challenges to help me gauge your level and weights and see who is or isn't committed and it will help me keep the teams pretty even when I set them up. Then you will be put into teams after that. Once in your teams please friend everyone so you can use each other for support!!

    For those still looking over the challenge...there is still time to jump in! You are still welcome! I'll continue taking new people for the next couple days.
  • airliebirdfc
    airliebirdfc Posts: 2 Member
    new today but I would like to be included.:smile:
  • KrisC1985
    KrisC1985 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in for the challenge!
  • dzmikki
    dzmikki Posts: 236 Member
    I am interested in participanting in this challenge!! Looking forward to it! Hops there is still room!

    If you are still in need of a team leader I would be happy to do it!
  • Asces
    Asces Posts: 119 Member
    Is there still room? I so want in on this :D
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am still taking new people for the challenge...but remember you must send me a friend request before I'll add you to the competition.

    I did just post all the names thus far - I will post a new updated list in a couple of days!
  • I just recently joined myfitnesspal and I found your challenge. Having looked at the previous year's challenge, I can honestly say I CAN"T WAIT. I am very eager to start.

    Sign me up! LOL
  • Asces
    Asces Posts: 119 Member
    Added you as a friend, cannot wait to start :)
  • Added you as a friend! Can't wait to see who I am on a team with! :-D
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Wow...!!!! Look at all the people. Good luck everyone.
  • Count me in Sheri...I'm down for another challenge! I loved your last challenge. I have gained back so much weight I'm ashamed of myself. It takes so long for the weight to come off but it jumps back on so fast.
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Hey girls!! srandle....was worried about you! Was gonna message you soon - saw you hadn't been on in awhile! And I'm RIGHT THERE with you!! I TOTALLY blew all I had accomplished! Not terribly happy with myself! Thats why I decided to do this again! I figured I need it more than anyone...and if I can help those that the holidays messed up....all the better! Glad to have you back again!!! Don't worry we'll get that stupid holiday weight off in no time!!
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Count me in - I need some added motivation to get back into weight loss :)
    JRRCLR Posts: 338 Member
    Hoping to join! Sending friend request!
  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    Count me in!
  • chudson7
    chudson7 Posts: 115 Member
    I would love to join! Sounds like a blast! Where and how do we sign up?