What do you do after a binge/overeating?



  • cfred40
    cfred40 Posts: 151 Member
    Four pages and no one has addressed the obvious. As far as the binge, forgive yourself and go on. Seek counseling for the drug abuse.
  • Four pages and no one has addressed the obvious. As far as the binge, forgive yourself and go on. Seek counseling for the drug abuse.

    Seek counselling? Now she's a drug addict? wow....this is crazy.
  • Don't restrict ever. I'm speaking from experience. It leads you down a negative path. Just let the day go and start fresh tomorrow. This is a lifestyle change. Don't feel guilty :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I completely disagree with fasting after a binge! It slows down your metabolism, makes you sluggish, grumpy and its healthy. Drink plenty of water and only eat when you're hungry.. and try to make it fruits or veggies or lean meat. This will keep you on track and your body ready! Life happens and no ones perfect, but who wants to fast everytime they act normal? :)

    Forgive yourself and move on!

    It simply does not slow down your metabolism, you are wrong.A one day fast once in a blue moon, will not hurt your body, your mind..you will not lose progress, become stupid, lose muscle mass, you will not become grumpy from the seven dwarfs. good grief people, I wouldn't suggest it if it was going to kill the girl.
    I completely disagree with fasting after a binge! It slows down your metabolism, makes you sluggish, grumpy and its healthy. Drink plenty of water and only eat when you're hungry.. and try to make it fruits or veggies or lean meat. This will keep you on track and your body ready! Life happens and no ones perfect, but who wants to fast everytime they act normal? :)

    Forgive yourself and move on!

    It simply does not slow down your metabolism, you are wrong.A one day fast once in a blue moon, will not hurt your body, your mind..you will not lose progress, become stupid, lose muscle mass, you will not become grumpy from the seven dwarfs. good grief people, I wouldn't suggest it if it was going to kill the girl.

    Correct, it actually speeds up your metabolism, slowdown occurs somewhere between the 48-72 hr mark
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Did you all even read the title of this thread?
    "What do you do after a binge/overeating?"
    I didn't start this thread so people could ***** at me about how I compensate. I started it so other people could share what they do.
    Just so all of you know, I wasn't asking for advice. I'm going to do what I'm going to do regardless.

    WOW! Nevermind that the responses were coming from a place of caring and experience. Perhaps you could have left all of the extraneous information out of your post - then you would have gotten the types of answers you want. I honestly thought this was a place to share are ideas and experience. You may have started the post, but someone else may be in the same situation as yourself and find ALL of the information in the responses helpful so that THEY can make a more informed decision about what THEY should do.

    You didn't like what people said so its *****ing? PLEASE. Like you said do what you're going to do.
  • Staying out of the debate part of this. If I overeat I shrug it off. It's usually not enough to affect my weight loss. My calorie goal is 1500 a day and my BMR is 2500 so I don't worry about it. If I binge, which for me is sitting down at 10 at night and eating a full days worth of calories after I've already hit goal (often after I've been out drinking too), then I feel guilty. And usually my stomach hurts. To make up for it I eat all my calories for the next few days but don't eat back my exercise calories for those days. I also drink a ton of water and try to eat mostly fruits and veggies.

    It is still better than what I have done in the past, which is purge.
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 445 Member
    Sooo... you punished your body by over indulging yesterday.... and today... to make it "better" .... you're going to punish it again by starving it of fuel to burn to maintain itself....? C'mon now... Chalk it up to a mistake.. or a good time even.. and if you feel the need to "repent"..... EXERCISE!

    I agree with this ~ own the mistake & move on. Today, tomorrow ~ all another day.... Don't live in the past!!
  • You forgive yourself fast -- don't beat yourself up -- and get back on that diet horse and leave binge city behind you.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Four pages and no one has addressed the obvious. As far as the binge, forgive yourself and go on. Seek counseling for the drug abuse.

    Seek counselling? Now she's a drug addict? wow....this is crazy.

    *rolls eyes* some people...
  • you can always do better tomorrow !!! =]
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Correct me if I am wrong .... BUT, isn't feeling like total crap, beating yourself up and sabotaging your best efforts ... punishment enough ???? C'mon ! Someone mentioned you weigh 111 lbs ... I do believe your blunder will NOT make you obese ! Learn the facts ...

    3500 calories consumed or burned = 1 pound gained or lost

    Shocking your metabolism with a 500 cal day is diabolical !

    Calories are NOT measured by weeks ... your 1200 calories is for a day ... use them, consume them, eat more ... burn more. The only problem you may have created was with your nutrients ... so what I call a good old fashioned day is being called for ...

    Eat more veggies and fruits
    Add appropriate proteins

    AND .... Exercise ! Why not REWARD your body for getting back on track ( positive thinking ) ... rather than neglect your health with this ridiculous thinking ( negative thinking ).

    I encourage you to do so some serious research on how the body actually functions ... I am certain you will NOT find your way of thinking to be healthy or normal ! Now is NOT the time to be different ... not when it comes to your health !

    Drink up ( water that is ) ... and raise your glass to better days ! Best of luck ! :)
  • laurenk08
    laurenk08 Posts: 89 Member
    Yeah I cannot just move on after something like that. I wont feel good about myself, so what I usually end up doing is count up the amount of calories I overate and make sure I burn enough calories in workouts the next day to cover all the ones I overate. Also, I make sure to eat healthy the next day and not to overeat, this usually helps me get my confidence back up and stick to the plan.
    Also, if I know it is possible I might overeat, like if I am planning on going out to eat or something, I make sure to workout double that day to cover the amount of calories I could eat/drink.
  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    You seem to have the right mind set, and seeing how other people handle it may give you some ideas for the future. When I was on WW, we had an extra alotrment of points that we could build up or save for binges as long as it was used within seven days ... So figuring that you have a few more days to balance it back out ... and not cutting back so hard may be a little better. Of course, cardio cardio cardio ... even if you eat most of the calories all back .. gets the motor revving, and will help.
  • I completely disagree with fasting after a binge! It slows down your metabolism, makes you sluggish, grumpy and its healthy. Drink plenty of water and only eat when you're hungry.. and try to make it fruits or veggies or lean meat. This will keep you on track and your body ready! Life happens and no ones perfect, but who wants to fast everytime they act normal? :)

    Forgive yourself and move on!

    There's something very wrong with you if you're calling binge eating normal.
  • Four pages and no one has addressed the obvious. As far as the binge, forgive yourself and go on. Seek counseling for the drug abuse.

    Seek counselling? Now she's a drug addict? wow....this is crazy.

    *rolls eyes* some people...

    WTF? I take one hit of a blunt, and I'm suddenly a drug addict? To a "drug" (if you want to call it that, even though it's a plant) that isn't even addictive?
    Yeah, someone needs help, but it's not me.
  • RawrWolfie
    RawrWolfie Posts: 64 Member
    drug counseling LMAO...some of these people have to be trolling..and to OP - I fast after a binge and I feel fine, my grandma fasted once a week atleast half her life due to religious reasons and lived til 95 years old...