January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Saturday

    Tomorrow will be a reward happy day for me.

    Since I posted all week honestly I am

    buying myself a bunch of pretty flowers for my desk I bought 6 pink roses at Trader Joes.... they are beautiful
    getting a massage it was fantastic
    spend an hour reading a good mystery. doing that now

    I will also

    journal everything I eat for the day done
    drink my water (green tea) done
    exercise.... maybe pull out one of my Ricard Simmons dancine videos. I rode my exercise bike.

    today was a really good day. My new diet has my blood sugars stable and I feel full.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Sunday

    To go to church.... something usually comes up and I wind up missing.
    To continue to get my water in (drinking green tea) I have really cut down on my coffee consumption.
    To journal honestly.
    To get ready for work on Monday....have my meals pre- made so there is less of a chance for me to get side tracked on my food choices.

    I am loving this day to day thread....breaking everything down by the day is really helping me to stay focused.
  • jash12
    jash12 Posts: 7 Member
    today is the frst time I went over on my calories. I just made some fried donuts, although I used vegetable oil. I ate 3 of them and feel miserable. Only met one of my goals today, so I flopped on that one too. So here I go for tomorrow
    1. Drink my water
    2. Get the boys to bed on time
    3. Eat all my cal in healthy foods
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,394 Member
    Sundays goals 1/7

    1. Drink 11 to 12 cups of warer

    2. Start a new workout tape! ( Leslie Sansone)

    3. Start crocheting again!

    4. Trampline workout!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    January 7th
    1. Water 10-12 glasses- Done
    2. Get new computers set up at work- 3/4 done
    3. Organize toro belts at work- not (computers down)
    4. Get tax stuff together for tax man(couldn't fined it)
    5. hook up wii and play for 60 minutes( forget it)
    6. Go to store for juicing stuffs and veggies! (didn't happen)

    WOW! Yesterday was awful. Just one of those days that started off okay, but one simple mistake and it went down hill from there. Nothing went as planned! :explode: I finally said screw it at work, came home, took a shower, cooked and cleaned up dinner, decided to work on tax stuffs (couldn't fine it all!) Went to bed at 8:30!

    So Good Sunday Morning to everyone! I am going to stick with yesterday's goals with a little modification and see what I can accomplish today! Starting off well, (I already found the papers I couldn't find yesterday :blushing: I hope your day is wonderful!

    Sunday January 8th
    1. Water 10-12 glasses
    2.Finish setting up new computers
    3. Organize belts at work
    4. Prepare tax stuffs and billing
    5. Grocery!!!
    6. Wii 30 minutes

    Here we go again but starting out better!!!!
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    yesterday wasn't the best goal-achieving day: today will be MUCH better!

    1. plan essay thoroughly- all quotes, sources, analysis
    2. stay under calorie goal
    3. do at least 1000 cals exercise
  • kittybitz79
    Well logging is becoming easier and easier. Yesterday's foods were not so good. I made it til 2 pm and than I grabbed the doughnut and then when we went out I got my old standby. The good news I only went over by 300 and I also drank extra water. My bosses have also decided to supplement our normal doughnut Saturdays with fresh fruit. Which I plan to take full advantage of ... know if I can only convince them to grab fresh apples instead of grapes and bananas. (not a big fan of either)

    Today's goals
    1) Log everything.
    2) Stay within my calories.
    3) Drink at least 8 glasses of water.
    4) Figure out meals for the week.
    5) Go grocery shopping.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for January 7:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (2 miles with the Walk Belt) --Yes to the walk, no to the bely (will use it today)
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices! --Eh, no. Poor choices!
    3. More liquids--water and tea.--Not great here, either!

    Over all, I'd say yesterday was a FAIL! Not as bad as it COULD have been, though! Back on track today.

    Goals for January 8:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (2 miles with the Walk Belt)
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!
    3. More liquids--water and tea.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    Leanne here, I work 4 ten hour days and have 4 days off. On days off I go to the gym the house is clean....ish, spend time with my kids. But on my days on I am up at 4am, get home from work about 4pm (after I pick up the kids), I do no house cleaning in these 4 days, sometimes get to the gym sometimes I don't (weekends the gym closes before I get home) and that must mean there is absolutely no way I can do any form of exercise before bed right!?! The one day challenges are going to be great to get me up and moving before bed.

    Jan 8- 1) to do a video exercise before bed ( instead of watching Dexter)
    2) clean the kitchen, vacuum
    3) not have an evening snack
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member

    Jan 8- 1) to do a video exercise before bed ( instead of watching Dexter)
    2) clean the kitchen, vacuum
    3) not have an evening snack

    Or instead of missing Dexter, You could march in place and twist while watching.... just a suggestion. I like to move during the commercials when I do get to watch TV. Just fit it in where ever you can! I am a morning work out, or it just doesn't happen! Good luck!
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    Recap of my week:

    I completed every goal I made so far! I am proud of myself for that reason even if I don't show a loss on the scale tomorrow.

    Todays goals:

    Stick to calorie goal
    TurboFire: DONE!
    Drink 4-6 glass of water
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member

    Jan 8- 1) to do a video exercise before bed ( instead of watching Dexter)
    2) clean the kitchen, vacuum
    3) not have an evening snack

    Or instead of missing Dexter, You could march in place and twist while watching.... just a suggestion. I like to move during the commercials when I do get to watch TV. Just fit it in where ever you can! I am a morning work out, or it just doesn't happen! Good luck!

    I watch Dexter on Netflix anyway so it will be there when I am done, or tomorrow....but then again....nope set the goal for the day...maybe try that tomorrow
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Sunday

    To go to church.... something usually comes up and I wind up missing. I got there, even though I woke up late. YAY
    To continue to get my water in (drinking green tea) I have really cut down on my coffee consumption. done
    To journal honestly. done
    To get ready for work on Monday....have my meals pre- made so there is less of a chance for me to get side tracked on my food choices. done

    I am loving this day to day thread....breaking everything down by the day is really helping me to stay focused.

    I went to lunch at Qdoba's after church which was not planned... I got a vegetable burrito, which was delicious.... problem was the darn thing was 900 calories...who would have thought... geez. I journaled honestly...but went over my calories.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Monday

    To continue to journal honestly
    To drink 8 glasses of water (green tea) and not drink coffee
    To follow my eating plan
    To not stress out....and if I do, to not use food to push down the stress. I have carrots ande celery in the refrigerator if needed.
    To exercise at the gym after work.
  • AmyinMD
    AmyinMD Posts: 33 Member
    I did two out of three goals on Fri. (did not eat a good breakfast) and forgot all about goals til just now (Sunday). My goals for Monday Jan. 09

    Send a card to Gerry & Enida
    do all exercises
    stay under calorie limit

    Success to all
  • kenzysmom
    This is a great idea!

    I'm Beth, 34 years old, SAHM to 4 great kids (ages 13, 9, 7, 2) and a full time college student. I joined MFP in September after joining a gym with a friend and learning to FINALLY enjoy exercising!

    My goals for tomorrow are:

    1) Get to the gym for Zumba and a 5k on the treadmill
    2) Eat healthy all day within my calorie range
    3) Return my book to the bookstore
  • sgreg2090
    1/6/12 Goals:

    1. Walk with friend this afternoon (going to be 51 degrees in Ohio today) - Yes
    2. Stay under my calorie goal - Can't remember.
    3. Reward myself (done - cafe mocha to drink for breakfast)

    I have gotten to the gym 4 days this week. Each day doing at least 30 mins of cardio/strength training.

    Weekend coming & maybe I can get to the gym to spend some time in the sauna - to ease my slightly sore muscles.

    1/9/12 Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Stay around calorie goal
    3. Do Laundry so work out gear is clean (forgot to do that this weekend).

    Not going to the gym today because will be joining a group session on Saturday. So this is my down day.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Sunday January 8th

    1. Water 10-12 glasses-DONE
    2.Finish setting up new computers- DONE
    3. Organize belts at work- NOPE (MONDAY)
    4. Prepare tax stuffs and billing-DONE
    5. Grocery!!!-DONE with husband :smile:
    6. Wii 30 minutes- NOPE ( But at least hooked up now!)

    RosyK- Eating out is almost always a surprise in calories. I usually try to only eat half of what they bring and eat slowly. That way I feel fuller faster.

    So Sunday was a much more productive day than Saturday!!!!!! I am looking forward to a productive week with maybe even a little structured exercise :blushing:

    Goals for Monday, January 9th
    1. Water- 10-12 glasses
    2. Organize belts at work
    3.Wii- Come on just 30 minutes! You are so worth it and it is so much fun!!!!!!

    You know what, I think that will do for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful one!!!!
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    Leanne here, I work 4 ten hour days and have 4 days off. On days off I go to the gym the house is clean....ish, spend time with my kids. But on my days on I am up at 4am, get home from work about 4pm (after I pick up the kids), I do no house cleaning in these 4 days, sometimes get to the gym sometimes I don't (weekends the gym closes before I get home) and that must mean there is absolutely no way I can do any form of exercise before bed right!?! The one day challenges are going to be great to get me up and moving before bed.

    Jan 8- 1) to do a video exercise before bed ( instead of watching Dexter)
    2) clean the kitchen, vacuum
    3) not have an evening snack

    sweet, really love the daily challenges
    1) to do a video exercise before bed ( instead of watching Dexter)-done
    2) clean the kitchen, vacuum -done
    3) not have an evening snack- kinda...I didn't eat after dinner, but I had a few (more than usual snacks before dinner)

    Jan 9 1) Gym night! I will go to the gym (complete 5k on treadmill)\
    2) no cookies at work
    3) move at work more (walk around Lounge)
  • kittybitz79
    This challenge is wonderful I have not only been logging them here but in my blog. Keeps me accountable day by day.

    Yesterday I was too busy and forgot to log. I also know because of that I went well over my calories for the day. I drink at least 8 glasses of water but also had several glasses of tea. Hubby went with me to the grocery store and helped me figure out meals for the week.

    Today's Goals
    1) Log everything.
    2) Stay within my calories.
    3) Drink at least 8 glasses of water.
    4) Get applications in the mail today.
    5) Have a good day at work.