ANYONE WANTING TO LOSE 70lbs? Or has already lost it?



  • Yes, I am trying to lose 70 pounds or more. This is hard, but maybe we can all keep the others motivated.
  • It is definitely possible. I have lost 80 lbs. in 6 months. I know that sounds extreme to most but the diet that I am on worked for me. I have 30 more to go :smile:

    Continue to be dedicated - with whatever diet you choose.
  • chele1028
    chele1028 Posts: 248 Member
    I started on aug 1st 2011 with a goal of losing 107 pounds and have lost 48 as of today, so I have another 60-70 to go and would like to get it off by sept also. I will send you a request :happy:
  • I would like to lose 50 lbs by June and 90 by December. Maybe we can help motivate each other.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I have a little more than that left to lose, you may send me a friend request if you would like! I lost my first 60lbs in 6 months, so yes it is doable. Just consistantly track your food, eat well and exercise. The last 2 months slowed down for me, but I am 100% completely back on track now. Best of luck!!
  • morrisonpeter
    morrisonpeter Posts: 5 Member
    Wow, reading this post and seeing everyone's success has been surprisingly motivational. I was just checking out the community section for the first time after throwing my calories into the counter, but think I will be back for more motivation regularly. Hopefully I'll be motivating as well as being motivated in 6 months time (aiming to lose over 80 lbs).
  • AFettes21
    AFettes21 Posts: 81 Member
    I would love to lose about 100 but would be happy with 70! This is a great support center. Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    How tall are you? I'm 5'9" 226 aiming for 155-165
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    How tall are you? I'm 5'9" 226 aiming for 155-165

    I'm hoping to get there by July!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I've kept 85lbs off for over 3.5 years
  • Leisa42
    Leisa42 Posts: 56 Member
    I have lost 57 in that amount of time. there is no doubt in my mind that if I had stayed true to my new ways, and put forth just a little more effort, I could have lost more. So no, not unrealistic at all. Good luck!!
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    84 lbs since March 2011. The healthy way! :) You can do this!!
  • Sunshinesosweet
    Sunshinesosweet Posts: 7 Member
    I'm looking to lose almost that much:-) add me........
  • Shantel17
    Shantel17 Posts: 12 Member
    i want to lose about that much. we could be friends on here. anyone else that wants to add me can too.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I've lost 71 pounds in 7 months. I still have at least 20 more to I am sure it will slow down a bit. I have my goals set to lose two pounds a week...and for the most part, this has been the case. I tend to eat around 1200 calories a day, limit my sodium to 1500 mg a day, limit my fat intake to approximately 30 grams a day (I know many will disagree and tell you to limit carbs), and try to eat at least 2000 mg of potassium (potassium is usually present in whole, nonprocessed foods). I exercise as much as possible...most days I burn an average of 500 calories. I don't eat my exercise calories. Many would disagree with my method...but this is how I roll...and it works for me.
  • I lost 51lbs. in 103days or 15 weeks and some days. So I totally believe that its possible and I have 64lbs. more to lose and I want to do it before my birthday 9/26/2012!!!! Friend me if you want!!!!
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    My goal is to lose about that much. I have lost about 26the pounds so far. And the length of time is pretty good. Any thing less would be to harsh. And feel free to send me a friend request.
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    i lost about 70lbs in about 7 months last year. my goal is much bigger than that but you can totally do it.
  • applebottomjeans11
    applebottomjeans11 Posts: 46 Member
    My goal IS to lose 74lbs and have lost about 32 so far...Mine has been a VERY slow journey by choice. I have been getting to my goal by eating whatever I want and there has also been 2-3 months since last April when I didn't work out or count. You can totally do this, it does take a lot of dedication, but you have to KNOW that NO MATTER WHAT your goal is important to you to reach. Cannot wait to support one another to greatness! :-)
  • I am 248 looking top be 160. I need to lose close to 80 pounds and I want to do a majority of it by July. Well at least 50 by July. I would love to be friends so we can do it together.