Biggest Kitchen Fail



  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I can't all seem to have "normal people" binges. Mine would last all day when I let it! The amounts of food I ate were ridiculous! I counted the calories for grins one was off the charts. I did have an unhealthy relationship with food. Working like crazy to change that.
  • Cmon78
    Cmon78 Posts: 67 Member
    THIS.....Cool Ranch Doritos were my weakness!
    Dorito binger here...that and peanut M&Ms....sit down with the bag...o.m.g.........
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    Im going to add to my earlier post, I can eat a whole watermelon by myself and within a day!! Also I can eat 3-4 oranges at a time.. while pregnant with my daughter I ate a watermelon a day lpus a few oranges(I actually lost more weight than i gained during this pregnancy) I began the pregnancy at 175 when I went in to have her I weighed 160, within a wek of having her I weighed 150
  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    My worst has probably been half a bowl of queso with chips (because I shared with a friend, of course) and still eating three enchiladas, rice and beans. And flour tortillas. And salsa. And probably still eating dessert later.

    I will admit this weekend I found myself drinking way more than I intended to (two shots were handed to me and I had to chase them down with five lime-y vodka cocktails) and eating chips and queso. I've forgiven myself and promised next time to start out with water or a diet coke and have one cocktail later if need be.
  • toabetterlifestyle
    Publix bakery donuts. They would come in 6 packs and I could easily eat all 6 in like 10 minutes. They would melt in your mouth and just be amazing.
  • hannahbflynn
    I am drooling.

    Also disappointed that whole bags of doritos and sour cream dip are deemed a fail.

    I used to see them as a victory!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    I may not have eaten a whole bowl of cake mix but the recipes I've made indicating that it should wield 12 cupcakes have sometimes only come out to make 8. :)
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    I think my worst binge was eating my way through a bucket (yes a bucket) of cadburys chocolates shortly after Halloween - that was the day I realised I had lost track and had to stop what I was doing... next day I subscribed to the gym and the day after to mfp ^^

    I am also a notorious icecream binger... to the point that I now will not have any sweets in the house because if they are there I have to eat them
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    You may understand this idea: if nobody sees me eating it, it doesn't count. :noway:

    YEP! But even if we don't keep an accurate journal, our bodies do! As evidenced by my former 318 lbs. :embarassed:

    Now I picture those clips of the contestants on the Biggest Loser where they're shown shoving food in their faces in their cars or at home, and it makes me not ever want to do it again!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Back when I had a high stress very active job I wouldn't eat alll day (10-20 hours a day at work). On my way home I would grab a pint of Ben & Jerry's and eat the entire thing before I went to sleep. That would happen 1-2 times a week... for 5 years. Sometimes it was Haagen Dazs. I existed on coffee and energy drinks at work. Yes it messed me up!
  • sapphire1166
    sapphire1166 Posts: 114 Member
    I would buy those Stouffer's chicken pot pies (2-3 servings) and eat the entire thing. Soon after, I could easily finish off a giant bag of cheetos and a few king-sized candy bars after that. Snickers are still my I'll avoid snacking all day just so I can have an entire Snickers bar (a normal sized one) for dessert.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I am drooling.

    Also disappointed that whole bags of doritos and sour cream dip are deemed a fail.

    I used to see them as a victory!

    I used to see them as a starter :p
  • aeboone24
    a week! go you~ i would demolish a bag in about 3 days if i had my way.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I once downed an entire meatloaf - complete with cheese and bacon on top - in one sitting. No vodka, but I believe there was some wine. And, I distinctly remember a baked potato and peas.....
  • FatFreeLea
    I used to binge eat junk food in secret. It was a really dark point for me. I used to eat an entire box of those pumpkin Little Debbie snack cakes. It's been so long since I've done that. :)

    This is the first time I've ever "told" anyone.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I used to binge eat junk food in secret. It was a really dark point for me. I used to eat an entire box of those pumpkin Little Debbie snack cakes. It's been so long since I've done that. :)

    This is the first time I've ever "told" anyone.

    hope you feel better for it - i did that too with crisps n crumble mix
  • HockeyHolic
    HockeyHolic Posts: 12 Member
    When I was single, I'd go get some nasty grocery store donuts and eat a 1/2 dozen between supper and bed time.
  • cariorliz
    cariorliz Posts: 26 Member
    i just put some gum in my mouth so i would not go grab anything...

    Mine would be a whole bag of sweedish fish...and not the small bag...the BIG BAG from the wholsale club...all in a two what happens when you put them next to the computer...thanks mom!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I microwaved pasta, and it just turned into this starchy paste.......then I tried to serve it.

    They still talk about that.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I would drink a whole pint of whipping cream. I could still do it if I let myself, but of course I don't!