Are you a GYM IDIOT?



  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i love lifting weights and i make noise doing it lol ... i dont drop my weights on the floor unless its necessary . my trainer was trying to get me to throw my weights on the floor and i wouldnt do it ..kept thinking i was going to break something but he was just being silly and trying to turn me into a true gym rat that i am .. and i never wear make up to the gym because i dont understand what good it does ..i sweat so much it would all drip off anyway and really who cares what you look like there?
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    So you are doing a routine where you use the same weights so you have them laid out for your circuit. Then someone just walks up and takes one of the dumbbells you are you are using in your set without asking if you are using it or if they can use it until you need it. Then uses it but does not bring it back when they are done, but instead offers it to someone else.

    One of my pet peeves is how some people lay out an entire circuit at the gym. Take that to an empty studio if possible. The rest of us need a little space to work out too.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I loathe the gym idiot - I remember back in college I was rowing crew so my upper body was really strong. Well - this dude is using the lateral pull down - probably about 80lbs - grunting and screaming "get it! get it!" and "bring it home!" TO HIMSELF! then drops the damn weights. So, for kicks I asked if he was between sets, sat down, upped the weight a bit and started whistling as I pulled down. He probably couldn't please his woman that night, you're welcome :bigsmile:

    >.< Even I can do a lat pull down of 80lbs and some change.
  • gunmetalsunrise
    I see this guy every time have the treadmill set to like 6+, and he frequently lifts himself up by the side bars to stand on the non-moving sides of the treadmill for like a minute, then "hop" back on and keep running. Really?! You're not impressing anyone... just turn down the speed, take a swig of water, breathe, then get back into it! Because seriously you're just risking a mis-step and falling off.

    There was also a woman who used to come to our gym who used the Smith machine to do her ballet stretching/exercises. She was an older lady, so no one wanted to say anything to her, even if they wanted to use it. :S Personally, I would've told her to go use something else. lol.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I loathe the gym idiot - I remember back in college I was rowing crew so my upper body was really strong. Well - this dude is using the lateral pull down - probably about 80lbs - grunting and screaming "get it! get it!" and "bring it home!" TO HIMSELF! then drops the damn weights. So, for kicks I asked if he was between sets, sat down, upped the weight a bit and started whistling as I pulled down. He probably couldn't please his woman that night, you're welcome :bigsmile:

    >.< Even I can do a lat pull down of 80lbs and some change.

    "bring it home" AWESOME!!!! I am laughing my *kitten* off......
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member

    On the flip side, guys who look at you like you're gay because you take a shower naked (I like to get clean all over..)

    wait....what??? how else does one shower??? LOL bathing suits required or what?

  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    the only thing that puts me off is the men staring!! unfortunately a lot of the equiptment i use is in the weights bit : / i'm really not much to look at when im at the gym i don't understand the whole showing off bit either, i've got a nice man at home leave me alone!
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    In the locker room, If you shave at the sink or weigh yourself as naked as the day you were born... your a gym idiot! COME ON PEOPLE!!!! Just grab a towel!!

    So true. A lot of ladies blow dry their hair while being completely naked at my gym. Or they walk around the locker rooms. I'm not sure why. At least, put your bra and panties on. Once, I saw a lady sit on a bench, completely naked. GROSS :/

    and the guy who goes naked into the sauna and sweats a pool on the bench and is not sitting on a towel,
    the guy who has his Ipod turned up so loud you can hear it over your tune..
    and the guy who shaves is junk in front of the mirror and just walks away from the mess..
  • stephanielindley422
    I see this guy every time have the treadmill set to like 6+, and he frequently lifts himself up by the side bars to stand on the non-moving sides of the treadmill for like a minute, then "hop" back on and keep running. Really?! You're not impressing anyone... just turn down the speed, take a swig of water, breathe, then get back into it! Because seriously you're just risking a mis-step and falling off.

    He may be doing HIIT boss does this all the time, and she's a personal trainer.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Our gym has the gym idiot who practices his Hapkido underneath the cable machine so nobody can use the rowing, lat pull downs or cables.

    We call him Dancing Dude because he can't even through a punch well and he looks like he's dancing. One time the song "My Humps" was on my ipod and he was moving to it.....him and his lovely lady lumps!
  • stephanielindley422
    Parents who let their kids run around all over the place. I am dealing with this right now.
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    Total Gym Idiot here!! That's why I workout at home or in the great outdoors where I can't harm others! :ohwell: :wink:
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I see this guy every time have the treadmill set to like 6+, and he frequently lifts himself up by the side bars to stand on the non-moving sides of the treadmill for like a minute, then "hop" back on and keep running. Really?! You're not impressing anyone... just turn down the speed, take a swig of water, breathe, then get back into it! Because seriously you're just risking a mis-step and falling off.

    He may be doing HIIT boss does this all the time, and she's a personal trainer.

    Yep it's probably a HIIT drill. I do them too and get the same looks he probably got.
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member

    The ladies that sit on the recumbent bike with their magazines and phones out. Theres one lady at my gym brings a kindle!!!

    Women who lift stupid pointless weights that make no improvement on doing the exercise with bodyweight only

    I always work out with my kindle. I put it on the setting to talk out loud and listen to my book with my headphones it distracts me WAY more than music since I don't listen to music much and listening to nothing drives me crazy and I get bored.
  • gunmetalsunrise
    I see this guy every time have the treadmill set to like 6+, and he frequently lifts himself up by the side bars to stand on the non-moving sides of the treadmill for like a minute, then "hop" back on and keep running. Really?! You're not impressing anyone... just turn down the speed, take a swig of water, breathe, then get back into it! Because seriously you're just risking a mis-step and falling off.

    He may be doing HIIT boss does this all the time, and she's a personal trainer.

    Possibly. I just see him time to time doing it and it looks really unsafe.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I work out at home simply for the reason that I don't want others seeing me work out.
    It's not pretty, and I can do pretty well at home and on the bike trails. XD

    So, if I went to the gym, I might be a gym idiot or look like one at least. D:
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    Fake lat syndrome
    People who offer me "advice" on my bench/squat/deadlift/water fountain technique
    Individuals with really bad B.O.
    Users of mobile phones
    Runners who consistently hit the kick plate on the treadmill
    Waterbottle fillers when there is a line to get a beverage
    Personal Trainers who act like their **** doesn't stink AND encourage their clients to be rude to other gym patrons
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    People who take your machine while you're going to get a paper towel to wipe it down. Yes, I know that I'm technically done with it, but now I have to go alllll the way around the room to get to the front of the machine (they're really close together at my gym so I can just go between two of them) to pick up my water bottle and keys from the front of the machine.

    Oh, and people who part in places that are not spots (ie, right behind my car so that I can't get out) because they can't find a space.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I just don't get it...what, in this world, is wrong with reading a Kindle on a machine???? Why does that bother people?? Yeah, I read mine while I'm sweating my bumb off to pass my cardio time quicker. And just to clear it up for those who don't know, you can up the font size, making it EASY to read while you're moving about. Sheesh...

    Rant over.

    that just makes you have to turn the page more often...which is kind of tough if you're running at an 8 min mile

    True. I only use mine on the elliptical because if I'm on the treadmill it's to do intervals and sprints. To each his own I say, I just don't understand why it bothers people. I see people criticize others for this A LOT around here and have never understood that one...:huh:

    And people are assuming everyone WANTS to run a 8 min mile. You CAN get a nice burn going at a slower pace, ya know.
  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    This thread is hysterical! I was at the gym not long ago, when this Jersey Shore looking guy comes over to flirt with the girl on the treadmill next to me. He leans on the treadmill I was on so he can strike a pose and impress this girl and stays like that for about 15 minutes. He was also an abuser of the cologne.

    If I go to the gym after work, I still have some makeup on I'm sure and I don't worry about it. I always crack up at the ladies putting on a "touch up" in the car before they come in though :)