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You little weirdo.



  • SmujnZ
    SmujnZ Posts: 47 Member
    [ I drive like a grandma.

    I think you'll find the boulder disagrees
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    I've been known to crawl under my desk for a nap when I'm tired.

    I also once bought a gross of highlighters.
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    I can't squish bugs (except for mosquitoes or anything that's biting me). The guilt of it is overwhelming, so I scoop them up and put them outside instead. If it's too cold out, I put spiders in my parents' house plants so they don't freeze.
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    When I drink I tend to talk with a Jersey accent--I'm from Wisconsin...IDK????
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    I have an irrational fear of free range eggs....

    Oh yeah, you crazy girl! :huh:

    Ok mine. I sniff books. I like peeling off sunburnt skin. I drink the leftover pickle juice. I give all my cats their own voiceover. I eat whole prawns, shell, head, legs. I also eat the whole pistachio nut, with shell. In fact I will eat anything that is 'food'. I pluck my eyebrows. I shave in the shower. I drive like a grandma. I sneeze when I feel nauseous. I don't get scared of anything, which makes horror films quite boring. I am fascinated by wood and timber, especially chopping it. I don't send Christmas cards. I enjoy wasting telemarketers' time, in fact, it's like a sport to me. I love cooking. I like REALLY spicy food, if it doesn't make me pour sweat, it's not hot enough. :explode: Yeah, think that's it :tongue:

    LOL! I feel normal now....Oh, I forgot that I love to clean peoples ears.
  • dnorthup
    dnorthup Posts: 12 Member
    I don't like most white foods: sour cream, cream cheese, mayonaisse, cottage cheese, yogurt etc. I think they are basically "rotten" foods.

    I read about brushing your teeth in the shower in magazine article---the idea was to save time by multi-tasking. I tried it, but didn't feel there was a "clean" place to lay my toothbrush after I brushed. I've been called a germaphob on many occassions. I probably overuse hand sanitizer at work.

    I have loved coffee since I was a small child. I remember sneaking sips from my Mom's friends cups when I was little. I've been known to put a little ground coffee in my mouth until I can get a pot brewed when I'm craving it really bad. I will drink it at any temperature and it doesn't matter how many hours it's been sitting in my "to go" cup on my desk---I'll drink it anyway.

    I have always loved the smell of a fresh box of crayons, and dirty motor oil, but I can't stand to get my hands in dirt. If I work in the yard I have to wear gloves.
  • Where to begin lol....
    I wash my hands a lot, umm maybe 20x a day at least, I also put lotion on my hands after every washing and sometimes in between, also apparently in my sleep (my fiance was making fun of me for this, he said it was new) I am also addicted to chapstick, lip balm whatever... I have several varieties available to me at all times (next to my bed on the nightstand, in my purse) lol
    I am also very peculiar about the type of fabric that can touch my skin... I know I am a weirdo, but some fabrics make my skin feel dried out.
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    I read the original post and exclaimed, "WHAT? You brush your teeth in the shower?!! Hmph." So, I guess one of my oddities is talking to myself.

    I also can't stand when people touch my neck. Seriously, don't even think about it.

    And, you know those fainting goats (aptly named, by the way) that tip over when they're frightened? This girl right here :blushing:
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    im a 21 year old female taxidermist.. people cant get aroudn the fact that i dont have a problem with gross disgusting animal parts

    i am also scared of sprinklers and tupperwear and I eat ALL of the apple (core included), i don't let any foods touch eat other on my plate, and no matter how hard i try "like" seems to be spelt wrong to me it should be spelt "liek", always get pulled up for it in essays.

    i can go on for days unfortuately, but you all dont want me to
  • GoCanada
    GoCanada Posts: 92 Member
    I can't handle my feet hanging over my bed at night. It just creeps me out... and my bed doesn't even have a frame, it's just a box spring and mattress on the floor. They are okay if they are wrapped in blanket...but if there's a naked foot hanging off my bed I am NOT sleeping.

    I also get cravings to eat chalk randomly (ever since I was pregnant - seven years ago).
  • I can't stand the smell or taste of coffee. This is seems, makes me weird.
  • I can't handle my feet hanging over my bed at night. It just creeps me out... and my bed doesn't even have a frame, it's just a box spring and mattress on the floor. They are okay if they are wrapped in blanket...but if there's a naked foot hanging off my bed I am NOT sleeping.

    I also get cravings to eat chalk randomly (ever since I was pregnant - seven years ago).

    I can't have my feet out from under the covers at night either, it's like there is always a thought in the back of my head that something is gonna grab them and the covers are my protection lol.

    I can't even stand to touch chalk... the thought of you eating it just gave me chills lol:)
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    I can't handle my feet hanging over my bed at night. It just creeps me out... and my bed doesn't even have a frame, it's just a box spring and mattress on the floor. They are okay if they are wrapped in blanket...but if there's a naked foot hanging off my bed I am NOT sleeping.

    I also get cravings to eat chalk randomly (ever since I was pregnant - seven years ago).

    I can't have my feet out from under the covers at night either, it's like there is always a thought in the back of my head that something is gonna grab them and the covers are my protection lol.

    I can't even stand to touch chalk... the thought of you eating it just gave me chills lol:)

    Mee too! I think I watched too many B horror movies growing up.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I have some ocd behaviors...

    Every morning leaving for work my wife has to say "be careful" or I have this impending feeling of dying all day. Yeah, that is something deep and disturbing deep enough I do not care to bring a shovel. Sometimes I have to remind her.

    I put a chair under the front door of our apartment like old west bar saloon door stopper or I call it my patented Hollywood Movie Security Device.... I even put it at an angle, thinking this will protect my family.

    I frequently talk to myself but only in public, I think it is a coping thing.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Just this morning I waited at the busstop and listened to one of my fav bands on my MP3Player and I was fighting really really hard not to jump around and sing loud to the music - it was 5.30 am

    I talk to myself and the voices in my head have different accents ( for example russian).

    I trip over the edge of a carpet every now and then

    Am I weird? I don't care :D

    I have signed to myself in my head... I m not even deaf and I know very little ASL
  • I tend to sing what I'm saying (only to my children or significant other). My child calls me a weirdo all the time. However today, I caught her "singing" about her day. hahah, I raised a little wierdo.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I seriously video tape myself a LOT. I have a video camera that I carry around with me permanently because of my youtube channel. We just started and now when I am video taping in a public place people give me funny looks....

    That, and I am strange because how many women do people see stripping to her sports bra in the middle of the gym and putting a bench shirt on... THEN BENCHING 250lbs?! Not very many. :D
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    I loathe bananas. Just the smell makes me ill. Since infancy.

    I am not afraid of snakes. Spiders don't creep me out too much, either. (Cockroaches and most large-breed dogs, on the other hand...)

    I have entire conversations, out loud, with people who aren't there. Only when I'm alone. Mostly I imagine people I already know well and can predict their responses. Helps me process complex feelings or situations. I need to talk to think most effectively.

    I have catastrophic dreams just before waking. Like, I'm driving across a bridge with my kids in the car, and go over the edge. I always wake up before the gruesome end, so I spend some time thinking about how I'd handle the scenario. Sometimes I have to revise it a few times so nobody dies. Otherwise, I never remember my dreams.
  • EmilyGetsSkinny95
    EmilyGetsSkinny95 Posts: 54 Member
    My best sidekick is a coffee cup named Frank. And I have never drank coffee from him, only hot tea. My friends all call him by name... I get some weird looks from that one. (No, I don't talk to him.)
  • Loudmom01
    Loudmom01 Posts: 131 Member
    I get laughed at by family and friends because I cant stand hair. Especially when it falls out in the shower. This is a HUGE problem since I am letting my hair grow long and I lose tons of hair everyday. I literally freak out! :laugh:

    I eat my pizza with a fork, which my kids think is completely unacceptable.

    I color coordinate my closet and then put those colors in order from lightest to darkest (a habit my hubby thinks is weird).

    ALL of my clothes are in those zip up bags to protect them from dust.

    As other ppl posted, I cant let me feet hang over the bed or even be out of the covers.

    I have an obsession with serial killers (use to want to be a detective).

    Ok I will stop or ppl will think I am weird :ohwell: