


  • SalubriousGyrl
    SalubriousGyrl Posts: 88 Member
    I agree with everyone on this forum. You just joined and you can't expect great support since the beginning of this month. Start by introducing yourself on the forum and develop new friendships. You can't expect anything in such short time. I love my supporters and i also motivate them. It's 50/50
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    (high five)
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    my best advice to everyone is this: everyone on the planet is a freak of some sort. so own your freakitude, let your freak flag fly and the RIGHT kind of freaks will find you in return.

    you've been here 10 days - relax.

    be yourself, hang out on the boards a bit, find some groups that sound interesting, you'll find the friends.

    i've been here since september and i have AWESOME friends that i made by being myself.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Petty, trifling, weak.

    Why are you here? Did your 'friends' put the weight ON you? Are your 'friends' going to take the weight OFF you?

    I got this site because it was FREE, and it was going to help me lose weight. NOT FOR FRIENDS.

    As with AA, pick your supporters carefully. They could mean a huge difference. Give this stuff time. Learn how the site works, build up your food lists, track in and out cals, and get busy losing weight.

    As my mom used to say, and I'm gonna change some words around so they apply here: "If you spent as much time exercising and logging your work as you do trying to make friends, you'd have lost some weight already."
  • StoneColdFoxx
    StoneColdFoxx Posts: 12 Member
    lol I’m not giving up on the site... it’s a fantastic place for tracking my stats. I was wondering if people have the same problem wanting to add you than don’t talk...
    but thanks for the laugh people you made my day...
  • tinksmommy2006
    Good attitude works, try it.

    Ultimately, YOU are responsible for your own success. Coming to a site to make friends is a bit unrealistic, it can happen, but should not be the focus.

    First impressions are certainly at play here, just a thought.
    Right! and the fact that your really really new here and already on the message boards saying how people are fake (by your topic name) and that the support has dried up...your words...YOUR BRAND NEW! you haven't even been here a month! And if YOU have a bad way of thinking like in such a short time people are not supporting you the way YOU think they should...well then no one is going to want to support you. I mean who wants to play with the whiny kid anyway?? no one we all want to turn our backs on them and ignore them. which is probably how your feeling right now. My suggestion would be to suck it up, stop whining or being rude and worrying about yourself, if you want friends concentrate on being positive to them first. then they will see your not the whiny kid and in turn support you better, get to know you and then see that (hopefully) your a good person and want to be your true friend. but it takes time! not less then 2 weeks.
  • AndreaDaPrincess
    AndreaDaPrincess Posts: 58 Member
    Support is definately good.........but even if I don't have one friend .......I STILL LOVE THIS SITfE !!!!!!! I like it for me and it does keep me motivated.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    wow the support dries up real quick on here haha...
    it’s odd, I mean yeah it’s a place of high-fives and wtg’s... but beyond that it seems somewhat superficial... I was hoping I could meet people who actually wanted to get to know each other, support the weight loss and share the sorties... but after the first round of avid enthusiast I can say there is maybe only one person who I can get boo out of...
    should I give my finger a workout and start deleting or stick with it and give it a bit more time?

    I actually ended up deleting my old account and starting a new one.. It may sound weird or it might just be me... but I do not understand the point of keep saying things like "WTG" "GJ" and blabla - when they dont even bother to read the diary's - or look at what that person is eating..

    I have come across food diary's where the person had a around 100 lbs to lose - and ate around 3k calories a day - and those coming from sugary /fatty stuff - but because this person was under the socalled calorie budget - ppl would comment thngs like way to go and blabla..

    Wtf is that all about ? And what is the point???

    Another thing that bugged me a whole lot was when ppl start putting EVERY single thing they do - up as exercise.. Dude.. If you are walking 2 mins from the freaking car to your front door - that does not count as exercise, and it does not mean that you should keep eating more :S - and then there are ppl commenting things like "oh keep up the good job" on that ?


    As you may see this has been bothering me ALOT - so erm ya...

    I guess different strokes for different folks. When people say WTG GOOD JOB KEEP DOING WHAT YOUR DOING, they do actually mean to motivate you.

    Some people need the motivation and it is coming from a positive place. Hey, maybe this battle isn't as difficult for you and hey maybe you have had support all your lives, but from the sounds of the original poster and the above, they have not.

    Your *****ing and moaning about it is coming from a negative place. Obviously you have higher expectations from this, simply remove yourselves from the friends list and wallow in your own pity.

    It is an internet SOCIAL GROUP, this is not a miracle cure. No one is forcing you to diet, no one is sending you certain foods to eat etc, this comes from you, and obviously you don't get it.

    Good luck !
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    My rule is one week of not hearing from somebody, they get broomed from my friends list. I would rather have two really good motivators, than 10 dabblers. Add me if you would like. I'm here everyday.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I usually only fake orgasms... so I guess I can be considered a "faker". :tongue:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Making GOOD friends on MFP is not all that different from making them in your day to day life...it takes time. It takes effort. It takes getting to know someone, having things in common. This is why I'm against random friend adds and collectors. Find people that seem to have something in common with you. And work at it. It's called a friendship. It cannot be one-sided.

    The resolutionists don't help matters.

    Or maybe it really is just you...
  • Slugsasarus
    Slugsasarus Posts: 76 Member
    Try joining one of the challenges, the comrodery of the challenge helps make friends. Maybe get some of your real life friends to join too. Then you'll have extra support.

    If that doesn't work, get a dog. My dog always high fives me when I ask him to, never calls me fat, and listens to me when I'm making important life decisions. :)
  • jfcarlson713
    jfcarlson713 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm with you. I've been on MFP since July. Didn't add any friends right away but then accepted some requests as I do monitor the blogs and message boards. Other tha the "wtg, omg" and other messages only one person consistantly made genuine responses and they were usually critical. When I checked her profile I saw that we started at the same place but I was having better success and closer to my goal. This week I deleted all the friends and decided that the blogs and message boards were enough inspiration for me. After all - as previously stated. It's MY journey.
  • ffuunnnnyy__ggiirrll
    I usually only fake orgasms... so I guess I can be considered a "faker". :tongue:

    This makes me sad.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
  • Ashalena
    Ashalena Posts: 162
    Try a breath mint.

    Or a little maturity...whichever works for you.

    This is online---if you need something more tangible and personal to satisfy your Borderline personality Disorder, try a weight loss group in your area.


    :noway: :heart:
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Gosh, I don't understand this post or the replies at all. What exactly does "Faker" mean in reference to not making online friends quickly? And what is with all the hostile replies?

    Did everyone get up on the wrong side of the bed today?

    No Kidding.

    I'll be honest...I think that most of my friends on here are genuine. But good grief, it is freaking ONLINE. Yes, I have done online dating...but when I do that...it is LOCAL and I live in a rural area so I can typically figure out who a person is by who they know and based on common associations. Again. This is ONLINE. I'm fully transparent in many areas, but VERY closed off in others. MY MFP friends know many things that my "real" friends do no know. But I would NEVER tell my MFP friends things that my real-life friends know. I will support your weight loss, but I'm not going to become your best friend and take things off of this website, especially not after a week. Really, that is just common sense.

    As for everyone else, BE NICE!!!! :glasses:
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    my best advice to everyone is this: everyone on the planet is a freak of some sort. so own your freakitude, let your freak flag fly and the RIGHT kind of freaks will find you in return.

    you've been here 10 days - relax.

    be yourself, hang out on the boards a bit, find some groups that sound interesting, you'll find the friends.

    i've been here since september and i have AWESOME friends that i made by being myself.

    I heart you maab so hard!
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Try joining one of the challenges, the comrodery of the challenge helps make friends. Maybe get some of your real life friends to join too. Then you'll have extra support.

    If that doesn't work, get a dog. My dog always high fives me when I ask him to, never calls me fat, and listens to me when I'm making important life decisions. :)

    Great answer!xx
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    Gosh, I don't understand this post or the replies at all. What exactly does "Faker" mean in reference to not making online friends quickly? And what is with all the hostile replies?

    Did everyone get up on the wrong side of the bed today?

    This. Seriously what IS up with the hostile replies.