What are you losing weight for?



  • unixhelp
    unixhelp Posts: 3 Member
    I have congestive heart failure and salt/water intake is bad...myfitnesspal is a great tool to keep track of both...weight loss is a bonus :)
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    I turned 30 back in August feeling terrible about myself. I wasted my young adult years being fat...not "overweight," not "a little chunky," not "carrying a few extra pounds." F-A-T. I can admit it now, I was in denial about it then. Being that size absolutely demolished my self-esteem, and I had basically no social life, and very little success with women. Not because of my size, but because of my lack of confidence. Eventually I met a girl and got married, but it was a bad relationship and I basically stuck with it because I didn't think my fat self could do any better. Then she met another guy and that was the end of that.

    So, I'm 30, fat, divorced, and somewhat depressed, and I finally decided I've had enough. I can't fix everything in my life, but I can fix this. I don't know if getting in shape will actually restore my confidence and self-esteem but nothing else has worked. I tried changing from the inside out and it got me nowhere. So this time I'm going to change from the outside in. Maybe if I like who I am on the outside I can be more comfortable with the me on the inside.

    I suppose, too, that part of it is wanting to look good for the next Ms. Right when/if I do find her. But that's low on the priority list. It's about me. I spent 8 years sacrificing my needs to keep the ex happy. Now it's time to make sacrifices and go through struggles that will benefit me, and me alone.

    Also, I had a friend whose father died of Type II diabetes a couple years ago. He was only 55 or so. He never got his weight under control and it literally killed him. Don't want to go down that same route.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    The first reason is for my health. My blood pressure was starting to be affected by my sedentary lifestyle and excess weight. That's what got me started.

    Now that I've come this far, I want to go farther. I feel so much better and have so much more energy. I just want to do more in life. So I want to continue getting in better shape and feel even more fantastic.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    My reasons were purely selfish, I did it for "ME".. After losing all that extra fat I look great, I feel great and life is great!
  • I want to help prevent myself from the long line of diabetes in my family. I also want to lose weight so I can have some more self-confidence. I want to be able to look at myself in a mirror and be proud of what I've accomplished. Most of all, I just want to feel beautiful and find a guy who thinks the same thing.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Oh dear, hope I'm not going to end up sounding like the feeble, pathetic one on this.
    Here goes...
    4 years ago I found out my husband of 21 years had been cheating on me. I stopped eating and lost shed loads of weight in a short time. ( I was about 14lb heavier than I should have been.) Having done so I began to retake some control over my life and did so largely by losing more weight, but on my terms. Now I am slightly lowere than my BMI but I feel so much more confident about my body and my future that I want to stay this way.
    I am separating from the aforementioned husband as soon as we can sell the house etc., and when my new life starts I want to get a new relationship and continue as a new me.
    I guess I just need to feel good about myself again.
  • To look good on my fiftieth birthday (October 2013)
    To wear clothes that I haven't worn for several years
    To make my family proud of me
    To get my blood pressure down
  • Hummingbird82
    Hummingbird82 Posts: 79 Member
    1. To feel good better about myself and get healthier.
    2. To look amazing on my 30th birthday!
    3. To be able to fit into the perfect wedding dress.
    4. To get to a helathy weight before I get pregnant down the road.
    5. To not have health issues related to weight later on in life.
    6. To keep up with my future kids.
    7. To be able to buy and wear clothes that are cute (yes a little vanity but lets be real here.lol)
    8. To look good naked! lol
  • Bachelorette party in Vegas in May, and my wedding in September!
  • for me. :)
  • kar2083
    kar2083 Posts: 68 Member
    I don't remember when last I was able to fit in pants that had a size that was only one digit.
    So for me.
  • 1. I stepped on the scale 2 weeks after the last Thanksgiving and was the biggest I have been in my entire life.

    2. My family is skinny. I am easily 35 pounds heavier than the next heaviest sibling, even with the weight lost so far. My sister, despite having 4 kids, has been the same weight since she was in high school. So there was no excuse for me being overweight.

    3. Due to my years of army service, I have a slight back disability which becomes worse the more weight I gain. I got tired of walking only a few blocks to have my back killing me. My back pain is essentially gone after losing the weight I have so far.

    4. I am generally into playing lots of sports and being good at it. I want to get back into it. Not many fat guys playing basketball and soccer.

    5. I want to get to a size 34 waist. A lot easier to shop for nice pants when you are a size 34-36 vs a size 38-40.

    6. I want my son to grow up with a father who is just as active as he is.

    7. Stress management. Its hard enough to manage stress when you are not overweight.
  • I want to lose my weight because I look at pictures and realize how big I have gotten.
    I seem to not have realized it.

    1. I want not just to be a pretty face.
    2. I want to do things with my three beautiful girls because I feel like thay are only getting
    half their mom.
    3. I want to wear shorts and tank tops again and look hot. I just want to put clothes on and feel
    like myself.
    4. I am 30 and I want to have my youthful feeling back.
    5. Lastly I want to feel sexy....me and my husband have been married 5 years and I have been
    pregnant three times ...It is time for us to get our relationship back!!!!
  • gioisa75
    gioisa75 Posts: 242 Member
    Me, Myself and I!:happy:
  • At this point I'm only about 15 lbs over. I'm losing the weight so that I can date again and secondly I enjoy playing sports and being smaller means I'm faster and can do a lot more.

    Why wait? You look fit to date now IMO!!
  • Kaspur
    Kaspur Posts: 20 Member
    I want to feel better for myself. To boost my confidence, and make me feel more comfortable about my body.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Cuz I don't wanna be a tub o' lard forever.
  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    Myself: my health and wellbeing
  • I just had a baby 5 months ago and am getting married in September!
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    Cruise in May 2013
    Overall Health
    To wear sexy clothes