gym pet peeves



  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    People who scream while they run. If you need to be crazy vocal run at home lol
  • When people don't clean the machines they use. That's mine. =]

  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I hate it when people try to carry on a conversation with me while I'm working... Headphones in means you're voice will not be heard.

    I hate it when other people carry on loud conversations while they workout on a cardio machine side by side. Really? WORK!

    It's annoying to watch guys pump really fast on a machine with tons of weight like 6 times, then go break for 2 minutes and text girls on their iPhone. Really?? Work, damnit!

    I like seeing people be kind and help each other out, especially when little me needs help putting the 100-lb plates on the rack for the leg press. Thank you, gentlemen :)

    I like seeing people who are taking the time to focus on their workout and what their doing; they're taking it seriously. No matter what you're doing or how light you're lifting, dedication matters.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I can't stand it when you're exercising on the treadmill and people peer over to check on your km's/speed. It's happened a lot to me.

    What peeves me is I can't exactly react - I'm busting my butt off so I'm not gonna break my rhythm for the scum!
    And afterwards, I can barely walk anyway let alone tell someone off. lol
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Holding onto the treadmill...I just don't get it for 90% of the people I see holding on.

    i see nothing wrong with not wanting to fall on ur butt

    I suggest you put the treadmill at max incline with a very high speed and try not holding on when you are burning over 1000 cals per hour. I will visit you in the hospital when you fall back on your head.

    So far I have gotten the incline up to 13 without holding on, and I cannot wait until I am strong enough to do more :smile: As for high speeds, it is dangerous to hold on while running.

    Half the fun of working out is challenging yourself and beating your own records!
  • Sh3iz
    Sh3iz Posts: 12
    watching people use the lat pulldown machine on a billion pounds, the swing and sqwerm and the form is allll wrong. leaned all back at 120degree angle instead of upright @ a 90 degree.

    ALSO. my gym asks that u limit cardio to 20min during peak times.... love seeing people going for 30-45+ WHILE people are WAITING and waiting....
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    people who get on the treadmill right next to you when your the only one there and there is 20 others they could use

    I totally agree! Its like those people at the movies that come and sit right next to you when there are 200 empty seats still.

    I also hate those people that are just there to chat with their friends.

    Oh and people that talk on their cell phones while their on the treadmill. Really???? :grumble:

    I LOVE that my gym has a TV at every cardio machine. And two HUGE ceiling fans. :happy:
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    people who get on the treadmill right next to you when your the only one there and there is 20 others they could use
    related to that, people who smell- not BO cos i know we all get that but just a real stink

    ^Yes, this one!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Women wear way too much clothing.

    LMAO! In some cases, maybe. At the gym with lots of sweaty dudes and dudettes, it's not a bad idea to cover up a little more. Less skin to equipment contact is best.

    I really hate it when people don't wipe down the squat/deadlift barbells... I wipe them down before I use them and they are always freaking NASTY. I also wipe them down when I'm done...
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    And remember that holding on makes you burn less so those calorie counts on the machine are even more useless
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    I hate it when people leave their weights laying around. I'm really cool with the custodian at my gym and he's a bit older so I end up helping him put everything away first before I work out.

    I like it when the gym is empty. Just me and my custodian friend..
  • CrazyLazyStylist
    CrazyLazyStylist Posts: 65 Member
    !) When someone KEEPS looking over at your numbers like, "I gotta do more than this chick."

    2) When there are a crapload of machines open but they get right next to mine.
  • what irritates me is people gunting when pushing weights, like they are the only person working out uugggg
    what I like is when the gym is empty (like 3 am) when I have the entire place to myself and set up my routine and go though with a nice flow

    Go to planet fitness than. You piss me off.
  • DeepAsAPlate
    DeepAsAPlate Posts: 121 Member
    I hate resolutioners. (No, that's probably not a word.) But the people who join as a New Year's resolution and quit after 6 weeks. They take up all the machines.

    I know. I should be more encouraging. Whatever.

    Also, people who fart during Pilates class. I get the giggles. What can I say?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I have another to add - people like those complaining about other people's workouts when they don't understand them. Grunting happens when you're shifting a large lump of iron, and when we do 6 reps of a big weight and take a break, it's because we have to.

    I wish people would just mind their own business and not take offense to what others are doing, so long as courtesies such as wiping and unloading equipment are upheld.
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    The pre-teens whose parents are nowhere to be found. When the gym daycare is closed and the little kids are all over the place, running into you and all that fun stuff....The swim classes for the kids and their parents, along with the kids swim team....I like kids, but not when I'm trying to get my work on....
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I love that my gym is small and has signs everywhere saying "if you don't think you need to clean up after yourself, we don't think we want your membership!" There are lots of signs like these. The couple that owns my gym are both bodybuilders. The signs work, though... Very few gym etiquette infractions at my gym. I've been at military gyms where they would workout in their ACU's and boots and get mud and dirt everywhere on top of not unloading their barbells or heavy lifting machines... grrr
  • CrazyLazyStylist
    CrazyLazyStylist Posts: 65 Member
    And if I have headphones on...DONT TALK TO ME
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I have another to add - people like those complaining about other people's workouts when they don't understand them. Grunting happens when you're shifting a large lump of iron, and when we do 6 reps of a big weight and take a break, it's because we have to.

    I wish people would just mind their own business and not take offense to what others are doing, so long as courtesies such as wiping and unloading equipment are upheld.

  • handy05
    handy05 Posts: 53 Member
    When people don't clean the machines they use. That's mine. =]

    If this were facebook, I'd 'Like' your comment a bajillion times!

    Double Ditto! Clean your machine people!! Who wants germs???