World of Warcraft ruined my life!



  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    I'm tempted by Star Wars The Old Republic, but i've only just got over my WoW addiction :p

    Most of my will power is being used up to not buy star wars...

    Dam*it you guys, BUY it and PLAY that *kitten*. It's pretty awesome!!
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Haha i love this, 2 lvl 85 druids, and a 85 DK, number 4 raiding guild on my server, raid leader, raid tank, raid healer, etc etc. Gave it up and now I'm addicted to things girls find impressive, turns out girls don't care more many tabbards and mounts you have.

    265 bench
    315 squat
    405 dead-lift
    5.11c rock climb
    5.10a lead climb

    hate to break it to you but most girls have no idea what those numbers mean (or heck what a deadlift even is) so that's not gonna get you very far with most of them. Try being rich instead. Very effective.

    But I'm impressed if that helps.

    CORRECTION, most older girls don't know.. Us younger ones understand.
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    No WoW for me, but tabletop was a recipe for disaster. Sitting around a table for hours with 6 guys who can eat Doritos and pound Mountain Dew all day long and gain nary a pound? No girl is coming out of that one unscathed.
  • Sh3iz
    Sh3iz Posts: 12
    world of warcraft ruined my marriage... but that was my ex's fault... dont know much about the game.

    but i do know about weight gain... and now weight loss!

    Good luck!
  • toxicasylum
    I'm a WoW player myself. For the horde! But I play at night so it doesn't get in the way of my diet or working out. Plus I make it a point not to eat at my desk.
  • TriforceRaven
    TriforceRaven Posts: 115 Member
    Zelda is my love. I have all but 2 games (out of the entire series of all games). Phoenix Wright is the same way, but not as much of my love (though it's super fun). Star Fox, Mario Kart, I'm up for nearly everything. Amnesia, Heavy Rain, TF2.
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    Actually, when I was playing WoW obsessively I *lost* a bunch of weight. Needed both hands to raid, never wanted to take the time to cook/eat.

    I think I lived on cereal and granola bars for two years.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I didn't even answer the OPs question:

    Nope, I ruined my life. Wow just gave me something to do while I was ruining it.

    Don't worry you can still play video games and lose weight. *points to ticker*

    you just have to learn to give up some video game time to exercise and stop eating while you play. Eat when its time to eat or you are hungry. Otherwise no sitting there leveling with a bag of trader joes peanut butter preztels all day on Sat.

    Absolutely this.

    I still play wow and other games, but NOW, I get exercise every single day. And I eat right. I control the games, they don't control me.
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    I play games too! I loved coming home from work and just playing games. All the time, since I was a kid. Didn't get active or anything. When I switched to a desk job over 5 years ago is when I really started gaining weight. Slowly but surely I had managed to put on nearly 50 lbs. I need to lose 40 now, and I am now more motivated than I ever was.

    I suppose it does help that my laptop wont play the Sims anymore and my boyfriend hog the TV so I can't play Skyrim most of the time. I will be building a new desktop when I get my tax return and then I can play BOTH on my computer! Muhahhaha! Just...have to balance that with the exercise.

    I used to play WOW and FF13, but I really hate depending on parties to level so ... Worst gamer ever.

    Good luck on you weight loss journey! :D
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    Old school EQMac player here -- wouldn't touch WoW if you paid me to do it!

    As someone put it earlier, it's not the gaming that's to blame, but it's a convenient excuse. I still play -- in fact, I think I play more now than ever -- but it's now my reward. Work out, have a healthy dinner... then spend two hours happily dispatching mobs to my heart's content! :smile:
  • Hmmm... my husband just started playing WoW... should I be concerned?? Seems like there's a few out there that say the game ruined their marriage and/or their life. What's up with that? Does WoW suck you in so much that you lose passion for your spouse or the ability to turn off the computer and communicate?? Does it brainwash people into getting divorces?? Geez... I might need to throw this game in the trash while hubby's at work!! :noway:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Old school EQMac player here -- wouldn't touch WoW if you paid me to do it!

    As someone put it earlier, it's not the gaming that's to blame, but it's a convenient excuse. I still play -- in fact, I think I play more now than ever -- but it's now my reward. Work out, have a healthy dinner... then spend two hours happily dispatching mobs to my heart's content! :smile:

    I just retired from EQ last Oct after 8 years playing. Folded my guild and hung up my snake. :sad:
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member

    Current games:
    Mass Effect 2 - 3 is coming out soon, so I'm playing again
    Sims 3 - this has been my on and off thing since it came out in 2000
    Skyrim - if you know what it is, I don't need to explain. If you don't know what it is, I can't explain.

    My current games:

    Skyrim - 65+ hours in and only companions/winterhold questlines left.... a few misc quests left as well lol
    Star Wars: The Old Republic - this one's got me nervous.... new MMO :P But I'll have fun being a light side SITH anyway haha
    And also, prepping for Mass Effect 3... but cutting a long story short I migrated my xbox 360 to the elite a while back and lost all game saves... including ME1 & 2... so somewhere in all this I'm going to be pushing through those before ME3's march release :P

    Seriously, on top of work and social commitments, it's no WONDER my only spare time to workout is my lunch break at work! Thank god for the gym just down the road :P
  • FabMrFox
    FabMrFox Posts: 259 Member
    Ugg many years wasted on EverQuest….. gave up when WoW kinda took the player base away.
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    Im a gamer chick. Games do not make you fat, you make you fat. Take responsibility for yourself and get your *kitten* off the seat.
    You can't blame a game for your lack of self control. What are you going to do, sue Blizzard for for the cost of your medical bills? Really... Take personal responsibility and get your butt on a treadmill like I did...
  • Im a gamer chick. Games do not make you fat, you make you fat. Take responsibility for yourself and get your *kitten* off the seat.
    You can't blame a game for your lack of self control. What are you going to do, sue Blizzard for for the cost of your medical bills? Really... Take personal responsibility and get your butt on a treadmill like I did...

    ^^^:laugh: THIS!!!:laugh: ^^^
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    thor1god1of1awesome Posts: 481 Member
    Hmmm... my husband just started playing WoW... should I be concerned?? Seems like there's a few out there that say the game ruined their marriage and/or their life. What's up with that? Does WoW suck you in so much that you lose passion for your spouse or the ability to turn off the computer and communicate?? Does it brainwash people into getting divorces?? Geez... I might need to throw this game in the trash while hubby's at work!! :noway:
    Huh I thought my Meth habit would destroy marriage lol
  • moniquelessard
    Hmmm... my husband just started playing WoW... should I be concerned?? Seems like there's a few out there that say the game ruined their marriage and/or their life. What's up with that? Does WoW suck you in so much that you lose passion for your spouse or the ability to turn off the computer and communicate?? Does it brainwash people into getting divorces?? Geez... I might need to throw this game in the trash while hubby's at work!! :noway:

    I think some people are more prone to addiction than others. That being said, gaming is ok when used responsibly and in moderation (much like food).

    Some people read, watch tv, or game for enjoyment or as a reward after a long day's work. If your spouse begins removing himself from social situations in order to play WOW... show him this thread. lol

    My brother in law said when he was in Uni, he failed some courses from gaming too much. I personally don't see the draw, as I really enjoy face to face interaction much more than sitting playing a game on my computer for hours on end. To each their own though!
  • Hmmm... my husband just started playing WoW... should I be concerned?? Seems like there's a few out there that say the game ruined their marriage and/or their life. What's up with that? Does WoW suck you in so much that you lose passion for your spouse or the ability to turn off the computer and communicate?? Does it brainwash people into getting divorces?? Geez... I might need to throw this game in the trash while hubby's at work!! :noway:
    Huh I thought my Meth habit would destroy marriage lol

    No, honey... your Meth habit is what keeps us going! LOL
  • moniquelessard
    Ha!! ^^ posted the above before reading your hubby's post. lol. Well at least he's well aware!