

  • magnolia1962
    Hi All
    I'm a newbie to fitness pal and this topic. Thanks to Mary for inviting me. I've been checking out the recipie blog everyday and it's great but I like the idea of this one, sharing and chatting. Seems like fun.
    I will be 60 in November (OMG) and have been down this weight loss road many many times. This august, my first grandchild was born -- a wonderful little boy (hency my User name) and he is now my reason to get healthy and STAY healthy. I want to be a part of his life for a long long time.

    So thanks for listening. Have a great day and LONG (Whoo Hoo) weekend!

    Cathy (aka William's YaYa) :love:

    Congratulations on becoming a Ya Ya ... that's awesome. I'm thinking we seriously could start a whole little side group of ladies here who had grandchildren these past couple of weeks ... it's amusing. My first grandchild is due to join us on January 19th so I'm on pins and needles waiting for the call. My daughter lives about a 6 hour drive away from me so my bag is packed and I'll be hitting the road as soon as she's definately in labour. I'm so excited :laugh:
  • WilliamsYaYa
    Hi All
    I'm a newbie to fitness pal and this topic. Thanks to Mary for inviting me. I've been checking out the recipie blog everyday and it's great but I like the idea of this one, sharing and chatting. Seems like fun.
    I will be 60 in November (OMG) and have been down this weight loss road many many times. This august, my first grandchild was born -- a wonderful little boy (hency my User name) and he is now my reason to get healthy and STAY healthy. I want to be a part of his life for a long long time.

    So thanks for listening. Have a great day and LONG (Whoo Hoo) weekend!

    Cathy (aka William's YaYa) :love:

    It is the most amazing relationship you will ever have!! I am so lucky that he lives with us at the moment while Mom and Dad finish their college years. Congratulations on your coming first and best wishes to your daughter on a safe and easy delivery!

    Congratulations on becoming a Ya Ya ... that's awesome. I'm thinking we seriously could start a whole little side group of ladies here who had grandchildren these past couple of weeks ... it's amusing. My first grandchild is due to join us on January 19th so I'm on pins and needles waiting for the call. My daughter lives about a 6 hour drive away from me so my bag is packed and I'll be hitting the road as soon as she's definately in labour. I'm so excited :laugh:
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Hi All,
    I'm new to mfp and happy to see a 50+ board. I work lots of hours currently so doubt I can check in daily, but hope to do so every few days. There are so many young'uns out there, it feels supportive just to see that there are others 50+! I've had a good first 10 days, lost a little over two pounds and am finally exercising some again, despite some physical barriers. Best to all , "Ready"

    Oops...still learning how to use this board. Congrats..."ReadytofeelGreat" :happy:. I am pretty new to the boards. I just joined in late December, and I find it SOO helpful to log my food. I love your 'handle'...I feel the same way...cause I admit I am a Sugarholic, and on my 25 day of being processed Sugar Free. Good Luck here!! You DO have Support! :)

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    I just got back from the dentist and my grocery shopping to find that the city has ploughed the street and has moved the snowbanks which were at the side of the road onto the sidewalk including completely filling in the end of my driveway - what a good job that my DBF took me out otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get in the driveway. There is no way that the sidewalk plough will be able to get through the piles which have been deposited on the sidewalk.

    I went out to take a couple of photos of the mess. I hope no-one has a fire because the fire hydrant at the end of my drive isn't exactly accessible right now.

    OK complaint over - off to make a herbal tea and take some painkillers because my tooth is aching a bit.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :bigsmile: Virginia, I remember when Richard Simmons was on TV doing “Sweatin’ to the Oldies”……one of the features he did on his show was going to the grocery store and looking at what women had in their carts and commenting on it……..I still think about that every time I am in the store and I look in my cart and think that he would approve of what I’m buying, :bigsmile: Do you live somewhere cold where you need to exercise indoors in the winter or somewhere hot where you need to exercise indoors in the summer?

    :bigsmile: Rita, when we got Brandy, she was the new puppy sister for Shilo, our aging Golden Retriever (all our dogs are female). Brandy made Shilo feel like a puppy again and they played and played. After Shilo died, Brandy was an “only” for almost a year until we got Sasha who was a tiny puppy with a broken leg. Brandy mothered Sasha for awhile until she was healed and ready to play and now they are best friends, play together all the time and sleep butt to butt on the bed and couch.

    :bigsmile: Michele, I love my time alone when Jake is gone which is rare except during golf season…when he’s home, he likes me to do things with him. I’m so lucky to have such a fabulous husband, but I wish he’d go somewhere more often.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Jaks, if your food diary were public, someone might be able to offer good suggestions on what to eat……also, the more you exercise, the more you will jumpstart your metabolism to burn off the pounds.

    :bigsmile: Scompton, welcome and Happy Birthday, I just got a heart rate monitor and I love it. You’re right, it has increased my motivation to be active.


    :bigsmile: Angela, congrats on your 3 pound loss

    :bigsmile: Jb, “eat less, move more”…….I love it

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: One of the line dance groups is performing next week so we’re having a practice this afternoon……..it’s a great day when there are two line dance classes.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening, Ladies!

    Love reading what everyone is doing and thinking and eating! We have a bit of a cold snap down here but not what some of you are facing today! Stay safe on that ice and snow, those of you driving or walking around with it!

    I have been reading "Younger Next Year for Women" that Barbie recommended. Even though some of it you know already, it is very motivating to get you going with a bit more focus. I don't think I'll be able to sit around on the sofa for long anymore unless I am sick!!! I highly recommend it too. Thanks, Barbie:flowerforyou:

    And I realized today, while doing one of The 30 Day Shred DVDs that I can now do any of the levels from start to finish, without stopping AND with the weights. (I don't do them every day but mix them in with my other workouts to get some weight training in). It is good to do something that is challenging and see yourself improve!

    I also finally got my HRM to work WHILE I was exercising and that was fun. I also learned that even after I finished my workout, my body was still burning some calories at a pretty high rate...so the hype is true! I burned another 100 calories within less than a half hour of my workout. That's another reason to do interval training for sure:love:

    Someone asked me what kind I got and it is a Polar FT7...several of you recommended that one. (I would watch the online tutorial and not just read the little booklet if anyone decides to order one...I did not and didn't figure out I hadn't turned it on yesterday:huh: )

    Michelle: I agree that we all need time AT HOME alone. DH traveled so much during his career that when he retired I felt a a bit "off kilter". He is busy and loves to go so luckily, there are too many days where I feel he is underfoot, but I do enjoy a few whole days & nights alone too. We work that out by coming and going to MT at slightly different times and I also try to plan a few "girlfriend" trips each year...speaking of...think I am due!!!!!!!

    Didn't mean to talk so long! Have a great evening everyone:heart: kackie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I posted in the old thread and didn't even notice that my post didn't take because the thread is locked. :mad:
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    :bigsmile: Virginia, I remember when Richard Simmons was on TV doing “Sweatin’ to the Oldies”……one of the features he did on his show was going to the grocery store and looking at what women had in their carts and commenting on it……..I still think about that every time I am in the store and I look in my cart and think that he would approve of what I’m buying, :bigsmile: Do you live somewhere cold where you need to exercise indoors in the winter or somewhere hot where you need to exercise indoors in the summer?

    That has switched! Before my loss I was hot natured and couldn't stand the summer heat. Now I'm cold natured and can't stand the winter cold! Go figure. I remember Richard too, and figured it would make my workouts fun to do these a few days a week. The pack comes with four different DVDs so I even have variety in that. As soon as my dinner digests I'll pop the first one in.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    no time for posting right now. Ritter is sooo full of puppy energy I spend all my time chasing him around and keeping him out of trouble. I had chosen to forget how much work it is because it is so worth it in the end. In the mean time I am exhausted. Not making smart food choices or exersizing appropriately. I really need to kick my butt in gear and get back to it.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Me AGAIN!

    "Sweatin' to the Oldies" report: It was just as much fun and easy to do as I remember!

    See y'all tomorrow!
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    Thank you for starting this group. It is really nice, to read your comments. I just started last Saturday & doing great so far. I made Buffalo Chicken Wing Mac & Cheese from Hungry Girl recipes & it was delish. I brushed my "Aussie" pup & he looks so good. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    What a great group.To the new grandma`s you`ll love being a grandma.I have 3 grandchildren.2 live out of state and my 3 1/2 year old lives 20 min away.I spent today with her.We went to Fl,had a tea party,she sang a concert for me.I enjoyed every minute.The favorite part of the day was a song she made up and sang,I love my grandma.They are so precious.
    Happy Birthday!
    rebel,enjoy Mexico.
    Everyone have a great night.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    kc - enjoy the family!

    Rebel - how long will you be gone for. And more importantly....can I come????? lol

    Welcome readytofeelgreat. We used to live in Kennett Square, so I'm familiar with Ardsley (just not real familiar)

    scrompton - happy belated birthday! Which HRM did you get?

    Jamcubechi - tell us more about yourself. Stop in as often as you can

    Did the deep water workout, then went to the healthy cooking demonstration. I told them that I was sensitive to nuts. Really, I just don't care for nuts in food. Nuts by themselves I have no problem with. Weird, huh? When my kids were little I learned how to make a pb&j sandwich while holding your breath....lol The temp in the pool was 85/86 today. In a sense, to me that was too warm. But lots of others liked it. Tomorrow...yoga. I did get some yoga DVD's and I really need to do them just to check and be sure they're OK.

    Vince is at a gun club board meeting right now, so I get some "me" time. Yea me!!! I should really be cleaning the house (at least the upstairs) since I'll be hosting bunco Tuesday. I think they didn't have anyone else to do it so they asked me. I really don't have a problem. I just need to think of a dessert.

    We're going to be celebrating birthdays at the Y this Wed. so I made an angelfood cake with pineapple instead of water. Gives the angelfood cake a bit of "zing". Has anyone ever frozen angelfood cake? How did it turn out?

    I have some shrimp bites in the freezer that I can just warm up for bunco and I made dough for these snickerdoodles that's in the refrig right now. I'll probably bake them tomorrow.

    Virginia - wow! What a weight loss. Are you looking to lose more (pretty soon you're going to be invisible) or are you maintaining? To me, maintaining is really hard.

    Cathy - welcome! What a cute baby William is! How old was he in this picture and how old is he now? What a great motivator he is for you!

    dbutorac - Nice to "meet" ja!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evneing

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Virginia >> I'm in the Northwest, Portland to be exact. Fairly temperate climate but boy howdy was it cold yesterday when we went out hiking. Freeze your patootie off! (Probably 40 degrees, what a wimp, lol) By the 3rd hill I was peeling off layers.

    Another good recipe here if anyone's interested. Spinach and Feta Stuffed Pork Chops from Cooking Light. Very good, made them tonight. I'll find the link and post it, but you can Google it. I think it's on myrecipes.com. It's already in the MFP database.

    Happy weekend, or as someone said "holiWEEKEND!"

    :^) jb

    P.S. Here's the link:
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    :bigsmile: Jaks, if your food diary were public, someone might be able to offer good suggestions on what to eat……also, the more you exercise, the more you will jumpstart your metabolism to burn off the pounds.

    Ok I made it Public
    I think if I followed a plan might work better but hate to be tied down, I think I should try Jorge Cruise belly fat cure, but at times I like carbs, Debating about WW again I do know the point system so fig if I use about 1300 calories would be the 26 pts I am allowed.....

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning

    :smile: Tried to have a bit of a lie in this morning, but the kittens had other ideas! They decided it would be a good game to "attack" my feet - their little claws are sharp even through the duvet. I shooed them out of the bedroom and went back to bed for another hour!! :bigsmile:

    :love: The kittens are getting bigger, but still seem very small compared to our old cat Wiz, I forgot how much hard work they are, (not quite as much work as a puppy though I'd imagine :bigsmile: ) they are so small and move so quickly that I have to be careful not to fall over them. I forgot that they can climb up things! (Wiz never jumps anywhere now - apart from a comfy chair) many a time I look up and they are on the mantlepiece or climbing up the curtains.:noway: :noway: Maggie the girl is very brave and likes to be into everything. Logan the boy is always watching from the sidelines, but they are so entertaining.

    :grumble: My weight is either staying the same or going up. I know I need to get back on track with the exercising, but I seem to have lost all motivation. I'm cross with myself, I was doing so well, but it seems I need to do lots more than just go walking with the dogs to lose weight. Another thing I think I need to watch is portion size, I'm often getting too full.

    :ohwell: I need to get off the computer and go get the housework done, then I might take a walk up to the shopping centre to the £1 store and buy a few things. That should burn off some calories.:bigsmile:

    Take care everyone
    Chat again soon.

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Happy weekend everyone & welcome to new friends.

    Very cold here this morning & certainly felt it coming out of the hairdressers!

    Been reading my new veggie cookbook & have lots of new recipes to try but need to shop for more herbs & spices.

    It's lovely to hear how much you enjoy your pets. Our boy Charlie is our alarm clock. Up at 6 every morning wanting his breakfast. He is a black labrador/retriever crossed with a Staffordshire bull terrier. He has the short Staffie legs but the long lab body & temperament so he's not the brightest lightbulb in the socket:bigsmile:

    Off food shopping so enjoy your weekend ladies!

  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    New here. Need support on this journey. I was struggling with my weight last year, and then broke my foot in August. Still in PT, the pounds have really crept on........ No more excuses. Love seeing so many of us 50+ girls. Good luck!
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    New here. Need support on this journey. I was struggling with my weight last year, and then broke my foot in August. Still in PT, the pounds have really crept on........ No more excuses. Love seeing so many of us 50+ girls. Good luck!

    Hi there and welcome - Wow were we walking together in August? :laugh: I too broke my foot (well ankle and tore the tendon) in August and am still having a hard time with things - I'm still in PT as well and now have tendonitis that just won't go away which is what I've been using for an excuse for the last couple of months and now hopefully I'm getting back on track - slowly but surely!

    Good luck in your journey - there is lots of support in this group and I'm really enjoying it and am pretty sure you will too!:drinker:
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Virginia - wow! What a weight loss. Are you looking to lose more (pretty soon you're going to be invisible) or are you maintaining? To me, maintaining is really hard.

    Hey Michele! Look, another pound. At this point they're coming off slowly and I'm so excited.

    I'm looking to lose another 3 pounds minimum to hit my initial goal of 175 lbs. After that I'd like to lose at least another 5 to give me a cushion but if I don't, if I never get below 175, I will have done what I set out to do and it will be one of the greatest accomplishments of my life. I'm 5'8" so 175 gives me a BMI of 26.6 but my body fat percentage is consistently measuring around 22% right now which is a healthy range - I'm large framed and pretty muscular.

    So I'm in no danger of becoming invisible, but the goal was always a healthy weight I could maintain comfortably not "thin". I have huge amounts of loose skin, so I'll never wear a bikini, tank top or shorts shorter than Bermuda length but to be able to hike and run and do whatever I want without gasping for air is just huge for me.