For all the *actual* dog lovers out there...



  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    My girl is a rescue, but it's more like she rescued me!!

  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member

    Also, this is now obligatory...

  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    beer.jpg oh and he likes his beer too! :laugh:

    Our Boxer/Shepherd mix does this. She'll sit right in front of my on the couch following my beer bottle EVERY move it makes. When I get down to the last sip, she gets it.

  • Wen37
    Wen37 Posts: 218 Member
    I have a zoo too! 2 huskie pups, 2 fat cats and a rabbit :) I love all of them and can't imagine live without them. :love:
  • danger_kitteh
    danger_kitteh Posts: 301 Member
    I have a 12 year old Dalmatian that is dumb as a boot, annoyingly sassy (i liken her to an old woman grumbling about kids these days) and has a tendency to create bad smells -BUT! she is super sweet and overall a good dog and I'll miss her when she's gone. She was a rescue when she was 9 months old from a family who bought their several under 5 children a "Disney Dog" for Christmas. It was all fun and games till they realized it got bigger and they should have taken her to puppy school. So off to the Dal rescue she went and my dad brought her home. My parents divorced 6 years ago and we agreed to bring her up here to Canada as my dad's new place was unsuitable for a dog. She definitely makes life interesting -lol-

  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    My 12 year old puppy:


    This used to be my puppy, but she lives with my parents now, because the dogs could not get along.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    Moar picturz...........
  • Cfkearney
    Cfkearney Posts: 184 Member
    My puppy is Arthur. He is a 2 year old lab/pit mix that is 75 pounds of pure muscle and thinks he is a lap dog. He's a rescue dog and he is just so so smart. Obedience trained and knows all kinds of tricks. Our favorite is bang bang! And he plays dead. He hates baths, sprinklers and puddles. I tell him he's being a sissy la la but he doesn't care. This Lab ain't getting in the water. But he likes ice and snow. He greets me every morning and whenever I come home like I'm the coolest person in the world. And even though I say things like "Who's a good wuppy wog? Are you my wuppity wup? I wuv you!" He still thinks I'm awesome!
  • Wen37
    Wen37 Posts: 218 Member
    How do you insert the pictures??
  • meaganstokes1
    meaganstokes1 Posts: 12 Member
    I made my lab a plate of " birthday meatballs" yesterday :) she's 11
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    <---- This is her Glamorshot! BOL (bark out loud)
    Mine is a rescue. Wouldn't trade her for the world!
    (I really need to figure out how to post pix on here!)

    I did it!! I posted a pic! :-)
  • BuffaloJerseyGirl


    This is Stella. She is a Shep/Husky/Lab mix that sheds year-round and believes she is a lap dog (mind you, she's 60lbs!) We adopted Stella almost 7 years ago from a rescue shelter and can't imagine life without her. She LOVES her daddy to death and is always trying to climb on top of him when he allows it smothering him with sloppy kisses. The look she gives him during these sessions is like she's saying "I want to wear your skin" (Blades of Glory reference). I have heard however, from a pretty reliable source that she will whine and pace in the house the whole time I am out for a run. She also acts as though it's her birthday and she just got the BEST PRESENT EVER whenever we walk in the door, regardless of how long we've been gone. She also has a pet cat that she occasionally gives a sloppy kiss on the head to, much to the cat's dismay.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    We've got three pets. Two dogs, a 10 year old Jack Russell Terrier and a 8-1/2 week old Rottweiler as well as a 2 year old cat. I love pets and couldn't imagine my life without them.
  • ramonasowner
    ramonasowner Posts: 136 Member
    2 doxies and a lab muttmix puppy. You can't have just one doxie. lol
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    This little guy is always happy to see me, if I want to snuggle he snuggles with me, if I want to be active he'll be actives with me and he always makes me laugh. How could I ask for anything more?

  • Sweetncgal78
    Sweetncgal78 Posts: 99 Member
    Jasper (far right), Suzy Q (far left) & Snoopy in the middle. Snoopy passed away in November of 2011, still very much in our hearts.

    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    For all that know me well on MFP, they know Neku the super pup, for those that dont set your gaze on this lil furball

  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I love puppy pics. Here's mine.

    Driving Miss Daisy <3


    And another, 'cus she's ma QT
