MFP Mythbusters! Losing weight fast, exercise calories, girl

MFP Mythbusters! Losing weight fast, exercise calories, girls getting bulky, etc. (In case the title gets truncated.)

I've seen a couple people say stuff like they lose weight faster if they don't eat their exercise calories, or alternately that the scale isn't moving like they want it to. Everyone wants to lose weight fast, and they think the way to do that is to cut calories big time and/or not eat calories burned from exercise.

Last time I lost weight, I did it all wrong and just cut calories way too much. I thought I'd lose weight faster that way... actually, I just thought that was how you lost weight. I never thought I'd have progress aiming to lose just a half pound a week. That sounded ridiculously slow... who the hell would want to wait two and a half months to lose just 10 pounds!?

Well, I did lose weight by cutting calories a lot. Eventually. Ironically, even though I was trying to lose 1-2# a week, I usually lost less than a half pound a week. But instead of thinking, "Maybe I'm doing this wrong?" I'd think, "I just have a slow metabolism," and thought that eating even LESS would be the only way to lose more. Like I said, I did it all wrong.

So eventually, I reached 130# and wasn't happy with the results. I was happy to buy a pair of size 8 jeans, but not happy that I still had a muffin top and back fat rolls. Believing my options were "eat very little to try to lose or to stay at this size" or "eat what I want and weight 15-20# more," eating what I wanted won. Which, as luck would have it, was the better choice of the two, since I would have ended up malnourished, destroying my metabolism, losing even MORE lean muscle mass, and/or with an eating disorder if I'd kept it up much longer.

This time around, eating between 1800-2000 calories during most of my weight loss (1500 + exercise calories. I'm currently maintaining around 1700 net), I wasn't so much focused on losing weight because I didn't think I could, based on past experience. I was looking more at my fitness level and being able to run, then lifting to reshape my body and improve my running performance.

I'm currently around 130# again. And these are those size 8 jeans I was so happy to be able to wear LAST time I weighed 130#? They're a bit big. Actually... a lot big. They come off without unzipping them.


These are those size 8 jeans, with the size 5 juniors jeans I'm wearing now. (Curvy cut because I'm not a straight up and down teenager.)


So... yeah. Giving the choice between weighing less or wearing smaller clothes? I don't give a DAMN what the scale says anymore.

And as far as lifting weights goes... A year and a half ago, I was embarrassed that my arms were kind of chunky. Shirts that fit in the torso were too tight on my sleeves. If someone told me then that I should lift heavy weights, I'd have laughed because I thought my arms would burst through my seams like the Hulk.

(August 2010, around 150#)

Now, they fit in sleeves perfectly... but I love them so much I just hate covering them now. :smile: And I'm getting really close to being able to do a pullup with those "massive" pythons. I can do them (well, maybe one or two) with just 10# of assistance, but usually do 25#, having started with 70# of assistance in July.

(This morning, around 130#)

No, you don't HAVE to lift heavy. But if you want nice shape to your arms, and/or you want arms that can help you climb a rope or rappel down a cliff (can't WAIT until this year's Warrior Dash!!!) you're going to need more than 3# dumbbells.


  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 653 Member
    i think you look fab! I agree with everything you just said, i feel i am more motivated when i think about my fitness level getting better rather than my weight getting lighter. I love working out and i love eating what i want!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you are such a cool lady, Lorina...and you have been an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing this - you rock!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Tell it like it is!!

    Nicely done, and another great post.
  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    You look amazing- thanks for the inspiration! I recently upped my calories (before exercise) to around 1470, and have been really working on strength training for the past couple of weeks. Its great to see what kind of success you've had- this keeps me motivated!
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    youre the bomb!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    You are Beautiful!
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Your posts keep me sane Lorina. When my girl brain starts kicking in and telling me to stare myself and scale back on calories I read posts from you, and remind myself that getting strong and lean is way more important than a number on the scale.

    PS. You've also inspired me to train for and sign up for the warrior dash this summer with my soon to be husband! He was all in when I mentioned the Viking hat.
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Thank you for this :) Especially love the pic of the jeans being way too big but your weight staying the same!!!! Now if I could just take that advice and eat those dan exercise cals! I dip into them but don't eat them all unless I'm hungry for them!!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You are without a doubt one of the best role models on MFP, Lorina. More power to your scary girl muscles!
  • Agreed! MFP had me fall int he trap, but I've climbed out! You look great, and i too concur about the weightlifting ;-)
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    great post :) ive always eaten my exercise calories, and have always noticed results.
    my only thing is ive been wondering if im eating enough. i see a ton of posts that say you shouldnt eat below your bmr and/or you should eat the calories that your body would need at your goal weight.. i dont want to mess up my metabolism and be eating at 1500 calories or less for the rest of my life.
  • kcpolasek
    kcpolasek Posts: 1 Member
    I ♥ this post. It's re-inspired me out of my slump! People at work are doing a "Bigges Loser" where they are all diet-crazy, but I think I will take a page in your book to get in better shape. Focus on fitness! Also, I love that you are wearing the shirt that reads "I MAKE BOYS CRY,". HA!
  • Thankyou!!!! Can't wait for the warrior dash as well! So fun last year! :) Now I read you eat 1500+excercise cals so about 1800-2000 food intake. I have my goal at 1800(before lifting/cardio cals) is that too much for my 5'2" frame? Not really looking to lose weight just fat so wanting to gain LBM to lose the flab (and I know some fat will be gained as well) Am I on the right track or too many? I googled many calcs out there and my TDEE was 1800-2100.

    Youa re amazing girl!
  • I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you are such a cool lady, Lorina...and you have been an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing this - you rock!

    Ditto :heart:
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Here, here! Great advice from someone that knows! :drinker:
  • Love this post!!!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    :heart: this so much. You are fabulous!
  • Chevitz
    Chevitz Posts: 46
    FANTASTIC advice! I've learned that the hard way... MFP was giving me 1200 calories and then I burn 1000 doing Insanity & I wasn't even eating my 1200 calories - scale stalled BIG time. I'm only 9.5 lbs away from my goal and I upped my calories so I am eating around 1700 calories a day now & guess what? Scale started moving again :) I'm moving away from being so dependent on the scale to toning & measurements but I DO want to hit that 140 :)