Obesity and being beautiful. Same thing or not?



  • ChrisMarie1416452
    Well, I guess I'll share...

    I like to separate the person, from the obesity if that makes any sense. I like to try and look at person and see them as a beautiful person. I'll try to explain better as an example: If my son makes a wrong choice I still love him not the wrong choice he made. This is the only example I could think of that could explain my thought. I love the person and I don't agree with the wrong choice, whether that being over eating etc. Some people end up gaining weight because of medication or some kind of medical condition, which is no fault to them, but I'm talking directly about is us who have over over eaten and made wrong choices that led us to where we are at right now. I'm included, I love myself but not the wrong choices (over eating) that I have made. I still consider myself beautiful because I'm a child of God and God doesn't make ugly, only beautiful. I'm trying to love myself to the point though, where I make changes that make me even better. There's nothing beautiful about sin and to me overeating and not taking the best care of the body I was given is sin. You have to call it what it is before you can begin to deal with it really. I believe everyone on here is beautiful, however I hope that just because someone says you're beautiful doesn't mean you stay where you are at. God bless... <3