Who has only 1200 calories per day?



  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member
    myfitnesspal usually gives me 1200 if I use their calculator. I usually eat more than that. I am 5'2 and 141. I suspect it is my height.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    It's what you eat that adds up to 1,200 calories per day that determines if you are hungry on a diet. Really, I force myself to 1200 every day and sometimes I can't reach it.
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    MFP tried to set me at 1,200 originally but I changed it to 1,300. That was still too low. I'm trying 1,430 for the time being.
  • katm427
    katm427 Posts: 227 Member
    My BMR is only 1557, so setting mine to 1200 makes sense for a net intake level.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    MFP assigned me 1200 calories and that calculation conforms to the points I was given by Weight Watchers and has been approved by my doctors. What I have found works for me is to vary over or under 1200 a day. I don't go too low or too high, and sometimes I'll eat back the exercise calories, some days not, sometimes only a few. The variations seem to keep the body from getting into a rut. I seem to hit plateaus unless I mix it up a little each day.
  • SEG22
    SEG22 Posts: 5
    I've been following 1200 for 2 weeks as set by MFP and find that if I eat the right types of food, it is possible to not be hungry all day. I also eat more when I exercise. MFP says that I burn 1600 a day just living so it would make sense that if I want to lost weight I would need to eat under that. When I am at my target weight I will then look to maintain, increasing the calories.

    Eating 1200 and feeling fine jut makes me realise how I much I used to eat!
  • 1200 Calories and made it through my first week today day 8. I try to be creative at meal times low calorie foods that gives me a full feeling and always divide up the protein through my 3 main meals. It seemed to get easier as the week went. I do not eat my exercise calories because I need to loose this weight but if I go slightly over in calories I know I can exercise a little longer.
  • indrani1947
    indrani1947 Posts: 178 Member
    MFP set mine at 1200 which I find unsustainable long term, so I upper it to 1300 but have not lost any since then! I exercise to up my calories to a more sustainable level around 1500 a day. I'm only just overweight, and MFP only had me loosing 0.5 lb on 1200 cals ugh!!!
  • I'm only mildly active, and only 5'3", so I'm set at 1200 a day. It's actually pretty easy to do. After I work out I normally have around a grand daily total of 1500 calories. I eat back about half of my earned calories, but try and leave some left over. I find it's daunting at the beginning seeing such a 'small' number. And cutting back is hard and frustrating. I did get hungry at lot in the beginning too. But once I learned what would keep me fuller longer without destroying my cal intake, it was all uphill from there.
  • Pattinan
    Pattinan Posts: 42 Member
    I am set at 1200 because I plugged in that I'd like to lose 2lb a week. MFP wont go below 1200 so it tells me I could lose 1.6/wk on 1200 ca. I am presently 5'10" and weigh 169.3. I was 191 when I began MFP on Dec 2. I feel my best at 150. That is the weight I spent most my younger years at. (145-150). I am 52. I have learned to stay within that ca range while trying to reduce. I find it workable. I am not walking around hungry. My issue is that I eat impulsively and compulsively...so I do better with a guideline like this. I need structure. The daily diary helps me. I try to plan the eating ahead of time to keep the numbers in line. I look forward to reaching my goal but have done that before. Maintenance is my constant challenge.
  • Eating 1200 and feeling fine jut makes me realise how I much I used to eat!

    It's crazy isn't it? I don't even want to think about the calories I was eating before. I know though that my 1200 is so tiny compared to what it used to be. And I feel healthy and satisfied at the end of the day, instead of just full and uncomfortable. It's a real eyeopener when I compare the two lifestyles.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I always see people who have their calories set on 1200 per day. Why so low?

    I weigh 160, am 5'5", and have mine set at 1600. That's without eating back exercise calories. I have my settings on lightly active, as I am a teacher. I generally exercise 5x/week. I could NOT get by on 1200 calories per day.

    How do you all do it?

    This is where I tell most people to start is 1600. Its better to create a deficit by working out than eating at 1200 and killing metabolism!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I think 1200 is the 2 pound a week setting. Some days I can easily stay close to 1200 (especially when I've worked out for at least a half hour) but I have mine set at a pound a week which allows me 1580 cals and gives me enough wiggle room for days that I don't workout. I try to keep it close to 1200 net though as much as I can.
  • Havend1
    Havend1 Posts: 52 Member
    How did you manage to lose 100 lbs? Please tell me what you did.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    mine is on 1200 but i also eat some of my exersice cal back to,
    i eat loads if you don't belive just look at my diary....:drinker:
  • karin_s
    karin_s Posts: 11
    Good advice. Mine is set there too
  • On Biggest Loser behind the scenes it says
    Meal plans: The trainers set a daily calorie limit for each contestant — around 1,200 for women, 1,800 for men.

    High-calorie day Once a week women can eat 1,800 to 2,000 calories; men 2,500 to 3,000. The idea is to have something they love so that they won't feel deprived.

    I figure if that is sufficient for them and they work out like 6+ hours per day I could never work out that much and it has seemed to work for me so far....
  • becky2967
    becky2967 Posts: 124
    i had mine on 1,300 for 4weeks but now im on 1,750 i couldnt manage i was sooo hungry, i like to walk about 5mile aday & i never eat back exercise calories but i do make sure i eat 1,700 atleast each day. x
  • 1 am 5'2" and 134. I am starting to become a runner. Been working at it for a year and I want to get down to a better weight for running - 120 pounds would be nice. When I am not in a weight loss mode but a maintain mode my calories, with no exercise is at 1500. I do "eat back" some of my calories when I exercise. I use them to reward myself with a class of wine or other treat. I have started incorporating running and weight training so I do not get as hung up on a weight number as I do how I feel overall. How much jiggle is there when I am running? For me, the 1200 calories works because I drink a lot of water and eat soups or stews and those fill me up at lunch. For breakfast I enjoy a 100 calorie bagel or English Muffin with peanut butter - the protein is a must. It is all in the food choices. I like Luna Bars for those days when I crave a sugary candy bar. There are many options out there to help stay in the calorie allotment and still feel satisfied.
  • curious376
    curious376 Posts: 16 Member
    I have 1200 calories per day