My Plateau Nutrition Story, Learn from my mistakes.



  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Thanks for sharing!!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Thank you. I've just e-mailed my personal trainer, because she's had me on too low calories this week. Only leaves me with 800 cal for BMR. I've had a rotten headache all week; partly lack of sleep, but it feels like a low blood sugar headache. I think - know - I need to up my calories by 400-600. No wonder I plateaued this week.

  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU -- I've been going through the same thing lately, and jumping up and down the same 4 lbs. over and over again. And I'm 4 lbs. from goal, so I've hit goal momentarily and then jumped right back up. FRUSTRATING.

    I'm not one of those 1,200 a day girls who's afraid of eating. I've ALWAYS eaten back my exercise calories, and even gone over 100-200 calories over THAT number a few days a week, feeling (instinctively, and physically) like I needed more. I even adjusted my macros to get more protein, made sure I got comparable body fat measurements (done w/calipers at our work gym). But I was still feeling reluctant to up the calories on my MFP settings w/out some kind of concrete logic behind the number I moved to.

    Once I did the calculations you laid out, I see I should probably be at about 1,700 a day + exercise calories rather than the 1,480 + exercise cals I'm given now. It also makes me feel better about going into maintenance mode with some mathematical reason for the jump.

    I'm going to try this and see where I am in a few weeks. Thanks for the advice! :flowerforyou:
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    Thank you! Great post.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Nice post.

    If anyone wants an easier method of calculating their calories using Katch McArdle rather than doing it manually then use this link:

    Select "Advanced Options" and check the Katch McCardle box.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Nice post.

    If anyone wants an easier method of calculating their calories using Katch McArdle rather than doing it manually then use this link:

    Select "Advanced Options" and check the Katch McCardle box.

    YAY, thank you!!
  • Ive only been doing this for 3 days so am very new to this.

    My net for yesterday was -510.

    My intake was meant to be 2080 but i cycled to and from work which burnt off 3000 calories...

    Should i there for be eating more or as i have just started not worry about it at the mo?
    How do you know your burning 3000 calories cycling? I began cycling over the summer and I wear a heart rate monitor almost everyday and barely ever came close to 1400 after an hour and a half of hard cycling. Not calling you a liar, so don't take offense :) Just saying don't rely of MFP estimates for there stuff. Want to figure it out really? Go buy this and you'll thank me every day :)
    This will help you keep track of calories burned.

    Now if you truly are burning 3000 calories and you end at a net -600 you're body and it's organs are eating themselves for energy. My suggestion if you are burning 3000 calories, which i'm still very leery of, you better start eating a metric ton.

    I have a polar cs200 cad already.

    According to that I burn off between 1250 - 1400 each way.

    I have a few large hills that I have to go up and tend to average between 12 - 15 mph
    The distance I cover is 32 miles.

    I weight in at just over 19.5 stone and am 6.4"

    I used to do the journey in under 1hr each way at a faster pace but have not been riding much over the last year so my fitness levels have gone down.

    With all this in mind what sort if calories should I be taking in?
  • fit443
    fit443 Posts: 93 Member
    Ive only been doing this for 3 days so am very new to this.

    My net for yesterday was -510.

    My intake was meant to be 2080 but i cycled to and from work which burnt off 3000 calories...

    Should i there for be eating more or as i have just started not worry about it at the mo?
    How do you know your burning 3000 calories cycling? I began cycling over the summer and I wear a heart rate monitor almost everyday and barely ever came close to 1400 after an hour and a half of hard cycling. Not calling you a liar, so don't take offense :) Just saying don't rely of MFP estimates for there stuff. Want to figure it out really? Go buy this and you'll thank me every day :)
    This will help you keep track of calories burned.

    Now if you truly are burning 3000 calories and you end at a net -600 you're body and it's organs are eating themselves for energy. My suggestion if you are burning 3000 calories, which i'm still very leery of, you better start eating a metric ton.

    I have a polar cs200 cad already.

    According to that I burn off between 1250 - 1400 each way.

    I have a few large hills that I have to go up and tend to average between 12 - 15 mph
    The distance I cover is 32 miles.

    I weight in at just over 19.5 stone and am 6.4"

    I used to do the journey in under 1hr each way at a faster pace but have not been riding much over the last year so my fitness levels have gone down.

    With all this in mind what sort if calories should I be taking in?

    You need to go to the site listed a few posts up and fill in your data.
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Awesome post. Thanks!
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Well said!!! And thank you for the FACTS!
  • Thanks you for sharing your story, I will give it a try.
  • I havent plateaued yet, but I am on this unhealthy eating path. It can be really hard for some people, aka me, to change their habits though :/
  • MaynardLD50
    MaynardLD50 Posts: 36 Member
    Glad everyone is benefiting from this. I knew someone out there would be feeling or going through the same exact thing I experienced. I'm currently reading about 6 medical studies that were forwarded to me about calorie cycling. I'm learning more now than I thought I ever could.

    Thanks for posting that link to the Katch McArdle calculator. One thing I would recommend with everyone on here is to do the long hand version of this to get to know your calories intimately. I know that sounds like a funny innuendo, but doing the math, calculating them is pretty damn rewarding. In my opinion it almost helps you remember them better and really understand what you're shooting for. If you're terrible at math and can't even grasp it the calculator is pretty darn accurate :)
  • bump
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Eat more people!!

    I think you'll find there are laws against eating people. :noway:

    Was thinking the same thing. :bigsmile:
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    bump for later
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    The professional dieters should be given this story as required reading.

    Will they ever get it?

    I hope so, or they'll all die fat.
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    This should be the introduction from MFP for new starters and starvers.
  • Hi , Thank you for sharing your thoughts/story and resources. I run into a similiar problem back 6-7 years ago when I was down 60 lbs but was working very hard to get lower but it wasn't working...a dietitian told me I wasn't eating enough...seems odd but it sounds like it true. This info was relayed after the fact ( I doing it on my own) when I was already off the tracks and gaining those pounds back. So here I am educating myself so I don't end up in the same way this time and also I have to have a lifesyle - weight I can live in when I reach goal weight. Excerising 6 days a week is not going to be my life style...I believe 3 time a week of intentional exercise plus being active needs to be the level I can live with.
    I have lost over 30 lbs in the last year, took a bit of a vacation over the month of Dec. now I'm here at MFP to have the help and support I need. I have lost the 30 lbswithout any intentional exercise....I think my mind/body is still in some way rejecting the idea because of the amount I used to do it the past....I just don't want to do that again....I didn't seem to mind it when I was doing it but there is certainly a blockage there now. I have a treadmill at home which I'm going to start using at least 3 times a week
    would someone please help hold me accountable !!! I know I have to do it myself...but you could challenge me on sticking to my goals. I have two wonderful vacation trips coming up in April and I'm celebrating my 50th B-Day in I have some good incentive goals-which I love to have to help make those healthy decissions.
    Thank you for listening to my story. I'm interested in the book you related to in your message...does the author refer to women in this book or is it mainly for men?
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Eat more people!!

    I think you'll find there are laws against eating people. :noway:

    Was thinking the same thing. :bigsmile:

    Punctuation is everything!