I almost ate pizza!!! :(



  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    If you are craving the cheese, maybe try some string cheese melted on your veggies?
  • TriciaAnnette
    TriciaAnnette Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with allowing yourself the slice with a salad. I have pizza at times...try to make it veggie pizza..happens to be what I like and even when I do go overboard with it once in awhile, there is no major damage done...some water weight fromt he sodium that is flushed out with some extra water the next day. I don't believe in depriving myself for my goals...there are foods I can let go of no problem, there are others that I will have when I desire in moderation...it is a lifestyle and it has to be something that can be lived with.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'd have a little sad frowny face if I "almost" ate pizza, too.

    I've had pizza (usually half of a Digiorno Rising Crust) at least once a week, every week, since I started on here. It was one of my dealbreakers... I didn't want to feel deprived and that anything was off limits. I'd rather work harder to earn enough calories and have the double bonus of being insanely fit and athletic AND enjoying what I was eating. :smile:
  • Pappabacon
    Pappabacon Posts: 104 Member
    I had pizza for breakfast this morning. I don't think it is a big deal as I am a believer in calories in/calories out. Whenever I try to "diet" and not eat the food I want because it might have a high fat or carb content I fail. When I eat what I want in moderation, while eating within my MFP calorie goal, I am much more successful at not going on binge and eating a ton of crap. Whatever works for each person, so good for you!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    WHAT A GREAT JOB!!! Actions like this are what will give you results!

    I can't believe people are telling you to eat pizza! That cracks me up! This is a lifestyle change. You are doing great.

    To all who told her to eat pizza as a reward....she said she is trying to NOT eat cheese and bread for awhile. I'm sure she does treat herself every now and then, but this cracks me up. You cant always eat what you want.

    Abs are made in the kitchen...eating clean foods....

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    WHAT A GREAT JOB!!! Actions like this are what will give you results!

    I can't believe people are telling you to eat pizza! That cracks me up! This is a lifestyle change. You are doing great.

    To all who told her to eat pizza as a reward....she said she is trying to NOT eat cheese and bread for awhile. I'm sure she does treat herself every now and then, but this cracks me up. You cant always eat what you want.

    Abs are made in the kitchen...eating clean foods....

    You can always eat what you want if you plan well and hit your macros with room to spare. And you're right abs are made in the kitchen, by creating a caloric deficit you will lose bodyfat. "Clean" foods are not a necessity to lose bodyfat
  • kimamon
    kimamon Posts: 19
    I agree with a lot of other people, one slice with a nice salad as a main meal is fine( If you can trust yourself to just stop at one!) A lifestyle change doesn't mean you have to give up totally on things you love.It's just training yourself to portion control unhealthy treats. This way you are more likely to keep to it long term. saying that well done for having will power! Keep up the good work.
  • jessicak0614
    jessicak0614 Posts: 42 Member
    I just had a serving of organic margherita pizza. 220 calories and 8 grams of fat. I think it's a happy medium. I get my pizza fix but it's not horribly bad for you.
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    I had a greasy piece this morning for breakfast. Pizza can be okay. If you have choice go for thin crust and veggies.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member

    You can always eat what you want if you plan well and hit your macros with room to spare. And you're right abs are made in the kitchen, by creating a caloric deficit you will lose bodyfat. "Clean" foods are not a necessity to lose bodyfat

    I think I :heart: you.
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    There's nothing wrong with having a slice of pizza every now and then. I don't see the point in depriving yourself. Honestly, it's just going to make you miserable in the end.

    I agree with the other suggestions. A slice of pizza and a salad. That sounds good!
  • mblanchard0625
    mblanchard0625 Posts: 74 Member
    try these!

    Had the Portabello Pizza last night - really good!

    I think I will be trying the butternut squash pizza next weekend.
  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    I have one day a week when I ignore my calorie goal and eat whatever I want (I still record it). Makes being good on other days easy
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    i had pizzq yesterday. I have been doing this for the last 15 months. I eat everything i want... Not in the quantity i want or as often as i want. What ever float your boat but just make sure the ”lifestyle” do not end up with a binge.
  • SLT4273
    SLT4273 Posts: 56
    Why not eat one slice plus a side salad? Losing weight doesn't have to be about deprivation.

    This....^^^^ This is your life and NOT a diet. It isn't about deprivation. It is more about moderation. Having a slice of pizza isn't the end of the world. You can't live your life having foods that are off limits or telling yourself "No! You can't have _____". This will lead to resentment and eventually? You'll likely have a big ole binge on all the "No" foods.

    amen to this.
  • jid314
    jid314 Posts: 71
    What's wrong with eating pizza? I eat half a pizza from Domino's for a meal every week. If it fits in our calories, why does it matter? A large slice of cheese pizza from Domino's is like 220 calories.
  • tessa3r
    tessa3r Posts: 7 Member
    Good for you in resisting temptation. When you are allowing yourself to eat cheese and bread again, look for thin crust and healthier alternatives. Some of the chain pizzerias give nutritional info so you can make healthier choices. Just make sure your boyfriend and others who you will be eating with know what your current goals are so you can all find a happy medium :)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I like pizza.
  • jid314
    jid314 Posts: 71
    I like turtles.
  • laura328
    laura328 Posts: 136 Member
    cheese is my problem too. instead of depriving yourself or indulging in that grease bomb, do what i did today. i had a 1/2 sandwich slim with seasoned tomato sauce, mushrooms and a weight watchers string cheese shredded up on top. tasted like pizza and i wasn't bad at all!