Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow - Join Me?



  • Count me in! I was thinking about starting this and no time like NOW!
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    I bought my DVD today at Target, $9. I'll be starting tomorrow, we'll see how long I can keep this up. I'm sure I'll be on Level 1 for quite a while.
    I haven't used a DVD before, but I think that having someone to tell me what to do is exactly what I need. Usually I just do something until I don't feel like doing it anymore. That typically causes me to stop when I am only slightly uncomfortable.
  • easuess
    easuess Posts: 53 Member
    Wow! I finished Day 1, Level 1 today. Afterwards my arms felt really jiggly! (I have almost no upper body strength, because I don't do much but walk/jog typically.)

    This is really going to be a challenge. Can't wait for Day 2!

    Please feel free to add me, everyone.
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I would just like to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you.

    I woke up this morning feeling a little down (turning the big 4-0 and anticipating a rough day at work tomorrow). I checked my email, then clicked over to MFP. Because of the inspiration that I got from this thread, I jumped out of bed, got dressed, and dusted of my copy of 30DS. I had to stop a few times because I got nauseous and felt like I wanted to die, but I pushed through (albeit doing a lot of the modified versions of the workout) and I FINISHED IT! I then went for a walk outside for a bit. This afternoon I am sore, but I can't wait to get home tomorrow from work and do it again. Maybe I can finally do a pushup or two by the end of the week. :laugh:

    Not sure when I'll be moving on to Level 2. Apparently I am severely out of shape (I even had trouble doing the stretches during the cool down!), so I am going to stick with Level 1 until it feels good and comfortable.

    Good luck to all of you amazing women. :drinker:
  • AlexPflug
    AlexPflug Posts: 132 Member
    I just bought the video. I'd love to add a few of you to keep me accountable. I'm worried I'm too heavy to do this workout, but I want this weight gone. I want to lose 15-20 pounds in the 30 days.
  • starting this tomorrow morning - please add me, i want to be held accountable this time! Xx
  • naia16
    naia16 Posts: 35
    I would just like to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you.

    I woke up this morning feeling a little down (turning the big 4-0 and anticipating a rough day at work tomorrow). I checked my email, then clicked over to MFP. Because of the inspiration that I got from this thread, I jumped out of bed, got dressed, and dusted of my copy of 30DS. I had to stop a few times because I got nauseous and felt like I wanted to die, but I pushed through (albeit doing a lot of the modified versions of the workout) and I FINISHED IT! I then went for a walk outside for a bit. This afternoon I am sore, but I can't wait to get home tomorrow from work and do it again. Maybe I can finally do a pushup or two by the end of the week. :laugh:

    Not sure when I'll be moving on to Level 2. Apparently I am severely out of shape (I even had trouble doing the stretches during the cool down!), so I am going to stick with Level 1 until it feels good and comfortable.

    Good luck to all of you amazing women. :drinker:
  • naia16
    naia16 Posts: 35
    ^^^^^sorry..meant to reply..not just to quote. just turned 40 last month so i'm right there with you. just started the 30ds today and i had to stop too as i felt nauseous..but like you i did complete it! :) good for you! and happy birthday! :) just remember..age is just a number and it's how you feel that counts. i still feel like i'm in my early thirties. i can't even believe i'm actually 40! lol
  • danalee83
    danalee83 Posts: 63 Member
    Starting tomorrow! I am excited and need all the motivation I can get! Good luck to everyone ;)
  • Jaimepm
    Jaimepm Posts: 17
    Just finished day six with a day or two in between, starting to feel stronger! I was able to jog 2 miles (training for a half marathon in May) Hope you all have a good day!
  • dorkynerd
    dorkynerd Posts: 23 Member
    I am on day 13 of the 30 day shred. (Level 1) It is going really good. I will say the hardest days were 3 and 4. I had to PUSH myself to do the DVD those days, but it has paid off! I remember the first day I didn't even finish the DVD. Now I get through it and want alittle more. I have tried level 2 once. I about died. I need to get more strength before I attempt that.

    Good luck! You can do this! Its well worth it! And remember " Its fear leaving the body" You will get that part once you start the workout.
  • Yes..I have it..It's game! I will join you...:smile:
  • I just finished D1L1. I am already sore and can barely lift my arms. I'm walking around like a T-Rex.

    I started today!! And I feel the same legs are feeling alittle bit unsteady
  • mackenzierain
    mackenzierain Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in! I just started today as well.
  • Will have to join this even when I have to go get the DVD. Count me in.:huh:
  • gdc1979
    gdc1979 Posts: 22
    Wow...alot of peeps doing this i thought i would give it a go....ive just completed day 2 of level one...its great...gets your heart rate up, helps you tone up..i use it as an extra session that i can do at home.

    good luck everyone!
  • cashnhaydensmama
    cashnhaydensmama Posts: 41 Member
    My husband and I are starting this tonight after the kiddos go to bed! (My hubby is actually in really good shape already, but he's just doing this to help motivate me :smile: ) Good Luck to everyone!!!
  • fightin2bFit
    fightin2bFit Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to join you! I bought the DVD around March of last year when I was at the peak of my "2011 New Years Resolution for Weight Loss" but never did complete the full 30 days :( But that is the past. It is a new year and I am ready to make my weight loss goals happen for real. I would love to complete the 30 days this go around and would appreciate any extra support and motivation!
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I did get the video today at Target and a new Leslie Sansone video. I did the 30ds level 1. I made it through. I had to do a modification a few times but made it all of the way through. My legs are the sorest right now. But, I am proud to say I at least finished it.
  • superkrystal
    superkrystal Posts: 3 Member
    Im in. i started dec 28th or 29th and lost motivation, butNO MORE EXCUSES!! Add me as a friend people I want contacts lol